The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 412 Charm Magic


Gabrielle pouted dissatisfiedly.

Appeared! The first trick that hateful adults use to deal with children is: 'You will understand when you grow up'.

So when will you grow up?

What if you still don’t understand?

Return it? ?

However, before Gabri could express her dissatisfaction, she heard Belle continue:

"Of course, even if you grow up, you may not be able to understand it. But it's not a big deal. If you can't understand it, you can't understand it.

I'm not a fish, so it's normal not to know how to enjoy fish. Anyway, it doesn't affect my eating, so forget it. "

"What? What kind of fish? Fish roe?"

Mosquito coils appeared in Gabrielle's eyes, and Bell made her head spin.


Bell smiled slightly and put some more food on the little guy's plate.

"Eat quickly, or you'll all be eaten clean by me."

After looking at the food on the plate, Gabrielle... began to eat obediently.

If you have any questions, you can ask them later. The first priority now is to fill your belly.

While the two of them were concentrating on eating, unknowingly, the auditorium gradually became quiet. Even the sound of the clinking of knives and forks against dinner plates became much softer than usual.


An unhappy smacking sound came clearly from Bell's left side, causing him to turn his head in confusion.

So he had obviously left enough food for the other party for Gabrielle's sake, so why did the other party still smack his lips in displeasure? Is the food not to your liking?

Noticing Bell's gaze, Fleur glared at him unhappily.

"Hmph! Man!"


Bell looked confused.

Didn't he just eat a little too much... a lot more, but the house elves responsible for cooking didn't have any objections. How can a foreign girl who knows how to eat have such a big temper?

So is this a provocation? You want to fight with him!

If it weren't for little Gabrielle's sake, Bell all the food right now and let this foreign girl go back hungry!


Realizing that her sister was having trouble with her brother-in-law again, Gabrielle stretched out her hand and tugged Bell's arm, then secretly pointed around.

So she is still just a baby, but she is busy adjusting the relationship between her sister and her brother-in-law. It is really difficult for her!

Looking in the direction of Gabriel's finger, Bell was surprised to find that everyone was staring at him! ?

Oh, no, after looking carefully, Bell discovered that the focus of people's attention was not on him, but on Fleur beside him.

The little wizard who stared at Fleur looked like a pig. As for the little witches, except for a few of them who also showed their pig-like looks, the rest mostly had expressions of displeasure and jealousy.

Bell then remembered that Fleur and Gabrielle both had their own charm magic.

Unlike Gabrielle, who is younger and will not be affected unless in close contact, Fleur, who will graduate next year, has powerful magic power in her body. Therefore, the power of her charm magic is far beyond what Gabrielle can compare to.

And because Bell has mastered the powerful Occlumency technique, the magic power of the Fleur sisters cannot invade his brain.

Unaffected, he subconsciously ignored this.

In other words, Fleur's smacking of lips before was not directed at him, but at those little wizards who were reluctant to blink, and those little witches whose jealous fire was about to set the auditorium on fire.

‘Really, I should have told you earlier. ’

Knowing that it was not his fault, Bell's unhappiness instantly disappeared, and he happily looked at the food on the table again.

Which one should I eat next...Forget it, let's eat them all.

As the saying goes, one word spreads to ten, and more and more young wizards notice Fleur's beauty.

And among these people, naturally included a certain fourth-year witch from Gryffindor House.

Seeing a big beauty on Bell's left and a little beauty on his right, happily hugging each other (Hermione's perspective), looking like a winner in life, Hermione almost broke her white teeth.

That's obviously her place!

Ever since Penello graduated, Bell's side has become her exclusive place (Sanna has been automatically ignored by Hermione)!

As a result, two vixens appeared out of nowhere? Still chatting and laughing with Bell, looking like he was enjoying the meal (still from Hermione's perspective)?



Why does that little fox look so familiar?

After carefully thinking about the people she had met during this period, Hermione quickly settled on her target thanks to the narrow social circle.

‘Isn’t this the lost little girl they bumped into by chance on the snack street before the Quidditch World Cup finals! It seems to be called...Gabriel? ’

It didn't really matter what the other person's name was, and Hermione didn't care at all.

What she was concerned about was that, if she remembered correctly, the other party had a sister. At that time, this little girl was still trying to promote her sister to Bell.

Originally, she just regarded it as a child's nonsense and didn't take it seriously. She forgot about it in the blink of an eye.

But now, she had to start worrying.

First of all, that Gabrielle and her sister actually met Bell again in Hogwarts! ?

Even Hermione, who was influenced by Bell and didn't believe in the so-called fate, couldn't help sighing at this moment about the cruelty of fate!

Secondly, sister Gabrielle, who was covered up so tightly at the beginning, is so beautiful?

Even though Hermione has full confidence in her boyfriend and believes that Bell is definitely not a superficial person who only cares about appearance, the problem is that she has no confidence in herself!

The one who can represent Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament will undoubtedly be the best student in Beauxbatons.

In comparison, Hermione felt that she was much more ordinary.

To be fair, if the Triwizard Tournament was held in the opponent's school, she had no confidence at all that she would be able to represent Hogwarts.

In addition, she had a big fight with Bell not long ago, and they haven't spoken to each other for more than a week. Although the two have reconciled now, they still feel that they are still a little bit different from before.

Finally, and what was most disturbing to Hermione was:

‘Hey, when did you get together? ’

(╯ # -乑)╯~~╧═╧

Hermione knew that with the speed at which Bell ate, the people sitting next to him had no chance of eating.

The only exceptions are herself, Shanna, and her friends with Bell! friend! ’ Senpai Penello who has a close relationship.

But now, even if Hermione's eyesight is not as perverted as that of the Bell brothers and sisters, she can still clearly see that there is a lot of food on the plates of the two vixens, one big and one small. !

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