The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 496 The resentful eyes

"Uh...Hermione, that's not a magical animal, it's just an ordinary fish."

Looking in the direction of Hermione's finger, Bell saw a strange-looking... fish? He was curiously observing the speeding car passing through the water.

From this fish, Bell did not sense any magic fluctuations.

It can be inferred from this that this is just an ordinary deep-sea fish.

As for which species this fish could he know?

Bell didn't even remember all the magical animals, let alone the larger numbers and more diverse types of ordinary animals.

"Like this!?"

Hermione was shocked.

For the first time, she knew that ordinary animals could grow into such unique shapes?

She had always thought that only those strange and magical animals in the magical world could grow up so unrestrainedly.

An undetectable wave of magic power flashed across the back of Bell's hand. After Shanna glanced at her brother unhappily, she obediently slowed down her speed.

In this way, the group happily played underwater for 2 hours, and after seeing various magical, beautiful, and spectacular underwater scenery, they successfully arrived before the car was filled with little Fina's saliva. Outside the ecological park.

"Wow——! Okay, so awesome——!"

Looking at the huge translucent barrier that appeared at the end of her field of vision, little Gabrielle shouted in surprise.

Even from such a distance, she couldn't see the boundary of the barrier.

In other words, isn't this barrier even bigger than the magic barrier covering Beauxbatons! ?

This is really beyond the little girl's imagination.

This was the first time in her life that she had seen a barrier bigger than Beauxbatons' magic barrier.

While little Gabrielle exclaimed, everyone else except Bell and Shanna also opened their mouths in surprise.

They were also shocked by the generosity of the Menethil family.

Looking at the magic barrier in the distance that can be said to be the largest...well, the second largest in the magic world today, Bell felt very satisfied.

(The largest magic barrier is the Kyushu Guardian Formation in China.)

Bell was also involved in the setting up of this barrier, so he had browsed the design drawings before it was built.

Similarly, Shanna has also seen the pile of design drawings.

Soon, the speed car approached the barrier.

Two wizards flew out from inside the barrier and swam toward Bell and the others.

"Please show proof."

Even though they had been notified in advance that Bell and others would enter from the outside, the two wizards still did not relax their vigilance.

They looked at the speeding car in front of them warily, wands clenched in their hands, ready to attack at any time.

The entire Menethil family security force knew that the last time the young master went to the family laboratory, the two guys who were guarding the door were rewarded directly because they showed high alertness to the young master's arrival. One month's salary.

This story of determination has made many members of the police envious.

Therefore, when they learned that today, on the day they were on duty, the young master and the young lady would bring their friends into the ecological park from the outside, they couldn't be more excited.

That’s one month’s salary!

So, the two of them cheered up and showed a more vigilant attitude than usual, hoping that the young master would reward them.

Glancing at the two people outside the car in confusion, Bell always felt that there was something strange about the emotions emanating from the other person?

After thinking for a while, Bell, who couldn't figure out what was going on, put this feeling behind him.

After handing the badges representing their identities to the two of them and checking them, the speeding car flew in through an opening in the barrier.

So even though everything is fine, why does Bell always feel like there are two resentful eyes staring at him?

"Bell, how was such a large barrier constructed?"

Hermione's eyes almost glowed.

The thirst for unknown knowledge and the longing for magical magic made her want to jump off the speeding car and touch the huge barrier outside.

"This barrier is woven with three inferior versions of magic stones as its core.

In addition to defending against attacks and isolating seawater, this barrier also has functions such as converting sunlight, separating salt in seawater, and dividing different regional environments. "

Bell introduced simply.

Of course, although he said it was easy, it was very difficult to do.

It can be said that this barrier is the essence of the ecological park.

After the barrier is completed, you only need to fill the interior of the barrier with various animals and plants. This is not a difficult thing for a wizard with magic help.

"Brother! Shall we go play now?"

Shanna said excitedly.

She has always liked playing with magical animals and plants... No, she really likes playing with magical animals and plants.

Therefore, as soon as she arrived at this ecological park, the little girl couldn't help but want to play!

"I just know how to play."

Bell patted Shanna's head angrily (lovingly).

"First go to the control area to attend the opening ceremony and say hello to Mr. Scamander. There will be plenty of time for you to play afterwards."


Pouting, Shanna adjusted the flying direction of the speeder and flew towards the top of the barrier.

Since there are all kinds of flying magical animals living in the ecological park, Zannah doesn't dare to speed up the car too fast.

Otherwise, if she bumps into a magical animal, the bad old man who usually has trouble talking will definitely be like a cuckoo chicken again, catching her and nagging her endlessly.

This is why she doesn't want to go to the controlled area. She doesn't like the old man named Scamander.

That bad old man actually didn't let her play with magic... ahem, he didn't let her play with magical animals.

This is really unreasonable!

Only the evil old man named Dumbledore is worse than Scamander!

The 'Bena' slowly landed in the parking lot, and Bell and others got off the speeding car one after another.

Phyllis, Reina, and the two sisters Gabrielle all looked at the floating island below them in surprise.

They didn't expect that this so-called control area was actually hanging in the sky?

Contrary to what happened before, Hermione was much calmer this time.

During the last summer vacation, when she went to Mars, she had seen a similar floating island. Although this floating island is much larger, it is essentially the same, right?

Of course, the main reason was that in these short few hours, she saw too many surprising things, which were almost comparable to the first time she went shopping in Diagon Alley.

Therefore, she is a little numb now. Even if a ferocious and terrifying fire dragon suddenly falls in front of her, her heart will not fluctuate at all.

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