The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 534 Hermione’s worries

After chatting along the way, everyone soon came to a spacious courtyard.

“This is the upper courtyard’s accommodation area.

For those who need to enter the upper courtyard, I will take you in first to put your luggage away, then we will go to the dining hall to have a meal, and then I will take the rest of you to the middle courtyard. "

It was already past 8 o'clock in the evening, and Ma Jingjing was already hungry.

"Speaking of which, Senior Ma, you have mentioned the upper court and the middle court before. What do they mean?"

Seeing the blank looks in the other people's eyes, Bell, the miserable leading professor, had no choice but to stand up and face Hayate once again.

"Hey!? Isn't that what you have in England?"

Ma Jingjing said in surprise again.

As for Senior Ma's tendency to be startled, Bell was too lazy to complain.

It seems that he will have to pay more attention to these 'common sense' issues in the future.

"After a monk is born, the spiritual energy fluctuations in his body will be sensed by the Kyushu Guardian Array and recorded.

The Brotherhood of Monks has dedicated personnel to observe and tally these records and notify the parents of these babies.

When babies reach the age of 5, they will enter the lower courtyard of the four major academies according to different regions to receive basic education.

The Lower House lasts 6 years, the Intermediate House 3 years, and the Upper House 3 years. If nothing else happens, students will complete all their studies and graduate from the academy when they are 17 years old.

So normally, those over 15 years old enter the upper court, and those between 12 and 15 years old enter the middle court.

According to the notification I received, there shouldn’t be anyone under 12 years old here this time, right?

Of course, I don't know the teaching progress of Hogwarts. If you feel you can't keep up later, or if you feel that the class content is too simple, you can also apply for transfer.

After all, this is just the first time for you to study abroad as an exchange student, and the academy doesn’t know much about your situation. "

Ma Jingjing explained in detail.

"I want to be transferred to another hospital! I want to enter the upper hospital!"

As soon as Ma Jingjing finished speaking, Shanna jumped up immediately.

She didn't want to belong to a different college from her brother.

God knows how much she has regretted over the years that she was bewitched by her parents, listened to the advice of that damn shabby Sorting Hat, and chose to enter Slytherin House!

If she couldn't bear the look in Liz and Lelei's eyes like they were abandoned puppies, she would have gone to see him as soon as Dumbledore came home to retire and Snape became the Headmaster of Hogwarts. The other party asked to transfer to Ravenclaw House!

And to be honest, when she was at Hogwarts, she had always felt that the content in class was too simple and there was no need to listen to it.

It was her brother who repeatedly told her not to be impetuous and to calm down and polish the foundation carefully, so she listened carefully to every class.

Except, of course, A History of Magic.

Like her brother, she was more interested in Professor Binns himself than what he was talking about, and wanted to capture him and study him carefully.

I don’t know if Professor Binns would be so angry that he wanted to go on strike if he found out that among his students, there were actually two people, one big and one small, who were lusting after him.

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

Now that she heard that she could skip a grade, Shanna was very happy.

She wants to jump to her brother's grade!

You know, sitting in a classroom with her brother and taking classes was a dream she had had for many years.

"I can't make the decision on this. You need to apply to the gentlemen and pass the test before you can be promoted to a hospital.

If you really want to be promoted to a hospital, you can mention it in tomorrow's test, and maybe you can take the test together, which can save a lot of trouble. "

Ma Jingjing said.

At the same time, she also looked at Shanna differently.

She thought this little blond girl was from the Upper House.

After all, no matter how you look at it, the girl with brown-red curly hair is younger, right?

By the way, the hair colors of these British girls are so bright! Especially the one with brown-red hair, that kind of wavy hair, it looks so beautiful, and she really wants to have a hairstyle like that!

All I can say is that no matter how much you like to spar or fight, women are still women after all. There is no way to resist some natural attractions.

"Tomorrow's test? What test?"

By accident, Bell heard another piece of 'common sense'.

“The college conducts a proficiency test before the start of each year.

Different from the written test at the end of the semester, the ability test mainly assesses the ability to cast spells and the students' practical ability.

Students will be placed into classes based on the results of the proficiency test. Each grade is generally divided into 5 classes, with about 20 students in each class. "

Ma Jingjing explained patiently again.

By the way, aren’t these British people hungry? Can't you put your luggage in first and then go to the cafeteria to eat and chat?

Ma Jingjing looked patient on the outside, but in fact she was going crazy inside.

But then again, she has indeed heard that some foreigners don't like to talk about things at the dinner table?

So she is really hungry~!

"Then the results of the final exam are useless, right?"

As a student, Hermione is most sensitive to words like exams and tests.

Especially from what the other party just said, it seems that Huaguo Academy doesn't pay much attention to the results of the written examination?

This made Hermione unable to sit still immediately.

You know, what she is best at is written examinations!

In fact, Hermione is a bit self-effacing here.

Not only is she good at the written test, but her spellcasting ability is also top-notch.

It's just that the targets of her comparison were the Bell brothers and sisters, which gave her the illusion that her spellcasting ability was a weakness.

“Although strictly speaking, you are not wrong in saying that.

But in fact, people who are strong in practical combat and spellcasting abilities generally have good theoretical knowledge. Only very occasionally, an individual case may occur.

On the other hand, it is not uncommon for students to have very good theoretical scores, but when it comes to actually casting spells, they are a complete mess.

The academy does not promote the behavior of studying hard, but encourages students to combine theory with practice, so this class division method was developed. "

It was okay that Ma Jingjing didn't explain, but this explanation made Hermione even more panicked!

The kind of person who is good in theory but poor in practice, doesn’t she refer to her!

How can this be good? She didn't want to embarrass Hogwarts!

And the most important thing is that Bell will definitely be placed in the best class. If she performs too poorly during the test, wouldn't she not be able to be in the same class as Bell?


Seeing Hermione looking pitiful and about to cry, Bell rubbed her head in a funny way.

Of course he knew what Hermione was worried about. But in his opinion, Hermione just thought too much... Well, maybe not?

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