The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 401 So, what should we do?

"Ugh~! Ouch~!"

Outside Bell's laboratory, Hermione was holding on to the wall with one hand, barely keeping herself from falling to the ground, and covering her stomach with her other hand as she kept vomiting.

At this time, she felt extremely regretful. She regretted why she had not controlled her curiosity in the first place and actually asked to visit Bell's damn laboratory?

"Ugh... ugh~!"

When Hermione thought of the laboratory, she thought of the scene she had seen in the physical enhancement laboratory before, and then she couldn't help but vomited again.

What kind of laboratory is that? It's clearly a slaughterhouse! It's hell!

The layout of that laboratory was almost exactly the same as the previous bloodline fusion laboratory. The only difference is that what is soaked in the solution is no longer the torso of a magical animal, but a human body!

Arms, thighs, internal organs, and even a brain! Moreover, although she just glanced at the door and ran out, Hermione seriously doubted that, like the previous blood fusion laboratory, there must be something in the deepest part of this physical enhancement laboratory. There is also something even more terrifying!

After taking two hard breaths, Hermione tried to straighten up a little bit.

She had never thrown up like this. Even the time she went to Mars, she didn't feel too uncomfortable due to her severe dizziness. At least it’s not as uncomfortable as it is now!

"Hermione, are you okay? Do you want a potion?"

After gently patting Hermione on the back, and comforting her, Bell asked worriedly.

"Go away! Don't touch me!"

Hermione forcefully opened Bell's hand, staggered two steps forward, and distanced herself from Bell.

Looking at the innocent-looking Bell, Hermione had never felt that he was so strange and hateful.

"How could you, how could you do something like that!? Don't tell me, those were all cloned by you!"

Hermione demanded sharply.


Let's not talk about whether he can successfully cultivate adult humans or even adult wizards. Even if he could do it, Bell would not do it.

Because the time and cost required for cultivation are too much, it is completely worth the loss.

"But Hermione, you have to know that in this world, not everyone is qualified to be called a human. Not everyone is qualified to live."

The experimental materials used by Bell were all ‘volunteers’ recruited from all the dark corners of London over the years.

Recently, due to the progress of the experiment, Bell also recruited several wizards from Knockturn Alley as 'volunteers' to eliminate possible deviations caused by the different physiques of wizards and Muggles.

After all, this is a matter concerning the lives of yourself, your sister, and your family, so you can never be too cautious.

"How can you think that? Who are you to judge whether other people are qualified to live!?"

Hermione stepped backwards.

She felt that the Bell in front of her must be fake! Her Belle shouldn't be like this, and it can't be like this!

"I am indeed not qualified to judge whether those people deserve to die or live. But unfortunately, those who are qualified to judge are all dead."

Bell looked at Hermione calmly and said softly.

"you you……"

Hermione was so angry that she couldn't even speak.

She didn't expect that at this moment, Bell would still be arrogant.

Why! Why can't Bell just give in? ?

Even if it means lying to her!

As long as Bell lied to her and said that he would never do those horrible experiments again or hurt anyone, then she could deceive herself and treat everything she had seen before as if it didn't exist. !

So why not lie to her! ! !


With a powerful wave of her wand, Hermione disappeared.

The next moment she was at the entrance to the suitcase, running out crying.

"Brother, is it really okay to just let Hermione go like this?"

Shanna asked.

At this time, the little girl also had a pale face. She grabbed her brother's arm with one hand and barely managed to keep her body stable.

Obviously, everything she had seen before had a huge impact on her.

"It doesn't matter, let her go."

Bell said calmly.

However, Shanna, who was familiar with her brother, heard a deep sadness in his voice.

This made the little girl even more dissatisfied with Hermione.

"Brother, are there any other laboratories inside?"

Shanna asked, trying to divert her brother's attention.

Because Hermione suddenly ran out before, in order to prevent her from being harmed by the traps set up in the laboratory, her brother took her and followed Hermione out.


He reached out and rubbed Shanna's little head. Looking at his sister's pale face, Bell felt both regretful and relieved.

Regrettably, he should have been tougher and refused Shanna's request to visit the laboratory. Sure enough, it was all too early for the little girl.

What is gratifying is that Shanna's performance is really outstanding.

You know, when Bell first started the experiment, he vomited for a whole week before he could barely continue the experiment.

Even now, he still feels frightened when he thinks about that nightmarish week.

"Then let's go see..."

“That’s a laboratory that hasn’t been opened yet—the soul laboratory.

As you know, my brother has not yet conducted research on the soul, so although he has prepared a laboratory, there is almost nothing in it, so there is nothing interesting to see. "

Interrupting Zanna's proposal, Bell briefly explained the function of the last laboratory.

There is currently only one thing in that soul laboratory, and that is the soul.

In line with the principle of making the best use of everything, Bell found a way to collect the souls of dead experimental subjects and temporarily stored them in the soul laboratory for later use.

But even in his original plan, he had no intention of taking Zannah and Hermione to visit the laboratory.

Not to mention that now that he was in a low mood, he just wanted to find a quiet place to sit and be alone for a while.

After glancing at her brother, Shanna, who knew her brother extremely well, noticed the word 'almost' used by her brother.

But as a considerate and good sister, since her brother didn't want her to visit the laboratory, she would no longer make trouble unreasonably.

So, Shanna just nodded and didn't mention the visit to the laboratory again.

"Brother, I'm hungry, let's go eat quickly!"

Shaking her brother's arm, Shanna hoped to use the most effective way to improve her mood that she could think of to help her brother get rid of his depressed mood.

Perhaps, she can secretly add a little cheering agent to the meal later.

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