The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 425 Why do so many people like to show affection?

December 24th.

Today is Christmas Eve, and it is also the day when the little wizards’ long-awaited Christmas Ball is held.

Bell hadn't seen Hermione since lunch.

I was told by my girlfriend, ‘Don’t bother me! ’ After the order, Bell could only stay pitifully in the lounge, petting the ‘cat’ alone.

By the way, Shanna and the other three have already followed little Gabrielle to check out the location.

It is said that the space inside the carriage is ridiculously large. If you don’t walk around the public areas in advance and become familiar with the routes, you might not be able to finish it all in one night?

So who was so full that he could carve out such a large space in a carriage?

"Xiao Fina~! It's better for you, you won't leave me to play alone."

Picking up Fina, Bell buried his face in the little guy's plush hair, rubbing and rubbing.

Bell no longer cared about the fact that Fina's body shape had not changed at all even after several years.

It would be better for Fina to stay like this. After all, when you grow up, you will definitely not be as cute as you were when you were little. And it’s not convenient to do it.


Xiao Fina showed an expression of despair.

It wanted a beast to run around and play with, but the problem was that before leaving, the Demon King Shanna was afraid that her brother would feel lonely without her company, so he specifically told it that he must accompany him at all times. He was never allowed to leave his master's side.

It really wants to go to sleep!

Watching the dazzling little wizards coming and going in front of him, Bell yawned out of boredom.

By the way, should he dress up too?

But when he thought about himself, a grown man, dressing up in front of the mirror, he felt a physical discomfort.

And the most important thing is, is it so troublesome?

So forget it.

Bell continued to initiate...

He would not tell others that he was too looking forward to his girlfriend's beautiful figure at night, so he couldn't calm down and do other things, so he could only sit idle and idle.

Finally, in Bell... ahem, with the expectations of many young wizards, night fell.

Although it is actually already dark, but before 6 o'clock, everyone always feels that the sun is still there.

After receiving the notice from his girlfriend, Bell came to the Gryffindor lounge with great expectations.

After a while, he saw Hermione slowly walking out of the girls' dormitory area.

As Hermione got closer and closer, the world seemed to disappear in Bell's senses, leaving only Hermione's figure gradually enlarging in his eyes.

At this time, Hermione was wearing a gorgeous black dress. The black silk gives people a crystal clear feeling under the light.

The long skirt was decorated with exquisite patterns. As Hermione moved, the hem of the skirt floated slightly, as if black roses were blooming around Hermione. It was extremely beautiful.

The slim-fitting long skirt perfectly accentuated Hermione's figure. Under the slender waist, slightly bulging chest, and the rolled up hair, there is a gracefully curved neck. Coupled with the makeup that Hermione spent the entire afternoon carefully preparing, Bell felt his mouth go dry just looking at it.

"B-Bell, what do you think?"

Hermione lowered her head slightly and asked softly.

The heat in Bell's eyes made her a little overwhelmed, and she didn't dare to look directly into Bell's eyes.

As the saying goes, action is worse than a heartbeat. Looking at the charming and shy Hermione in front of him, Bell replaced his answer with actual actions.

He took a step forward, and amidst Hermione's suppressed exclamation, he hugged the other person's slender waist, lowered his head, and blocked the words Hermione was about to say.

The two stood in the Gryffindor lounge and started kissing passionately as if no one else was watching.

It seemed like only a second had passed, and ten thousand years had passed. The two lips parted reluctantly, and Hermione slumped into Bell's arms with blurred eyes and shortness of breath.

"Honey, you are so beautiful!"

Leaning close to Hermione's ear, Bell whispered.

After saying that, he nibbled on Hermione's earlobe, causing Hermione to tremble slightly.

After teasing Hermione, Bell took a deep breath of air mixed with Hermione's body fragrance and raised his head.

He didn't dare to continue. If he continues to play with fire, he will no longer have the confidence to control himself. Now here, neither the occasion nor the time is obviously suitable for the two of them to have a more in-depth communication.

After raising his head, Bell discovered that unknowingly, they were surrounded by people.

He was too involved in the kiss before, and he rarely completely lost his awareness of his surroundings.

Of course, if someone really seizes the opportunity just now and tries to attack him, Bell is still confident that he can react in time and respond with the perception he has honed for many years.

But how much strength it can exert, only God knows.

After retracting his wandering thoughts, Bell looked at the little wizards around him.

He found that everyone was looking at him and Hermione with blessings... Of course this was impossible!

In fact, that kind of blessing gaze does exist, but it is rare.

Most of all, it was envy, jealousy, and the red-haired man behind the crowd who wanted to kill someone in his eyes.

Being stared at by everyone's eyes with complicated emotions, Bell just felt...refreshed all over!

I remember back then, he always stood in the crowd and stared at others with such envy and jealousy. Unexpectedly, today, he would also become the target that others wanted to purify by holding up a torch.

At this moment, Bell finally understood why so many people like to go to the street to show their affection.

How is the word "cool" so special!

'Hehe...hehehaha...hahaha~! ’

Just when Bell was giggling to the point where he almost thought his last name was 'Bell', Hermione finally recovered from the lingering feeling from before.

After regaining some strength, she quickly broke away from Bell's arms, and then she also noticed the eyes of everyone around her.

Hermione was not as thick-skinned as Bell.

She was so shy that she almost lost the ability to think. She quickly took Bell's hand and walked quickly outside the lounge.

Bell, on the other hand, followed Hermione calmly.

Looking at the dense crowd in front of him, he stamped hard as he took a step, and the carpet under his feet seemed to come alive, moving all the little wizards in front of Hermione to both sides, creating a spacious passage.

Hermione, who was extremely shy, didn't even hear the exclamations from the little wizards around her. Without raising her head, she pulled Belle out of the lounge.

After leaving the lounge, Hermione finally regained some sense after being blown by the cold wind that leaked in from the window.

She turned around and glared at Bell with a red face, but ultimately said nothing.

But the slightly raised corners of her mouth betrayed her true inner thoughts.

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