The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 403 Shan Unreasonable Na

Shanna has been unhappy recently, very unhappy!

What? You ask her why she is unhappy?

Needless to say, of course it’s because my brother is unhappy!

In fact, Zannah applauded Hermione's move away from her brother at first.

But it didn't take long for the little girl to discover that her brother's mood had fallen to the lowest point ever! ?

This time, the little girl who had been touched was completely unable to sit still.

Shanna, who perfectly inherited her mother's character, could not be as forbearing as her father.

Therefore, after struggling for a few days and failing to come up with an effective solution, the little girl gritted her teeth, stamped her feet... and gave up!

As the saying goes, if you can't solve the problem, then solve the person who created the problem!

So, on this dark and windy night, Zannah avoided Phyllis and Reyna and sneaked out of the Slytherin lounge alone.

She was going to deal with Hermione!


Ahem, don’t get me wrong, Shanna has no intention of killing.

What she meant by solving Hermione was asking her to admit her mistakes and reconcile with her brother.

As for Hermione's willingness?

That's not even within the scope of Shanna's consideration!

She is just a 12-year-old girl, and she doesn't understand big principles or anything like that. So even if she forced Hermione's head down, she must make him apologize to her brother!

Shan Unreasonable Nana strode toward the Gryffindor lounge with steps that she didn't recognize.

Zannah said she wasn't afraid of Filch or anything like that.

Her own Dean Snape has a long-standing relationship with her. If anything happens, Dean Snape can find a way to solve it.

If Dean Snape doesn't care, then she will go to her brother to complain!

'snort! ’


Soon, Zannah appeared in front of the Fat Lady's portrait.

Zannah didn't know the password to the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, and at this time, there were no Gryffindor students to allow her to read minds.

Well, actually if you spend some time and search around the castle, you will definitely be able to find a few little lion cubs out for night walks. But Zannah didn't want to bother with that.

This little problem is not a problem for her, who is so smart.

Shanna was seen standing motionless in front of the Fat Madam's portrait. No matter what the Fat Madam said to her, she remained silent.

Right now, she was in no mood to chat with a painting.

After about a minute, the fat lady suddenly stepped aside.

Someone opened the entrance from the inside.

It is not accurate to say that there are people. Because it was not some little wizard who opened the entrance.

After stepping into the Gryffindor lounge, Zannah lowered her head and scolded dissatisfied:

"Fina, you are too slow! I have been waiting for a long time!"


Little Fina let out a pitiful whimper.

It had not appeared for a long time, and as soon as it came out, it was immediately criticized, and it was unreasonable. Xiao Fina felt very aggrieved by this.

Before, it was lying comfortably on the sofa, leisurely enjoying the time after dinner.

As a result, just when it finished yawning and was about to take a nap, the personal terminal next to it suddenly rang, which frightened it all over.

What? You ask where did it come from as a personal terminal?

Of course, it used affection (acting like a baby) and acted rationally (acting cute), and finally succeeded in convincing its owner to get it from him.

When it has nothing to do, it likes to go to the Magic Online to chat with people, play games, etc. through its personal terminal.

Compared to his owner's single-digit contacts, there are hundreds of people in his friend list. Xiao Fina has been proud of this for a long time.

Hearing the familiar but unfamiliar ringtone ringing in her ears, Xiao Fina didn't even bother to care about her hair that was so frightened that she jumped up to the front of the personal terminal and agreed without even looking. The call was made.

This kind of ringtone was specially set by Xiao Fina for her master and his sister. This was the first time it sounded.

If it were his owner, it would be fine, but if it were Shanna's owner, if it picks up a second or two late, its good days might come to an end again.

"Fina, go to the Gryffindor lounge immediately and open the entrance for me. Remember, don't let your brother know!"

After finishing speaking, before Xiao Feina could respond, Shanna on the opposite side hung up the communication.

It’s too late to hesitate!

Without saying a word, Xiao Fina rushed out like an arrow from a string.

He was already very familiar with the Gryffindor common room. After all, every once in a while, it would go on a tour of that territory.

Therefore, without any delay, it flew in through an open window and opened the entrance to the lounge without any pause.

As a result, despite being so hard-working and dedicated, she was still reprimanded by her boss. How could Xiao Fina not feel aggrieved?

However, Xiao Fina, who saw that Shanna was in a bad mood now, did not dare to make any rebuttal at all, and could only bear everything silently.

Ignoring Xiao Fina's pretense of pity, after scolding the other party, Shanna passed Xiao Fina and walked towards the girls' dormitory without looking back.

Hermione's position has appeared in her perception field, and now the opponent can't escape even if he has wings!

Quickly walked to the door of Hermione's dormitory, poured magic into her feet, raised her legs, and kicked!

‘Boom~! ’

The door flew out and was embedded in the opposite wall.

Speaking of which, when she was little, she always used her wand to knock down doors. Until that time, after seeing her mother kicking the door open, she thought it would be more handsome, but she had never had the chance to try it.

Looking at the door embedded in the opposite wall, Zannah nodded with satisfaction, and then walked into Hermione's dormitory without any hesitation.

Little Fina, who followed Shanna without saying a word, looked around nervously and found that the huge roar just now miraculously didn't attract anyone's attention, and then wiped the ooze from her forehead. Beads of sweat, relieved.

At this time, the little guy was extremely happy. Due to Shanna's power over the years, it had not dared to show even a trace of dissatisfaction before.

Otherwise, there might be one more of them embedded in the wall now.

"What's wrong? What happened!?"

In the smoke and dust, Hermione's roommates shouted in panic.

They never imagined that one day they would be attacked in the safety of their dormitory.

Only Hermione looked calmly at the entrance to the dormitory.

There, she felt a familiar scent. Moreover, she, who often watched Shanna's training, also noticed a sense of déjà vu from the events in front of her.

Sure enough, a figure pushed away the flying dust and appeared in Hermione's field of vision.

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