The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 47 There are dangers in secondary school, so you need to be cautious when entering the indus

Seeing the obviously uncooperative attitude of the house elf in front of her, Madam Pomfrey shrugged helplessly and did not pursue the matter further.

After all, everyone knows that house elves have this virtue. Since the other party doesn't intend to say anything, it's useless no matter how much you ask.

But the house elf in front of me is well-dressed. Judging from the material, those exquisite clothes must be expensive? Is Hogwarts so financially wealthy now?

damn it! Dumbledore would rather use the funds to customize clothes for the house elves than give her a salary increase? You know, she hasn't had a salary increase in nearly ten years! This is not over yet!

After an unknown amount of time, Bell slowly opened his eyes again. He felt that the pain had reduced a lot, and his brain no longer felt like it was freezing.

He took a deep breath and turned to look out the window, realizing that it was already night. From the perspective of the moon, it should still be late at night.

"Master! You finally woke up! You've been in a coma for a whole day!" Lim's suppressed and excited voice sounded from the darkness, startling Bell.

Bell turned around and saw that Lim was slowly approaching, his big eyes full of bloodshot eyes.

"Have you been here all along? Lim? Also, what's wrong with your eyes?" Bell asked doubtfully.

"Yes, Master. Lim has been waiting for you to wake up. My kind young master! You cared about Lim immediately after you woke up. Lim is so touched! But Lim does not deserve to be cared about by the young master. Lim is a bad elf and failed to fulfill the young master's instructions! Please punish Lim severely!"

As he spoke, tears overflowed from Lim's big eyes again.

"No, you did a good job, Lim. You don't deserve to be punished." Bell comforted.

Although there were some minor flaws, he really felt that Lim had done a good job.

"No! No!! No!!! The young master has obviously ordered to stop you as soon as possible and use all his strength, but Lim failed to do it, so the young master was so seriously injured! Lim He is a bad elf, and bad elf should be punished! Lim..."

Bell rubbed his ears that were hurt by the sharp sound. Seeing that Lim was so excited that he was a little incoherent, he rubbed his brow helplessly, thought for a while and said.

"Well, since you were not able to complete the task well before, I decided to give you the following punishment: 'Return to the training camp for a month of advanced training. If you fail to get first place in the final assessment If you get good grades, then you will no longer be my exclusive house elf, and I will arrange another job for you.'"

"Master, Lim should be punished more severely!"

"Are you doubting me?"

"No! Lim doesn't dare! Master. Lim will go to training, and Lim will definitely get the first place!"

Faced with Bell's stern gaze, Lim decisively accepted the punishment.

"Well, you can go back after my injury is healed. Remember to ask the other house elves to come over when you go back. I still need help with some things, just three of them."

"Master, do you still want to carry out the previous experiment? It is too dangerous!"

Lim waved his hands anxiously, trying to stop Bell's dangerous thoughts.

"Don't worry, it won't be the same as before. The previous experience is enough once, and the next experiments will be much safer. Okay, you have been tired for a day, go and rest, I need to be quiet ."

"Okay, Master. If you need anything, please call me anytime."

With a soft sound, Lim disappeared into the school hospital. Bell finally had time to feel his condition.

Bell tried to use magic power to scan his whole body, but as soon as he used magic power, he felt a stab of pain all over his body. It seemed that the injury was more serious than he thought. Having been teased by Lim just now, he even forgot to ask about his specific situation. But judging from Lim's performance, there shouldn't be any big problems.

In the morning, a noise woke up Bell from his deep sleep.

There was nothing to do last night, so Bell simply forced himself to fall asleep again. Don’t they all say that getting more sleep when injured helps recovery? However, he slept for too long, which made him feel dizzy. It took him a while to realize that he was now in the school hospital.

At this time Madam Pomfrey had come over to check on Bell.

"Speaking of which, I don't know your name yet. What happened to you? How did your magic run wild?"

"Hello, Madam Pomfrey. My name is Bel Menethil. I'm sorry that I can't tell you what happened to me. How is my condition? How long will it take for me to recover?"


Madam Pomfrey snorted in annoyance. But she has long been used to this situation. Those naughty little wizards never wanted to reveal what stupid things they had done, and she had long since ceased to be curious about them, but she would still be upset if she should.

"Your situation is terrible! There won't be a month when you can't get better! No magic during this month!"

Reality tells us that you should never make your attending physician unhappy, otherwise a small matter will turn into a big deal when the other person talks about it.

Of course, Bell would not be fooled by Madam Pomfrey so easily. He was not one of those young wizards.

When he woke up, he could feel that his condition was much better than last night. Although it was indeed not suitable to use magic now, it was not as exaggerated as Madam Pomfrey said.

According to Bell's own speculation, it only takes about a week for the injury to heal.

At Madam Pomfrey's strong request, Bell stayed in the school hospital for another day. Before going to bed at night, Bell returned to his dormitory on the pretext that he needed to prepare for tomorrow's classes. Before leaving, Madam Pomfrey repeatedly told Bell that he must not cast magic during class and could only listen to theoretical knowledge.

After returning to the dormitory, Bell's roommates were all curious about where Bell went last night. Bell used the excuse that "because he couldn't answer the question about the eagle's beak knocker last night, he had to find a random classroom to sleep in the castle" and casually fooled him.

Because Bell had no friends at school, no one knew that he had been lying in the school hospital for a day and a night.

The next week passed uneventfully. In order to prevent the injury from worsening, Bell stopped even basic training during this week. I no longer read magic books all the time. Instead, I took a rare one-week vacation to relax my body and mind and prepare for the upcoming busyness.

As expected, Bell felt fully recovered on the seventh day. What was beyond Bell's expectation was that his physical recovery was much faster than he expected, but his mental recovery had always been relatively slow, so it took a full week. Otherwise, maybe Bell will be able to fully recover on the fourth day.

Bell found that after this injury, the integration of his body and magic had significantly increased. In addition, after turning 11 years old, the magic power in Bell's body has been increasing rapidly. The combination of the two brought about a qualitative change that surprised even Bell.

He didn't know what would happen if this situation continued. But he would not let his magic run wild again in order to further accelerate his body's transformation. As the saying goes, if you go too far in everything, you will never do enough. It is better to lay down the foundation steadily.

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