The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 537 Occupational Classification of Monks


Watching the little guys not far away, one by one casting spells with all their strength, Bell yawned in boredom.

What is currently going on is the test for the fourth grade students in the House of Commons.

The spells cast by these little guys who are less than 10 years old can't even fly to a boulder 20 meters away, let alone how powerful they are.

With just that little flame, it’s not even enough to cook rice.

"Senior Ma, are we just going to watch like this? When will this test be carried out?"

Bell asked boredly.

If he had time to waste here, he might as well go back and be gentle and gentle with Hermione.

They hadn't seen each other for more than a month, and just one night was not enough to fully vent all the longing he had accumulated.

“The whole day today is testing time.

In the morning, there were spellcasting ability tests and spiritual power manipulation tests, and in the afternoon, there were actual combat exercises. "

When talking about the actual combat drill in the afternoon, Ma Jingjing exuded an aura of impatience.

She also looked at Bell with a provocative look. She was looking forward to fighting against Bell.

"But this is too much of a waste of time, isn't it? Can't we prepare a few more of those stones?

They test theirs and we test ours without affecting each other. How great. "

Bell was very puzzled by this inefficient arrangement of the academy.

Ma Jingjing obviously understood Bell's thoughts. After all, it was quite boring to stand like this and watch the lower grade students cast spells. Most people had similar thoughts to Bell's.

But this arrangement of the academy does make sense. Ma Jingjing explained to Bell and others:

“This arrangement of the academy is actually mainly for the sake of lower grade students.

Like now, junior students can watch senior students cast spells step by step, which will give them a clearer understanding of the future path.

In this way, students in lower grades will not feel ashamed and anxious because of their weakness, but will also yearn to become stronger and work hard to learn spells. "

"Is it so powerful!?"

Bell was shocked.

He didn't expect that such a seemingly unreasonable arrangement would have such good intentions hidden behind it?

At this moment, he desperately wanted to drag all the professors in Hogwarts, including a certain former principal who had gone home to retire, to come to Yandu Academy.

'have a look! Look at people! Don’t you feel ashamed! ’

Anyway, Bell was quite ashamed of them.

With this feeling of shame, Bell temporarily put all thoughts of male and female love behind his mind and calmed down to watch carefully.

I don’t know what those dark boulders are made of.

Looking at those spells, not even a single trace was left on the boulder. Bell felt that this boulder looked a bit like processed anti-magic metal.

However, the anti-magic metal does not have the effect of testing the power of spells. It will not emit vibrations of varying intensity every time a spell hits it like these boulders.

After calming down, Bell discovered that this kind of test actually went very quickly.

After all, there are 10 boulders. Although the little guys took a long time to brew, it still takes less than a minute to cast a spell.

As the test progresses and the age of the testers increases, the test speed also accelerates.

"By the way, Senior Sister Ma, I heard before that although the number is not large, there are still sword cultivators in the monk world in China?

How come it's been so long and I haven't even seen anyone wielding a sword? "

As he looked at it, Bell noticed something was wrong again.

Why do these students all use Chinese staffs?

(There is no essential difference between the Chinese staff and the magic wand used by wizards.

It is nothing more than the magic material used as the core of the wand. Most of it comes from the Chinese region, and its characteristics are more suitable for use by Chinese monks.

In addition, in terms of the design of the staff body, the Chinese staff is longer. There are additional metal blades on both sides of the staff, and the shape is closer to a dagger. )

Bell now seriously suspected that the shopkeeper Wang of Zhenbao Pavilion was trying to trick his family into buying a flying sword, so he said that sword repair was a profession that only rich people would choose.

But in fact, the path of sword cultivation has been eliminated by the monks long ago?

Considering Shopkeeper Wang's character, Bell felt that he couldn't figure out the truth.

Fortunately, he had practiced sword control with great interest for a long time!

"The sword cultivator you mentioned, the academy will only allow students to choose after they go to the upper academy."

Ma Jingjing rolled her eyes at Bell.

Is it that easy to be a swordsman?

These little ones can't even float a teacup, so they still want to play swordsmanship?

Don't be killed by the falling flying sword before you can hit the enemy.

"Because the students in the lower and middle schools are still young, both the total amount of spiritual power in their bodies and their ability to control spiritual power are still relatively weak.

Therefore, for safety reasons, the academy stipulates that these students can only use staffs to cast spells.

After entering the upper courtyard, they can choose to become sword cultivators, body cultivators, talisman cultivators, formation cultivators, or continue to focus on using magic staffs to cast spells according to their own wishes.

In the past, sword cultivators had the largest number, probably accounting for half of the country.

Now, with the introduction and popularization of magic staffs, the difficulty of practicing magic has dropped sharply, and the safety has increased significantly. Therefore, the number of magic practitioners currently accounts for 70 to 80% of the total number of monks.

In addition, even monks who choose other paths usually carry a staff with them.

After all, the staff is inexpensive and easy to carry. It is a good choice whether it is used to perform some small tricks in daily life or to make a desperate struggle at the last moment of a battle. "

"Hey!? Do monks have so many categories?"

Bell had always thought that monks were divided into two types: ordinary monks and sword cultivators.

How come when I hear it now, there are actually five kinds of looks in total?

Suddenly I feel like the wizard is doing well, right?

I don’t know if it’s too late for him to switch camps now?

"More than that. The five types I just mentioned are all relatively mainstream.

There are many others, such as those who raise monsters and beasts, those who refine corpses and ghosts, those who control magic weapons, and all kinds of non-mainstream ones. "

Ma Jingjing curled her lips and said.

It was obvious that she looked down upon those 'crooked ways'.

However, Bell, who was so excited at this time, did not notice the subtle expression on Ma Jingjing's face.

'Oops! It feels more and more fun, doesn’t it? I really want to see these interesting careers! ’

When he was playing online games in his previous life, Bell was most interested in games with many optional professions.

Compared with the Chinese cultivation world, the European magic world, which has only one profession to choose from, is simply a crappy game!

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