The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 405 What is life and death?

However, just as one of Shanna's feet was about to step out of the dormitory door, the magic mark on the back of her right hand suddenly lit up with a light red light.


She pouted dissatisfiedly, but in the end, Zannah waved her wand back and threw Hermione back to the bed in mid-air.

"Just one night!"

After saying that, Shanna stomped away without looking back.

And as Shanna walked out of the dormitory, the wooden door embedded in the wall suddenly flew up, and the broken wall quickly recovered. In the blink of an eye, everything seemed as if it had never happened, and the dormitory returned to peace and tranquility.

Rubbing her sore buttocks, Hermione looked in the direction of the door with complicated eyes.

Although she didn't know what had just happened, even if she thought about it with her feet, she could tell that it must have been Bell who stopped Zannah.

Sighing, Hermione lay back on the bed. It seems that tonight will be another sleepless night.

Early the next morning, Hermione stared at the dark circles under her eyes and struggled to get up.

Seeing her roommates, who had completely forgotten what happened last night, gathering together to discuss the issue of makeup, Hermione couldn't help but sigh:

‘The naughty kid is so scary! ’

Of course, what is even more frightening is that behind that naughty child, there is an equally lawless brother who dotes on her.

What a disaster!

Therefore, in order to prevent the world from being destroyed and to maintain world peace, Hermione gritted her teeth and finally made up her mind.

After briefly washing up, Hermione took out the few cosmetics she had for the first time in a long time and dressed up carefully in the mirror.

She had to find a way to cover up the dark circles under her eyes.

Absently, the first class passed quickly. The little wizards left the classroom one after another and walked towards the location of the next class.

Soon, Hermione and Bell were the only two people left in the classroom.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione stood up suddenly and walked towards the back of the classroom with the aura of 'a strong man is gone and never comes back'.

There, Bell was sitting quietly in his seat, concentrating on the magic book in his hand.

Of course, this is just Bell's posturing to hide his emotions.

He did not have the ability to read calmly under such circumstances.

Sensing Hermione standing still in front of him, Bell closed the book in his hand, raised his head, and looked at her.

"Now, can you tell me your decision?"

Bell asked softly, trying hard to hide the tremor in his voice.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione forced herself to look directly into Bell's eyes and confirmed for the last time:

"Bell, can you really not give up on those experiments?"


Bell's voice was full of determination and determination.

You must know that everything he has done to satisfy his thirst for knowledge about magic and his thirst for power is only a secondary purpose.

And his main purpose is to help his sister become stronger!

He hoped that Shanna would be strong enough to protect herself from harm at any time and under any circumstances.

Therefore, unless Shanna told him personally that she hoped he could stop those experiments, no one could stop him from continuing.

"All right……"

Although it was an expected answer, Hermione still felt very disappointed.

She used her right hand hidden behind her back to pinch herself hard, and with the help of pain, she freed herself from the influence of her lost emotions.

"Bell, you must promise me that you will never hurt any innocent or kind-hearted people. Otherwise, even if you die, I will definitely stop you!"

For the sake of this world, for love and peace, Hermione finally decided to feed a tiger with her body after thinking about it all night!

As the saying goes, 'If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?' She wanted to stay by Bell's side and monitor him closely.

Once she finds out that Bell has become a dark wizard, then she will... she will... become a dark wizard too and continue to monitor Bell! ! !

(Hermione: 'I will never lose to Zannah again!')

Therefore, she really made such a decision with a noble heart. Absolutely no selfish intentions!

‘Clang~! ’

The chair under Bell fell backwards and fell to the ground with a loud collision.

And he himself passed through the desk in front of him without any hindrance and hugged Hermione tightly into his arms.

This is the smoothest cast that Bell has had since he learned Wood Escape.

"Bell, please be gentle, you hurt me."

Feeling Bell's arms tightening tighter and tighter, Hermione blushed and said softly.

Bell hugged her so tightly that she could hardly breathe.

"Feel sorry!"

Hearing this, Bell quickly relaxed some of the strength on his arms.

He was so happy that he accidentally lost control.

"You haven't promised me yet."

Obviously, even at this moment, Hermione had not forgotten business.

"I promise you that I will never harm any innocent or kind-hearted person. Otherwise, I will kill or chop them into pieces. Please do as you please."

Bell promised firmly and forcefully.


After that, the two hugged each other tightly, unwilling to separate, until...the class bell rang.

"Oops! I even forgot that I have classes! Bell, let's go quickly!"

Hermione said anxiously, trying to get out of Belle's arms.

Although she was very reluctant to give up, the persona of the God of Study still made it impossible for her to ignore the school bell.

"Otherwise we'll just have sex."

Bell has no intention of attending those boring classes now. He just wanted to be alone with Hermione.


Hermione rejected Bell's proposal without hesitation.

You know, over the past week or so, because of her worries about her relationship with Bell, her learning efficiency has dropped by 50%!

What if she skips another class and misses a lot of important knowledge points? What if she doesn't get full marks at the end of the semester?

She will be ashamed to face the professor!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Grabbing Bell's arm, Hermione pulled hard.

Not only herself, she would not allow Bell to skip class.

In order to reduce even a little bit the probability of Bell becoming a dark wizard in the future, she must start from the trivial things in life and strictly correct Bell's words and deeds. Such a huge 'evil behavior' as skipping classes must not be tolerated anymore!

After all, she didn't want to be a dark wizard if she could help it.

Because as far as she knows, those dark wizards are very unhygienic.

She couldn't help but get goosebumps when she thought about being in the company of those dark wizards with unkempt hair, yellow lips and yellow teeth, and extremely abnormal spirits.

Under Hermione's force, Bell finally gave in reluctantly.

After kissing Hermione goodbye at the stairs, she watched her figure disappear around the corner of the corridor. The corners of Bell's mouth slowly turned up, getting higher and higher, and finally, he laughed out loud.

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