The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 55 Bell has a friend

Just as the troll fainted, Bell burst out laughing.

Regarding Professor Dumbledore's operation, Bell can only say that it is too exaggerated and can only give it 1 point, no more. By the way, the perfect score is also 100 points.

Not to mention that Ron's floating spell was not successfully cast at all. Even if he could successfully cast the levitating spell, it would be impossible for an ordinary 11-year-old wizard to control a large wooden stick several meters long to levitate with his magical skills. Not to mention that this wooden stick is still held in the hand of a giant monster. Adult wizards generally cannot cast such a powerful floating spell, otherwise everyone will be able to fly.

The magic spell is not as powerful as whoever has the loudest voice. Even Hermione, the best in this class, can only levitate a teacup with the Levitation Charm. So Bell really can't imagine how Dumbledore will get back together in the future?

And I don’t know what Dumbledore was thinking, actually arranging an adult troll to train the little savior. This is really over the top.

Doesn't Dumbledore know that you can't become fat in one sitting? He wasn't afraid that Harry would be strangled to death? Of course, holding on to death here does not mean actually losing your life. After all, it would be difficult for both Harry and Harry to die as a level 100 tuba trainer.

Bell understood that Dumbledore wanted to cultivate Harry's courage and confidence, but excessive confidence was arrogance, and he didn't know what Harry would become in the end. But no matter what, it has nothing to do with Bell. He is just a passing melon-eater.

The next day, Bell came to the auditorium for breakfast.

When the number of people in the auditorium gradually increased, Bell quietly used magic to enhance his hearing and discovered that all the young wizards in Gryffindor House knew about the fact that Harry and Ron killed the troll last night. They were making a loud noise, and anyone who appeared in their sight, except for the students of Slytherin House, would be pulled by them to tell them about last night's events, and everyone looked proud.

However, what was most incredible to Bell and what he couldn't accept was that none of them doubted the authenticity of the matter!

Hey, that’s not true! ? Didn't anyone give a second thought to the possibility of two freshmen defeating a giant monster? What did Dumbledore do to make the students at Hogwarts so stupid? Could it be that last night, without Bell noticing, Old Deng used the 'Forgetting Curse' on all the students in Gryffindor House, modifying their memories?

It's really scary to think about it, will he fall for it one day? After all, he can't defeat Dumbledore now. Otherwise, he should stop going to Hogwarts and go home to be with his sister! ?

While Bell was assessing the feasibility of the 'routine' he had just thought of, Harry and Ron walked into the Great Hall.

Watching Ron happily recounting last night's thrilling adventure. Bell was really drunk. He realized that old age is still hotter. Dumbledore was worthy of being Dumbledore. Was he the only one who was innocent?

"Hey, Bell." Bell's roommate Michael greeted, "Did you hear? Harry Potter actually defeated a troll last night!"

"Hey!? Wasn't it Ron who defeated the troll?"

Bell witnessed it 'with his own eyes' last night. Although technically it was the troll defeated by Dumbledore, from a scene perspective, it was indeed the spell 'cast' by Ron.

As for Harry? If Bell were him, the first thing he would do when he returned to the lounge would be to throw the wand into the fireplace and burn it. When Harry poked the troll with his wand last night, he stuck it into the troll's nostril.

"Ron? Who is that? Is there a professor with that name in our school?"

Michael thought about it doubtfully for a while, but couldn't remember it, so he put it aside.

"Everyone says that Harry Potter defeated the troll that broke into the castle last night. He is indeed the boy who defeated the mysterious man!"

Seeing Michael's expression of wonder and admiration, Bell suddenly understood.

Turns out it was Harry's fame that was at play. After all, he is the 'Boy Who Lived'. Even Voldemort, who was in his prime, was able to defeat Voldemort when he was less than 1 year old. It is probably not surprising to everyone that such a cheating existence can do something surprising. Bar.

That night, after Bell and Hermione officially became friends, not only did the two often read and study together in the library, but during class, Bell was also forced to sit together by Hermione.

In fact, Bell strongly resisted this matter at the beginning. Of course, it's not because of her ugliness or anything, but because Hermione always sits at the front of the classroom, closest to the professors. But Bell always ran to an unnoticed corner of the classroom and fished secretly. This is class antagonism.

Hermione expressed strong condemnation of Bell's fishing behavior.

As Bell's only good friend, the surging sense of mission in her heart made Hermione stubbornly ignore Bell's resistance. She looked like if you don't obey, I will fight with you. The helpless Bell could only choose to compromise. After all, Hermione holds a super-kill move in her hand - 'Sue Professor! ’, just thinking about it already made Bell shudder.

However, Bell did not compromise on Hermione's request for Bell to take History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. This was a matter of principle and had nothing to discuss.

Apart from the first class, Bell never attended any History of Magic or Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

Professor Binns is indeed a model worker in the wizarding world. His spirit is commendable, but his behavior is really undesirable! Because his lectures are so boring. For a group of young wizards, it is difficult to arouse interest in history itself. Coupled with Professor Binns' flat voice and scripted teaching method, Bell does not plan to go there a second time anyway. Just take the test during the exam. After mastering 'Legilimency', this kind of simple memory work will no longer be a problem for Bell.

As for Professor Quirrell? There is nothing to say, no normal person would want to take his class. Perhaps little wizards who like garlic will enjoy Quirrell's class?

When Hermione was in class before, she also noticed that Bell didn't come. But at that time, she felt that she was not suitable to dictate to students from other colleges. But now everything is different.

"Bell! How can you skip class! No matter how much you know, you still have to go to class! How can you get good grades if you don't go to class!" The little witch scolded Bell with her hands on her waist and a stern look on her face.

She couldn't just watch her friend go astray, so today, right here, she had to correct Bell's mistake!


"Hermione, those two classes are really a waste of time. No! Forget about Professor Binns, Professor Quirrell's classes are not just a waste of time, they are a waste of life."

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