The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 441 Shanna wins again

"Who are you!? Where did you get Bell!?"

If it was just suspicion before, Hermione was now certain.

The 'Bell' in front of me must be someone else pretending to be him!

The other party must have sneak-attacked Bell, then pretended to be Bell and attacked Zanna again!

And judging from the fact that the other party killed Shanna without hesitation, it was obvious that Bell was already in danger.

‘Is he an enemy of the Menethil family? ’

Considering how powerful the Bell family is, it seems very reasonable that someone secretly hates the Menethil family and chooses to attack the only two heirs of the Menethil family - Bell and Zannah.

But what Hermione didn't expect was that the other party would dare to run into Hogwarts to commit murder. Isn't he afraid of Professor Dumbledore taking action?

Now that it has been determined that the opponent is not Bell, the previous so-called rules of the game have no meaning.

‘Shattered to pieces! ’

A destructive curse, filled with Hermione's grief and anger, was shot at 'Bell' in mid-air.

Hermione knew that if the other party could kill Bell and Zannah one after another, then she must be helpless in front of the other party.

But even though she knew she would die, she couldn't tolerate doing nothing!

She only regrets that she didn't learn the Death Curse from Bell before. Otherwise, with the murderous intention boiling in her heart at the moment, maybe if the other party is careless, she can really succeed in a sneak attack and avenge Bell and Shanna!

"Phyllis, Reina, you two run! Go to the castle to find the professors!"

While launching the attack, Hermione shouted instructions to the two little girls behind her.

When she faced the impact caused by the ice ball before, she was afraid that the two of them would be hurt, so she stood in front of them and borne most of the impact.

"Okay, okay!"

Because of the shocking fact that 'Zannah is dead', Phyllis and Reyna, who were extremely frightened, subconsciously planned to obey Hermione's instructions after hearing it.

In fact, the fact that Shanna's brother killed Shanna was completely unbelievable to the two little girls.

Therefore, after seeing Hermione who could still maintain her sanity, they subconsciously wanted to obey each other's orders.

"Why go to the professor?"

Before Phyllis and Reina could move their trembling legs, a crisp sound that was so familiar to them suddenly sounded around them.

"Zanna! You're not dead!?"

Looking at Zannah emerging from the ground beside them, Hermione and the others almost cried with joy.

They couldn't imagine how Zanna survived such a horrific attack.

"Of course I'm not dead. How could my brother kill me?"

Zannah gave Hermione a roll of her eyes and patted the dirt on her body.

She didn't have the extra magic power now to use a cleaning spell to keep it clean.

Although I don’t know why my brother held her down and attacked her fiercely.

(Could it be that she secretly hid Hermione's textbook last time and it was revealed that made Hermione spin in circles?)

But she is not the kind of baby who will act coquettishly and cry when she is hurt a little bit. Even during normal training, she had suffered more serious injuries than she did now.

Therefore, there is only one thing she has to do now: 'Use all your strength to respond to her brother's test! ’.

"But that's not Bell! He attacked Bell secretly, and then turned into Bell again and wanted to kill you!"

Obviously, Hermione was completely convinced by her reasoning. Looking at Shanna, who had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter, she was so anxious that she wanted to jump.

"Ha!? What nonsense are you talking about again?"

Just kidding, who is she? She is my brother's sister!

Shanna can proudly pat her chest and say that absolutely no one in this world can deceive her by pretending to be her brother!

Giving Hermione a contemptuous look, Zannah felt like she had won another round.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you, my brother is still waiting for me.

Liz, Leilei, you two should stay away. It would be bad if I accidentally hurt you.

Also, you are not allowed to go to the professor. "

In fact, there is no need for people to find professors. The Bell brothers and sisters made such a big noise, even Hogsmeade Village almost heard about it. It seems that the professors are so old that they are deaf.

After saying that, Shanna ignored the tangled expressions of the other three people and quickly walked towards her brother.

After landing on the puck, Bell looked at the four women talking in the distance. When he saw Shanna walking towards him, he raised a subtle smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Are you ready? The next attack will be more intense."

It wasn't until Shanna came to stand not far away that Bell spoke slowly in his own voice without any fluctuation.


Taking a deep breath, Shanna's eyes showed determination again.

With such a moment of buffering, the little girl has completely recovered from the sudden and violent blow she suffered before.

"very good."

Tapping the puck under his feet with his toes, Bell used the deformation technique on the puck.

I saw neatly arranged cracks appearing on the ice ball. Then, the ice ball was divided into ice cubes like collapsed building blocks.

The ice cube transformed into the shape of a flying bird, flew out at high speed, and attacked Shanna.

Seeing her brother's attack, Shanna ran away without saying a word.

Regardless of her magical attainments or the total amount of magic power, she is not as good as her brother. So if she stood there and tried to fight magic with her brother, she would have no chance of winning.

While dashing left and right while being pursued and intercepted by Ice Bird, Shanna also seized the gap and launched an attack on her brother who had been standing still in the distance.

Facing his sister's attacks, Bell did not dodge or dodge, relying on his absolute strength advantage to resolve Shanna's attacks one by one.

‘Disapparate! ’

Suddenly, Bell's figure blurred and disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Shanna and pointed the tip of his staff at Shanna's forehead.

Faced with her brother's sudden attack, Shanna's pupils shrank suddenly. Then, without thinking, she also used Disapparation.

Compared to the previous time when Bell used the Acromantula's spider silk to interrupt, this time, Zannah's disembodiment was very fast. Even if Bell didn't plan to release the water in advance, it was too late to stop Zannah.

Sensing Zannah's apparition behind him, Bell once again showed an undetectable smile.

‘My sister is indeed a genius! ’

Looking at her brother's back in front of her, Shanna raised her wand and controlled the snow under her brother's feet to rise up, trying to wrap her brother up.

However, something unexpected happened to Shanna - her brother was actually caught by her!

This was really beyond Shanna’s expectation!

But the next moment, Shanna couldn't care less about being surprised. Because she was shocked!

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