The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 428 The First Dance

Seeing Bell's solemn posture, Hermione couldn't help but calm down.

Although she always feels that something is not right?


Hermione responded softly, her voice inaudible.

But Bell still heard it clearly.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said with a smile:

"What did you say? Louder, I can't hear you."

"Hmph! Forget it if you didn't hear it!"

After saying that, Hermione turned and walked towards the sofa by the wall. She didn't want to be around Belle anymore.

"Just kidding, I heard it, I heard it clearly."

Seeing that Hermione was almost reaching her limit, Bell, who didn't want the duck to fly away, hurriedly grabbed hold of her.

"How about we go now?"

Bell, who felt like he was being scratched by ten thousand Fina, didn't want to wait any longer. To hell with the dance and all that!


Hermione rejected Bell's proposal without hesitation.

You know, she has been looking forward to today's dance for a long time. Although she was both nervous and looking forward to what was going to happen next. But no matter what, I have to finish the dance first.

At Hermione's insistence, Bell had no choice but to temporarily suppress his inner turmoil, gritted his teeth and stared at the four warriors and their partners dancing in the center of the dance floor.

It’s been a long time, why haven’t you finished dancing yet?

Quickly finish the dance and let him and Hermione dance! It's urgent, is there any?

Fortunately, what the warriors danced was just the opening dance after all, and it didn't take long.

Otherwise, let alone Bell, the other little wizards might also protest collectively.

The music gradually faded, and as the last note dissipated, the eight people in the venue bowed to everyone, and left the dance floor amidst the warm applause of everyone.

Next, the dance finally officially started.

The melodious music sounded again, and Bell took Hermione's hand and slowly walked onto the dance floor.

Since you have to do it, of course you have to do your best. At least do the best you can.

Turning to Hermione, Bell saluted gracefully and invited Hermione to dance.

After Hermione gently placed her hand in his, Bell took a step forward, hugged Hermione's slender waist, and pressed against her tightly.

"Bell, you're clinging too tightly to me. You can't dance like this."

Feeling the touch on her chest, Hermione whispered with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Oh, is that so?"

Hearing this, Bell quickly stepped back a little.

As I said just now, Bell will try his best to do his best within the scope of what he can do. So, that's all he can do so far.

Next, it’s time to step into unknown territory.


How could he?

Unlike Shanna, the little girl had curiously observed the dancing movements of other people when she attended the dance before. As for Bell, he was really just eating like crazy.

What catches your eyes? Looking at the beauty?

After looking at it for a long time, it turned out that I was powerless. Isn't that just causing trouble for myself?

Is the steak no longer fragrant, or is the fried chicken no longer crispy? Maybe the fruit is not sweet enough?


So as for the etiquette of the dance, he had learned a little bit about it through his ears and eyes. But as for how to dance this dance... shouldn't it be done standing up?

"Bell, can't you dance!?"

Hermione asked in disbelief as she looked at her boyfriend who had achieved success in just one second.

Considering Bell's family background, the thought that the other party couldn't dance or anything like that had never entered Hermione's mind.

But now it seems that the situation seems a little wrong?

"No, when have you ever seen me dancing?"

Bell said matter-of-factly.

Even if the reason is not straight, the anger cannot be weak.

"No, how could you not dance!?"

"Why can't I just stop dancing? Besides, what's the use of dancing? If I have the time, I might as well learn swordsmanship. At least at the critical moment, I can make a cameo appearance as the Sword Master of Avalon, right?"


Putting aside what the 'Sword Master of Avalon' is, as far as Hermione knew, it was no longer popular for wizards to learn swordsmanship hundreds of years ago.

Doesn't the wand smell good? What kind of sword are you playing with?

"what should I do then?"

Hermione didn't want her long-awaited dance to end hastily without even a single dance.

'etc! By the way, isn't it possible that Bell just pretended not to be able to dance just to end it quickly so that he could do something embarrassing like that? ’

Hermione looked at Bell suspiciously.

"It's just a blind dance. Don't worry, I will be careful not to step on your feet."

In Bell's simple concept, as long as you don't step on your feet while dancing, it's not a mistake.


Puffing up her cheeks, Hermione glared at her loser boyfriend dissatisfiedly.

But now, it was impossible for her to teach Bell how to dance.

Therefore, we can only jump blindly as Bell said.

"Please pay attention to my steps for a while and listen to my instructions. Some basic dance steps are very simple to learn."

Looking at the people around her who had begun to dance, Hermione had no choice but to confess, and then guided Bell in this dance with an uncertain future.

Facts have proved that Bell is indeed a 'good man' who does what he says.

If you don't step on Hermione's feet, you won't step on Hermione's feet!

In fact, for this simple social dance, with Bell's current strong memory ability and body control, it really doesn't take much time and energy to learn it very quickly.

So Bell can't dance, really just because he is lazy.

Halfway through the dance, Bell had completely mastered the steps taught to him by Hermione. Even by the end, Bell's steps were already more skillful than Hermione's.

Yinxi, after dancing, Bell hugged the sweating Hermione and walked to the rest area to sit down.

After all, he had endured it for so long, so he didn't care to endure it for a little longer.

After all, what we have to do next can be regarded as heavy physical labor? So it was still necessary for Hermione to take a break and regain some strength.

"Hermione, it's time for you to exercise."

After dancing for just a while, it wasn't even a warm-up for Bell, but Hermione was already out of breath.

Rolling her eyes at Bell, Hermione leaned on the sofa and said nothing.

Although she was indeed unable to compare with Bell in terms of physical strength, she could not say that she would be exhausted after dancing for such a short period of time.

The reason why she sweats so much is actually mainly due to excitement.

After all, it is the first dance with the one you love. Although the first half is a bit stumbling, it is still interesting and will make people more impressive.

He took a glass of alcoholic fruit drink and handed it to Hermione. Bell also took a glass of the same drink and drank it in one gulp.

As the saying goes, 'drinking makes you bold', considering what was going to happen next, Bell, who always hated the taste of alcohol, made a rare exception.

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