The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 506 In the end, Bell still couldn’t escape his father’s poison

Chapter 506 In the end, Bell still failed to escape from his father’s murderous hands...

Grandio Justin is a very handsome man, at least Bell thinks that he is more handsome than him.

During the conversation with the other party, Bell could clearly feel that the other party was a little reserved. Maybe it was Bell's height that was almost the same as him, which made it difficult for Grandio to regard Bell as a junior?

After a brief conversation and a general understanding of the prospective uncle's situation, Bell gave up his position to others. He has no interest in investigating the other party thoroughly.

The engagement ceremony was a success. In order to add splendor to the ceremony, Bell's grandmother had bought the top chef of the Menethil family, Bell's personal butler, Lim, many days ago. come over.

For this reason, Lim couldn't be more sad.

When she thought that her young master would not be able to eat the hot meals she cooked for several days, Lim couldn't help but feel sad and wished he could learn the legendary magic of turning three pure things into one breath.

That way, she can divide it into three parts and provide more meticulous services to her young master.

The engagement is over, and the next thing to prepare for is the wedding ceremony.

The wedding ceremony will be held in a month. Although Helena and Grandio both hope to take a quick trip... No, they hope to travel and get married.

But Bell's grandmother, Clara, would not allow that to happen.

Just kidding, the Jeslav family is, after all, a pure-blood family with a long heritage in the British wizarding world...well, maybe the heritage is not that long.

But this does not prevent their family from having a high status!

Who told her to give birth to a good daughter, marry a good son-in-law, and give birth to an outstanding grandson?

The main reason is that her daughter’s genes are good...

Therefore, when the daughter of the Jeslav family gets married, she must be buried in a grand ceremony... No, it is a grand ceremony! No carelessness!

What about traveling and getting married? Even her unreliable eldest daughter has never done such an outrageous thing. These two sisters really didn't give her any peace of mind.

It's all the fault of that bad old man at home! The two girls must have followed their father and failed to inherit her mother's excellent genes!

Therefore, it is impossible for her to agree to let her youngest daughter travel to get married. After the wedding is over, the young couple will travel wherever they like. In short, the wedding ceremony must be completed first!

As for preparations for a wedding ceremony, such an important matter cannot be left to these two little guys, Bell and Shanna.

In fact, there was nothing to prepare for. The venue had already been chosen, and house elves were responsible for decorating the venue and preparing the food. So the others were really just working around under the pressure of Clara.

In this regard, Elena complained a lot, but at this time, Bell was also unable to protect himself and could not spare the energy to comfort his mother.

You know, William has been coveting Bell's, he has been coveting Bell's free labor force for who knows how long.

Especially after Bell secretly planned to kill Voldemort and thus added an unknown amount of heavy work to him, William felt extremely unbalanced.

Why is he as tired as a dead dog every day? He can't even find time to sleep. He doesn't know how many days he hasn't been intimate with his wife.

And that guy Bell can hug him and run to the newly opened ecological park to be happy?

It’s so enviable...ah! It's so infuriating!

Thinking about what a pure and innocent person he is, he has never done anything to disgrace his wife (mainly because he has no courage) until now.

Now look at that damn brat Bell. He didn't learn well at a young age. First he imitated others and raised a lover (Penello), and now he kidnapped a mixed-race Veela from nowhere?

Where did this winner in life come from!

Of course, Bell strongly condemned this baseless slander against his father.

Let’s talk about Penelo first. He gets a high salary based on his strength!

At most, he just showed a little selfishness...

Moreover, Penello has a boyfriend, so he would not do something as disgraceful as a third party interfering.

By the way, Percy shouldn't be cold yet, right?

In order to avoid suspicion, Bell has not inquired about Penelo and Percy's relationship since the end of the Quidditch World Cup.

Let’s talk about Hibiscus. He has no relationship with Furong at all, okay? There is a pure friendship between them... No, there is not even a friendship between them!

Fleur didn't know how much she didn't want to see him. Every time I looked at him, it was like looking at the big bad wolf.

Unfortunately, no matter how much evidence Bell produced to prove that he went to the ecological park really just to study the origin and evolution of life, in the eyes of William, who had been eroded by dirty jealousy, it was just It's all sophistry!

Although strictly speaking there is nothing wrong...

Therefore, William, who couldn't bear to see Bell's kindness, decisively handed over all the recent troubles encountered in the American wizarding world into Bell's hands.

Originally, these matters should have been handled by Bell's grandparents and maternal grandparents. William and Elena would occasionally come over to help.

But recently, because of Helena's wedding, the other three people have been moved around under Clara's command, and they simply can't care about the 'little things' in the business world.

And William happened to be troubled by everything, and he really had no way to escape.

As for Elena?

As the wife of the patriarch of the Menethil family, Elena has always acted in a straightforward manner.

What? Does anyone dare to cause trouble?

Kill him!

Therefore, William really couldn't trust his wife to deal with the problem alone.

‘Dong dong~! ’

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in~!"

Bell crossed his legs and sat upright in the chair behind his desk.

He is not satisfied with the current chair. This chair is not comfortable to sit on at all and is not ergonomic at all.

The door was pushed open, and a staff member with no visible face walked in slowly.

Don't get me wrong, the reason why Bell couldn't see the staff member's face was simply because the other person's face was blocked by the pile of documents that was almost 1 meter high.

"Master, this is a problem that has been accumulated in recent times, and you need to make a decision."

After placing the large pile of documents on the table with a 'bang' sound, Shari Till said to the stunned Bell.

Sally is the administrative assistant appointed by Bell's grandfather, who is responsible for collecting and sorting out the information passed on by the following industries. Some are like the job Bale assigned Penello.

It's just that Sally's job doesn't require much knowledge about magic, but the affairs are much more complicated.

After all, although it is not as good as the United Kingdom, the Menethil family has a lot of properties in the United States.

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