The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 550: One wave only calms down, another wave rises

"Victor, Bel Menethil!"

After staring at Bell for a while, the gentleman in charge of the referee finally announced reluctantly.

This is the last test of today's test. Bell's opponent was a muscular physique with a horse-racing arm.

However, although the figure of this bodybuilder looked very intimidating, under the control of Bell's exquisite magic spell, he was unable to touch Bell from the beginning to the end.

This is also the most embarrassing part of the physical training route.

Before the ability to control spiritual power is improved to a certain level, physical training is completely incapable of long-range attack capabilities.

Of course, they can also choose to take out their staffs and cast spells while getting closer.

But for these fanatical muscle lovers, that is simply a blasphemy against their faith!

Therefore, they would not do that unless it was a life and death battle.

This also leads to the fact that when facing an opponent who is stronger than themselves, the physical practitioners often cannot even reach the edge of the opponent, thus losing ugly.

Seeing Bell, who was spotless and standing calmly in the field, everyone had mixed emotions.

Although due to the competition system, the first place in the competition has a lot of luck. It doesn't mean that the two people who entered the finals are necessarily better than everyone else.

For example, the physical practitioner who was Bell's opponent was only ranked in the upper reaches among the third-year students in the Upper House. There are several students with comparable strength.

But no matter what, when Bell, a British wizard who had just arrived for less than a day, won the first place, the students and gentlemen of the academy would always feel ashamed.

After scanning the weird atmosphere in the arena, Bell, who was too lazy to give a victory speech, walked silently to the bottom of the ring.

There, his sister and girlfriend were excited and ready to welcome him back in victory.

"Hahahaha! I saw it right! You really have a lot of tricks up your sleeve!

You must not have enjoyed the competition just now, right? How about it, do you want to have a game with me? "

There was a loud bang, and Wu Shuang, who had met at the teleportation circle last night, suddenly fell from the sky and hit the ring behind Bell.

He looked at Bell with excitement. Looking at that posture, if he hadn't taken Bell's identity as a British wizard into consideration and was afraid of causing diplomatic problems, he would have hit Bell on the head just now and wouldn't have given Bell a choice.

"Uh, Mr. Wu Shuang, is this appropriate?"

Belle asked uncertainly.

Speaking from the bottom of his heart, he really wanted to try fighting with the other party.

He could feel that this Mr. Wu Shuang had a completely different aura than the gentlemen around him who were responsible for hosting competitions and maintaining order.

He even felt that even if the other gentlemen came together, they might not be able to match Mr. Wu Shuang.

This can be seen from the way the other gentlemen immediately fell silent after Wu Shuang appeared.

"Is there anything inappropriate? Do any of you object?"

As he spoke, Wu Shuang glanced around at the people below the ring.

And there was only silence in response to him.

The gentlemen all lowered their heads, looked at their eyes, nose and heart, without saying a word.

Just kidding, they don't want that demon king to target them.

As the chief formation master of Yandu Academy, if the other party really wants to cause trouble for them, even if the dean comes, it may not be easy.

And since the gentlemen have stopped talking, it is even less likely that a group of students who are afraid of chaos in the world will object.

They wish there was more fun to watch.

“If no one speaks, that means everyone agrees.

How about it, boy Bell, please tell me whether to fight or not! "

Wu Shuang urged impatiently.

He hates people who do things like mother-in-law and mother-in-law.


Coincidentally, Bell also hates mother-in-law people.

Therefore, after seeing that no one of the many gentlemen present stood up to express objections, he agreed to the opponent's invitation to fight without hesitation.

At the same time, he waved his hand behind him, motioning for Zannah and Hermione to step back.

No matter what, this Mr. Wu Shuang must be better than Ma Jingjing, right?

In addition, according to Ma Jingjing, the opponent is still a formation cultivator, so the scope of the next battle will definitely be large.

To be on the safe side, it would be better for Zannah and Hermione, especially Hermione, to stay away.

"Okay! It's fun enough!

Let's fight somewhere else, otherwise these people will get in the way and we won't be able to have much fun when the time comes. "

As he spoke, Wu Shuang took out a formation plate from his arms and threw it into the air.

The array disk quickly grew in size, and eventually turned into a huge disk with a diameter of about 10 meters.

"follow me!"

After greeting Bell, Wu Shuang jumped up and fell into the formation.

As the distance from the formation plate got closer, Wu Shuang's figure became smaller. After completely entering the formation, in the eyes of everyone outside, Wu Shuang seemed to be a thumb-sized villain from Lilliput.

He took a curious look at the formation disk in front of him. This technique of opening up different spaces was even better than the Traceless Stretch Spell.

The Traceless Stretch Spell cannot change the relative sizes of people and objects inside and outside the space.

Temporarily suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Bell didn't want to keep the other party waiting for too long, it would be too rude.

Thinking that after the competition was over, he and Wu Shuang could use this array to study it, and Bell also jumped into the array.

As soon as he entered the array, Bell discovered that it was much bigger than he had imagined.

There are not only mountains, rivers and trees here, but also rivers and lakes. If you add some animals and insects, it can be called a world of its own.

"How about it? This mountain and river plate was specially made by me for competition.

Here, you can cast your own spells to your heart's content without worrying about spreading outside.

In addition, please rest assured that I have not made any arrangements in advance here, and the competition is absolutely fair and impartial. "

Wu Shuang said to Bell with a showy look.

"You are joking, of course I believe in your character. So, can we start?"

It was already getting late, so he finished typing quickly, as he was still in a hurry to eat.

"Haha! You can start at any time, come on as much as you like!

You can also use the magic props of your wizards as much as you like. After all, it is no longer an entrance test. "

Wu Shuang stood there and waved, indicating that Bell could start attacking.

Although Formation Cultivator is a profession that relies heavily on the first move, but after all the age gap is here, he can't afford to be the first to launch the attack.

And after reaching his level, the impact of whether to act first or second is no longer that big.

Everything still depends on adaptability during the battle.

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