The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 438 Genes from Father

At that moment, Hermione blamed herself greatly.

Although strictly speaking, she didn't do anything wrong. But it is undeniable that it was indeed because of her, that Krum whose words were incomprehensible, that he came to trouble Bell and was 'retaliated'.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that she was the culprit of last night's incident.

Fortunately, before Hermione's heart jumped out of her throat, she discovered that the house points deducted from Ravenclaw were not many. It seems like it’s only 30 points?

Hermione never thought that one day she would add the word 'only' in front of 30 minutes.

If it had been her before, she would have felt as if the sky had fallen apart if she hadn't deducted 3 points.

I don’t know whether this change is good or bad?

But it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. All Hermione cares about now is what kind of punishment Bell received and when will Bell come back?

At this moment, Hermione regretted not letting Bell imprint a magical mark on her body before. Otherwise, she should be able to feel Bell's condition just like Shanna beside her, right?

Although Shanna had clearly told her that Bell was not hurt at the moment, hearing it from others was always not as reassuring as what she felt personally.

Fortunately, not long after Ravenclaw's house points were reduced, Zannah jumped up happily and ran towards the door of the auditorium.

Although Zannah didn't say anything, Hermione, who already knew enough about her, was able to tell from Zannah's reaction that Bell must be back.

According to Hermione's long-term observation and analysis, apart from when she saw Bell, Zannah's mood would only be so high when she wanted to do something 'bad'.

But now, Shanna is obviously not in the mood to do anything 'bad'.

As expected, before the two of them walked out of the auditorium, they saw the door of the auditorium being opened, and Bell slowly walked in from the outside.

In her excitement, Hermione wanted to throw herself into Bell's arms regardless, but unfortunately, she was usurped by Zannah who took the first step.

Looking at Zannah who was hanging on Bell's neck and refusing to come down, Hermione pouted in jealousy. It wasn't until Bell cast an apologetic look at her that she reluctantly forgave her.

"The specific punishment of confinement is not clear yet. Professor McGonagall said he would tell me later. But don't worry, it's not a big deal."

Bell's voice sounded, and the content of his words made Hermione finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Brother Bell, did you actually defeat that Krum? That Durmstrang warrior, that super famous Krum?"

Phyllis asked excitedly with her face flushed.

After seeing that Zannah and Hermione were relieved, Phyllis and Reyna, who also ran over behind them, finally had the opportunity to ask their questions.

Last night, Phyllis and Reyna followed Zannah to explore Beauxbatons' carriage. The little girls didn't hurried back to the dormitory until the dance was over.

The two little girls, who had been nervous and excited all night, fell asleep immediately after washing up, not knowing what happened last night.

After Bell was taken away by Professor McGonagall, they learned the details of what happened from Hermione's mouth.

Then, Phyllis and Reina were both shocked.

They had long known that Shanna was very strong, stronger than they imagined. So according to Shanna, Brother Bell, who is much stronger than her, must be even more ridiculously strong.

But the problem is, due to lack of intuitive feelings, they don't know how strong Bell is.

At least in their opinion, Krum, who is the warrior of Durmstrang, the seeker of the Bulgarian team, and has a huge reputation all over the world, should be a little better than Brother Bel, right?

In this regard, or because of the bonus of their close relationship with Shanna, the two little girls had tried their best to overestimate Bell's strength.

As a result, Sister Hermione actually told them that Krum, who was so hot and powerful, was defeated by Brother Bell in just a few strokes?

This is really incredible! .

"It's just a Krum, that's a piece of cake, hahaha~!"

Facing the adoring eyes of the two little girls, Bei was so proud that she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

As we all know, extreme happiness can easily lead to sadness.

Before Bell's laughter could stop, a familiar little hand appeared on his waist. With a skillful pinch and twist, Bell's laughter stopped abruptly.

Hidden behind Bell, Hermione gritted her teeth and stared at her boyfriend.

To be honest, after telling Phyllis and Lena what happened last night and seeing the surprise, excitement, admiration, and other emotions in the eyes of the two little girls, Hermione regretted it at the time.

So why should she be so honest?

She should have said that Bell was first pushed to the ground and rubbed hard by Klum, and finally with her help, he managed to defeat him, right?

Hermione's 'anti-cheating radar' sounded the alarm again. She really wanted to go back a few minutes and give her young and ignorant self a hard slap.

"Ahem, what, it's getting late, let's go out and play quickly."

Bell, who realized that he had accidentally committed suicide just now, adjusted his emotions and said hurriedly.

He felt that the reason why he behaved as he did just now must be because of the genes of his father William in his body.

He still remembers that when he was in Japan, his father used to be so crazy that he could not stop him.

"Yeah! Let's have a snowball fight~! Let's have a snowball fight~!"

As soon as she heard that they were going out to play, Shanna couldn't wait any longer. She immediately took her brother's hand and ran quickly outside the castle.

Scattered snowflakes were still floating in the sky, and a thick layer of snow covered the ground, turning the outside of Hogwarts Castle into an endless snowfield.

"Okay, let's go here."

After walking on the snow for a while, Bell looked around at the empty surroundings and stopped.

Today is Christmas, and at this time, most little wizards are still sleeping in their dormitories.

And some people who are used to going to bed early and getting up early, because they consumed too much energy at last night's exciting dance, chose to stay in the lounge to recharge their batteries.

Therefore, at this time, only one or two hurried figures could be seen outside the castle.

"Just wait for me for a moment."

With that said, Bell dodged and appeared in the distance.

I saw him take out an awl-like metal object covered with runes from his arms, and nail it into the ground hard.

Then, he repeated his same trick, using the position of the four women as the center of the circle, and nailed 10 awls one after another.

The air was slightly distorted, then returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

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