The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 414 The Tangled Bell

"Little sister, what is your name?"

At the Slytherin table, a Durmstrang student A was sitting next to Zannah, asking questions diligently.

After saying that, he showed a smile that he thought was handsome, and did not notice at all that the little Slytherin snakes around him were looking at him with deadly eyes.

"Little sister, why don't you speak? Do you not understand me? I think I speak English quite well, right?"

Student A continued to strike up a conversation perseveringly.

Although Shanna is still young, she uses magic power to strengthen her body all year round, making her body develop faster than her peers.

Even Hermione was not as tall as Zannah now. Therefore, uninformed people could easily mistake Shanna for an upperclassman.

Slowly, she forked a piece of meat and put it into her mouth, then chewed it slowly. Shanna was very confused now.

To be honest, she wanted to slap the fly next to her to death.

But after being taught a lesson by her brother during the summer vacation, she is now very cautious about her murderous intentions.

Judging from the current situation, the fly next to her has no intention of harming her, so it is not in line with what her brother said, that she can kill the other party unconditionally.

‘But this guy is really annoying! I can't even concentrate on eating! ’

Glancing at Phyllis and Reina sitting on the other side of her, Shanna thought, should she secretly kill the fly and then put the blame on her two good friends?

no! Doesn’t that still violate my brother’s instructions?

The young and innocent little Shanna, at this time, did not have the idea of ​​​​teaching the other party a lesson and letting him retreat from the difficulties.

In her opinion, doesn't the so-called lesson mean that you have done something to the other person?

As for where the little girl's knowledge came from... ahem, Bell said that he was also confused.

"Little sister..."

Just as Student A continued to run wildly on the road to death, a hand suddenly rested on his shoulder.

Student A looked back unhappily. He wanted to see who it was that dared to disturb his pursuit of girls!

"This classmate, could you please change your seat?"

As a human being in a civilized society, Bell has always been polite before fighting.

After all, who hasn’t been young and ignorant? No matter what, you should give the other person a chance to change his ways and be a new person.

"Huh? Who are you? Why should I change places with you?"

Student A said unhappily.

If this was not Hogwarts, he would have directly taught the other party a lesson.

Just kidding, who is he? He is known to everyone in Durmstrang...

"Oh! Isn't this Anthony! I have admired you for a long time. Come here, let's have a good chat!"

A Slytherin snake suddenly ran over, pulled Student A and said enthusiastically.

After saying that, he didn't care what Student A's reaction was, he just pulled him up forcefully and walked away.

"Hey!? No, I'm not Anthony, my name is Ray..."

"It doesn't matter, I know, let's go, let's go over there and have a good chat. I'm extremely curious about you Durmstrang!"

Of course he knew that the other person's name was not Anthony. After all, Anthony was just a name he spouted nonsense.

As for what the other party’s name is?

He had no interest in understanding at all.

The main reason why he ran over was that he didn't want to be splashed with blood and affect his appetite. The most important reason was that he hoped to win the favor of the Menethil family through this move.

Of course, he also knew that it was hard to say how much effect it would have with such a small thing.

But after all, it is just a little effort. Even if it only leaves a slight impression, it is worth the money.

Watching the two people's retreating figures, a warm feeling hit Bell's heart.

have a look! Come and take a look! Who said little snakes are cold-blooded?

In Slytherin House, Bell only felt endless warmth. Every time he comes here, he feels like he's back home.

So he should indeed belong to Slytherin House!

It's all thanks to that broken Sorting Hat that has Alzheimer's disease that actually sorted him into Ravenclaw House.

Simply outrageous!

"Brother! Did you come to play with me?"

Shanna looked at her brother happily and instantly put all the previous unhappiness behind her.

"Yes. And I didn't come alone. Look who I met."

With that said, Bell turned sideways, allowing Gabrielle, who was hiding behind him, to appear in Shanna's eyes.

"Ouch! Brother-in-law! Why did you hide away all of a sudden! I also wanted to give Sister Shanna a surprise."

Gabrielle pouted in dissatisfaction.

"It's little sister Gabrielle!"

Shanna was also quite impressed by this cute little sister who wanted to be her sister.

And like her brother, Shanna also likes the quirky Gabrielle.

Sitting aside, Bell happily watched Shanna introduce Gabri to her two friends.

Under the influence of the charm, Phyllis and Reyna immediately fell in love with Gabrielle. The little girls, one small, three big, and four, quickly got along, chatting and laughing.

"It's true! The food here is really, as my brother-in-law said, even more delicious than the one in Ravenclaw! Why?"

After taking a bite of the food Zannah brought to her, Gabrielle immediately widened her eyes in surprise.

She thought her brother-in-law had just said it casually before. As a result, although the difference is not big, the food in Slytherin is really better than that in Ravenclaw!

Why? Could it be that the Slytherin students paid too much?

"Huh? Is the food here better than Ravenclaw's?"

Unexpectedly, Shanna also looked puzzled.

She often went to Ravenclaw to eat with her brother, and even occasionally went to the Gryffindor table to eat, but she never felt that Slytherin's food was better.

Shouldn’t the food eaten by the four houses of Hogwarts be the same?

Shanna cast doubtful eyes on her brother.


Because he felt that the murderous intent in Hermione's 'death gaze' had weakened a lot, Bell calmed down and enjoyed his dinner happily again, but he paused again.

He forgot to tell Gabrielle not to tell Shanna about the taste of the food.

By the way, why did he have such a hard time eating this meal tonight? All kinds of messy things happened frequently, making him almost lose his appetite.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Seeing that her brother was silent, Shanna couldn't help but ask.

"This, this..."

Bell was very confused.

So how should he answer?

Just lie... No! How could he deceive his sister!

But to be honest, Shanna would definitely not allow him to do this in the future.

In that case, Shanna wouldn't be able to eat the most delicious food!

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