The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 525 ‘Differentiation’ Plan

Listening to his father's deafening roar, Bell not only didn't panic at all, but actually wanted to laugh a little bit.

He took his time to pick out his ears, and then turned the direction of his personal terminal so that it faced Shanna beside him.

"Dad! Why did you shout so loudly all of a sudden? You scared me!"

Shanna glared at her father on the screen with dissatisfaction.

She was eating pudding happily, but her father's sudden yell made her tremble all over and even the pudding dropped from her spoon.

Fortunately, it didn't fall off the plate, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to eat a complete pudding! ?

You know, she just made an appointment with her brother, and she can only eat one more pudding tonight.

If you miss one bite, it won’t be one!

etc! If that's the case, I wonder if her brother will let her eat another one?

Thinking of this, Shanna secretly moved the small piece of pudding that had fallen to pieces on the plate towards the edge of the plate.

It wasn't until Bell glared at her that the little girl reluctantly pouted and stopped her little movements.

"Baby!? I'm so sorry, Dad didn't notice you were there just now. Dad, can I apologize to you? Don't be angry with Dad, okay?"

As soon as he saw his precious daughter, William immediately forgot about teaching Bell a lesson.

You can teach that brat a lesson at any time, but the opportunity to be intimate with your precious daughter is something you use only once at a time.

Definitely not to miss it!

Seeing that his father's IQ dropped rapidly from more than 30 years old to less than 3 years old, Bell grinned, got up and walked outside, leaving the father and daughter alone time.

After walking into the president's office, Bell sat down for a while when Goodwin, who had been waiting for a long time, knocked on the door and walked in.

"How's the situation?"

Belle asked lazily.

Although he had just slept for a whole day, he still could not fully recover from the energy he had consumed previously. After eating a full meal, he felt a little sleepy again.

"All the gangs have gathered together, but for some reason, no action has been taken. Even the sabotage activities that had been targeting the family business have all stopped."

Goodwin explained.

Hearing this, the corners of Bell's mouth raised slightly.

What else could it be because of? I'm scared!

"Where are the Aurors?"

Bell continued to ask.

"Nothing was found. They have gone back now. But according to the leader, they will come again tomorrow."

Speaking of this, Goodwin couldn't help but look surprised.

Due to their different positions, even if he knew that the Aurors of the Magic Congress were just acting according to the rules, he would still feel very unhappy.

"If you want to investigate, let them do it. They won't be able to find anything anyway."

In the past, members of the special operations team basically smuggled themselves into the country secretly and were not registered with the Magic Congress.

And those prisoners were stuffed into Wan She's belly by Bell. At this time, they may not all have been sent to the headquarters of the Menethil family in Mexico.

No matter how powerful the MAC Aurors are, they cannot go to Mexico to investigate.

Unless they want to cause a war.

To sum up, even if the Aurors could find any clues, they could not clearly point them to the Menethil family.

As long as my father continues to put pressure on the Magical Congress of the United States through the British Ministry of Magic, the Aurors will not be able to survive today, and the Aurors will have to return without success.

Therefore, the problem facing the Menethil family now is still the only dishonest gangster group.

Although the actions of Bell and others two nights ago temporarily frightened the group, this peaceful situation cannot continue forever.

Once all the gang wizards gathered together are mobilized, the Menethil family will have no choice but to withdraw from the American wizarding world in disgrace.

But fortunately, the gangsters' timidity provided Bell with some room for maneuver.

"Based on the results of the previous analysis by the staff department, let's implement the 'differentiation' plan.

Remember, the plan must be completed tonight!

Early tomorrow morning, I will send invitations to various gang leaders. I would like to invite everyone to have dinner together. "

The so-called 'differentiation' plan is actually to win over some wizard groups that are not doing well.

The targets selected by the general staff all belong to groups that have good moral character, but are marginalized and weak because of this.

Among them, the Devouring Teeth are at the top of the list of targets.

It's just that the strength of these targets is really not on the table. In the past, even if they were able to win over the other party, they would not be able to bring any substantial help to the situation.

But now, the situation is completely different.

You know, Bell now has a straight flush from J to A of spades!

Although the hole card is a 3, this does not prevent him from bluffing.

At this time, if there are a few more shills in the opponent's camp to further weaken the opponent's will to resist, it may scare the opponent away.

Give it a try, just in case it works!

Anyway, there is no loss, right?

Slug Bar.

The largest and most famous bar in America's black market.

Today, in the bar that was always bustling with activity in the past, there was a rare tranquility. Even the waiter responsible for serving the wine had disappeared to no one knows where at this moment.

All this is because in the center of the bar hall, there are dozens of wizards who look fierce at first glance.

They sat around a huge round table, each of them bowing their heads in silence without saying a word.

The heavy atmosphere prevented even mosquitoes and flies from flying in the air.

The owner of the Slug Bar was currently huddled in the shadows behind the bar, looking at the group of people in the bar with a sad face.

Originally, it was difficult for him to do business these days due to the frantic searches carried out by the Aurors recently. At this time, he should be very happy if someone is willing to pay a lot of money to buy his bar.

After all, the Menethil family was really generous.

But the problem is, this bar was passed down from his great-grandfather!

Although the bar is a little dilapidated, every wooden board here is engraved with heavy traces of history, and even if it is called an antique, it is not an exaggeration.

Therefore, if a fight breaks out between these people and the bar that has been passed down by his family for 4 generations is destroyed, how much compensation should he ask for from the Menethil family?

Less? He will be so heartbroken that he can't sleep.

Do you want too much? He was also afraid that the Menethil family would fall out.

After all, the current Menethil family is no longer the big fat sheep that people thought before.

It was clearly a terrifying giant beast that ate people without spitting out bones!

He didn't dare to really anger the other party, otherwise, not to mention the compensation, his life would be involved.

So, how much does he need?

This really worries him to death!

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