The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 557 Didn’t you agree not to chat during the battle?

Although it is currently in the 'peace negotiation' stage, the other party has not yet agreed.

Therefore, it is very reasonable for Bell to be ruthless.

He definitely had no intention of using words to make the other party relax their vigilance and then find a flaw to defeat the enemy with one strike.

Just kidding, he, Bell, has always been aboveboard (officially certified by his sister), how could he do something so insidious and cunning.

Those are all misunderstandings about him caused by people who don't know the truth.

Rays of golden light penetrated the metal tornado and completely scattered it.

Wu Shuang, who was surrounded by a golden shield, appeared in Bell's eyes again unscathed.

"Why bother?

It took me more than ten years to finally accumulate 62 consecutive victories, how could it be easily broken here! "

Wu Shuang let out a thundering roar.

Over the years, every time he accumulated 2 or 30 consecutive wins, he would lose. He couldn't remember how many times he had done this.

This time, he finally broke through and achieved a glorious record of 62 consecutive victories. Seeing a hundred consecutive victories in sight, he must continue to win no matter what!

So, what was the wrong string in his mind that made him choose the path of formation cultivation? ?

If he had cultivated his sword or body back then, maybe he would have achieved a hundred consecutive victories, right?

Of course, although such thoughts often pop up in his mind, Wu Shuang actually does not regret embarking on the path of formation cultivation at all, and has never thought of changing his family.

There is no way, who told him that he just loves these damn magic circles!

When he was a child, after learning about the existence of the Kyushu Guardian Formation for the first time, he became deeply obsessed with the majestic and mysterious formation.

It is his ultimate dream to create a peerless formation that can rival the Kyushu Guardian Formation.

"Winning streak?"

The wand swung to the right, and the ever-changing blade passed through it, splitting the giant rock hand in two.

Bell rubbed his chin, and after thinking for a while, he remembered what Ma Jingjing said last night.

"Oh! You said that!

Brother, I'm not telling you, how can you count the competition with the students in your winning streak?

You will be looked down upon by others. "

Winning streak is not just about finding a random person, having a fight, and then winning.

It must be an evenly matched opponent in order to gain people's recognition.

Otherwise, there are more than a hundred 5-year-old babies out there, and Bell can achieve the achievement of "Hundred Kills" in less than a minute.

So who would admire him?

It would be nice not to be despised by the whole world!

"Student? Ha! How do you look like a student?"

Seeing the giant silver-white metal snake rushing toward him, Wu Shuang quickly reversed the Five Elements Rotation Formation in front of him and blocked the giant snake.

With the power of this kind of attack, if he were to practice in another formation, he would probably be completely cold and still a student.

Please give me some face!

"No, I don't look like a student anymore?

Just kidding, I'm only 15 years old this year, but I'm still a real baby!

If you don’t believe me, look at my ID card. "

With that said, Bell took out a small card from his arms and threw it to Wu Shuang from a distance.

"You're a British brat, where did you get your Chinese ID card?"

A wall of earth rose up, blocking the front of Bell's 'ID'.

As you can see, the moment it came into contact with the 'ID card', the earthen wall was corroded into a pool of black-purple liquid, and bubbles could be seen exploding on the surface of the liquid.

Even from a long distance away, Wu Shuang could sense a dangerous aura from the unknown liquid.

Looking at Bell who looked calm in the distance, as if nothing had happened, the corners of Wu Shuang's eyes twitched uncontrollably.

Even in these few hours of fighting, he had fully realized the insidiousness and cunning of the other party.

But the other party's ability to do all kinds of shameless things with a nonchalant expression made him want to write the word "Go" in capital letters.

Are all British wizards so limitless?

‘Tsk~! ’

Bell, who had no idea that he had set a new limit for British wizards, smacked his lips in displeasure.

By the way, this guy is too cautious!

Presumably his father and the other party have a common language?

"Even without an ID card, I am still 15 years old and just a student. If you compete with a student like this, other gentlemen will look down upon you!"

"As a student, you are stronger than many gentlemen, and you are fully qualified to add to my winning streak."

The Five Elements Rotation Formation in front of him turned green, and thick trees rushed out of the formation and moved toward Bell.

After the trees were cut off by Bell using Thousand Changes, the magic circle instantly turned red. Raging flames spurted out, igniting the broken wood, erupting into a higher temperature and spreading towards Bell.

Using fire escape and wood escape at the same time, Bell broke out of the siege of flames under the protection of Qian Bian.

"I'm kidding, how can I be better than the gentlemen?

Go out and ask the gentlemen outside, am I better than them? "

Bell said dissatisfied.

He hates it when others 'slander' him.

As for whether gentlemen will admit that Bell is better than themselves and others?

How can you admit this?

Ahem! No, this is not a question of admitting it or not, but that Bell is not as strong as them!

Just kidding, as gentlemen from Yandu Academy, they can be considered respectable people, okay?

If they can't beat a 15-year-old student, then where do they lose their face?

And if Bell were a Chinese monk, it would be easier to say.

The emergence of another genius in the world of monks can be regarded as a happy event.

But the problem now is that Bell is a wizard from England.

If they admitted that they were inferior to each other, wouldn't they be embarrassing the Chinese monks?

If you are not careful, you will become a national sinner!

They can't carry such a big pot.

So this little foreign devil is no better than them!

...50-50 at most.

"I don't care! Anyway, I just want to make you today!"

Wu Shuang said angrily after blocking Bell's annihilation curse again.

As a colleague for many years, how could he not know the thoughts of those shameless guys?

Not to mention other people, even him looked a little confused at the moment.

He never thought before that this competition would end up in such a stalemate situation.

And this was one of the reasons why he felt so angry.


After smacking his lips, Bell was speechless.

This is really a good reincarnation, God will spare no one.

Usually he always clamored to kill someone else, but today someone finally insisted on killing him.

"Brother Wu, look, school starts tomorrow, and I still have to go to class. As a teacher, you also have to give lectures to the students, right? It's not an option to continue like this!"

Although Bell's remaining magic power is simply impossible to last until tomorrow morning, or even tonight.

But that doesn't stop him from deceiving people.

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