The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 523 The miserable Aurors

"What did you say!?"

As expected, after the leader of the Devouring Teeth expressed his point of view, a certain grumpy Tiehanhan exploded immediately.

"Are you kidding? Let's... wait! Don't you all agree with this point of view?"

Although he has a hot temper, he is not without brains to be the leader of the Madagascar Lion Claws.

Seeing the relaxed expressions on the other leaders' faces, he didn't know that these guys actually planned to wait and see what would happen?

"You guys, are you really scared?"

With a gloomy expression, the leader of the Madagascar Lion Claw scanned the faces of the others.

And his unreadable speech also succeeded in making other leaders look embarrassed.

There is nothing they can do, and they don’t want to be afraid!

But the problem is, the reality is here, and there is no room for them not to be afraid!

In fact, until now, none of the leaders present knew how powerful the Menethil family was.

They couldn't get much valuable information from the wizard who escaped last night.

Those wizards who were scared out of their wits would just keep saying that the Menethil family was terrifyingly powerful.

nonsense! Do they still need to talk about this kind of thing?

If the strength of the Menethil family wasn't terrifying, how could it have disturbed the entire American magical world in just two nights?

And this unknown about the strength of the Menethil family has deepened the uneasiness in everyone's hearts.

In addition, the meteor shower that lit up the night sky last night really subverted everyone's perspective.

Although strictly speaking, those powerful rock giants falling from the sky, their bodies burning with dark green flames, did not cause many casualties to the wizard group under attack.

But that kind of power that could destroy the world made everyone feel frightened.

If the Menethil family took them to see a meteor shower every now and then, their lives would be difficult!

Fortunately, that meteor shower completely attracted the attention of the Magic Congress.

According to the report from their informant, early this morning, when the genius was just getting clear, the assembled Aurors went to the headquarters of the Menethil family to conduct an investigation.

These leaders are now hoping that the Menethil family will fight with the MACUSA, so how can they get involved at this time?

What if you accidentally end up in a three-way melee?

"Ahem, it's not that everyone is scared. This is not a brainstorming session. The Evil-Eating Teeth just put forward a point of view. If you have different opinions, you can raise them again."

Feeling the awkward atmosphere at the scene, the leader of the Liberty Eagles had no choice but to stand up and be the peacemaker again.

So it’s hard to be a boss these days!

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense! You can discuss it among yourselves, I won't accompany you anymore!"

This time, the leader of the Madagascar Lion's Claw will not simply be fooled.

He slammed the table angrily, stood up and left the conference room.

He doesn't want to waste time here anymore, looking at the faces of those cowards!

"What should I do if he leaves?"

Looking at the retreating figure of the leader of the Madagascar Lion's Claw, one person asked.

"Just leave. Do you really expect that barbarian with a brain full of muscles to come up with any constructive suggestions?"

Another leader said calmly.


After stretching, Bell climbed up from the bed with difficulty.

If he hadn't been so hungry, he would have just slept until tomorrow morning.

Of course, another reason is that the naughty 'kitten' outside the door has been waiting for who knows how long.

"Come in, when did you wake up?"

Bell greeted toward the door.

With a 'bang', the bedroom door was pushed open from the outside.

Shanna, who had been peeking through the crack in the door for a long time, rushed in happily.

"Brother, you finally woke up! I'm here to tell you to eat! I've been awake for a long time!"

Shanna said energetically.

No matter how tired she is, as long as she sleeps, she will always be full of energy again.

"Really? What time is it now?"

Bell vaguely glanced at the position of the window, but he had cast light-blocking magic on the curtains, so that no sunlight from the outside could penetrate.

"It's almost 7 o'clock."

Zannah replied.

"this late!?"

Bell said in surprise.

He should have come back to bed at around 5 am. In other words, he slept for more than 12 hours?

It seemed that the large-scale rain of hellfire really consumed his energy too much.

To this day, he can still feel the faint tingling sensation deep in his brain.

"What have you been doing for the past half day?"

While getting dressed and washing up, Bell asked Shanna.

"I went to see the Aurors play!"

Zannah replied happily.

"Watching the Aurors play?"

Bell was puzzled.

When did Aurors become the same as monkeys in the zoo? Can you just watch and play?

"Well! After I got up at noon, I found that there were many Aurors from MACUSA here, so I took a look out of curiosity.

Brother, you don’t know, those people are so funny! I just used illusion magic to scare them a little, and those people just waved their wands and shouted. They were even less courageous than Sniff! "

When she thought about what happened that afternoon, Shanna couldn't help but cover her mouth and burst into laughter.

What Zannah doesn't know is that MACUSA has basically determined that the series of riots in the past two days were caused by the Menethil family.

But as an official organization, it is still facing a British wizarding family like the Menethil family. Of course, the Magical Congress cannot be like those small private groups and start a war regardless of the situation.

They need evidence!

Even if you want to act like a gangster, you must at least take the moral high ground first. Otherwise, if the British Ministry of Magic questioned them, it would be difficult for them and the Magical Congress of the United States to explain.

Therefore, the Magical Congress sent a large number of Aurors to the headquarters of the Menethil family to investigate.

And of course these Aurors knew the cause and effect of the matter.

Therefore, in their eyes, the splendid and majestic Menethil family headquarters building is simply like a ghastly devil's cave, as if it will swallow their lives at any time.

The Aurors, who were even prepared to sacrifice at any time, were naturally frightened when they encountered the illusion created by Zannah under high mental stress.

If the headquarters buildings hadn't been enhanced with magic, at least half of them would have been demolished by the frightened Aurors.

And when they found out that the targets that they and others were attacking were just illusions, the Aurors who were so ashamed and angry would certainly not give up just like that.

They aggressively found the head of House Menethil.

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