The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 395 Just learn hard!

Who would have imagined that she had finally waited for the day she had been thinking about for a long time, and she had only studied for less than an hour, and it was about to end here?

Then how long will she have to wait until she can successfully master apparation?

"How could it be? You can still learn."

Seeing Hermione's disappointed look, Bell quickly offered words of comfort.

"How to learn?"

Hermione looked at Bell expectantly.

She knew that her Bell had the most clever ideas!

"Just learn it hard!"


Hermione was speechless.

What the hell is hard learning?

"Although it's more difficult to Apparate here, it doesn't mean that it's impossible to Apparate."

As he spoke, Bell's figure twisted and disappeared.

Then, in less than a second, Bell's figure reappeared on the spot.

"Look, didn't I successfully apparate?"

Seeing that Hermione was still hesitant, Bell decided to use a tried-and-tested special attack on Hermione - the provocation method!

"If you are afraid of difficulties, then you can only wait. How about we wait until Christmas and study outside school?

Speaking of which, Shanna seemed to be..."

"Who, who is afraid of difficulties!"

Just kidding, who is she? She is Hermione! That Hermione who got perfect scores in every exam and ranked first in the whole grade!

As long as she grows up, she has never been afraid of difficulties!

No matter how difficult the paper is, she can still get full marks...well, at least it's okay to get an O.

Therefore, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with Shanna.

This guy Bell is real! Why is old Tisana doing nothing? It's not the right time to mention it.

What if everyone misunderstands!

"Learn! Just, just study hard!"

As for the fear of being trapped in that colorful space before, Hermione, who was so competitive, had completely forgotten about it.

After giving Hermione a funny look, Bell said before Hermione could get angry.

"Okay. But don't worry, even if you can't come back, I will drag you back, just like before.

So, go ahead with confidence! "

I don't know if Bell's comfort had an effect, or if the special attack against Hermione was too powerful?

In short, in just one morning, Hermione successfully broke through the reinforced space in the suitcase and Apparated back.

"What the hell am I doing!?"

It was pitch black before her eyes, and a strong pressure restrained Hermione's body, making her unable to move.


Hermione, who couldn't even breathe, used up the little air left in her chest and struggled to call out Bell's name.

However, even though she tried her best, the sound she finally made was just like a whisper.

Fortunately, Bell, who had been paying attention to Hermione, discovered his girlfriend's predicament without Hermione asking for help.

The pressure is relieved and an upward lift is suddenly generated.

After a while, the light returned to Hermione's eyes. She breathed the fresh air vigorously, and a feeling of rebirth appeared in her heart.

Bell, who used the deformation technique to control the earth and thrust Hermione out, looked at Hermione who was gasping for air with both amusement and distress.

"So Hermione, didn't you feel that it was hard when you came out?"

Generally, if the Apparition fails, the most it will appear is in an object such as a wall. I have never heard of someone like Hermione running directly underground.

Because if you want to apparate underground, you must get rid of all the soil around you.

This is no easy task.

Apparition is just a movement spell used in conjunction with Apparition, not a space spell used to attack.

Using the power of space to attack or something like that is not within the scope of their business, it is too out of line.

Therefore, even if the wizard makes a mistake during Apparition and chooses the location of the Apparition under the ground, the Wizard will be able to realize that there is a problem through the feedback pressure from around him and reselect the Apparition location in time.

It turned out that it was good for Hermione. He asked Hermione to learn it forcefully, but there was no such way.

"Hey!? No, isn't it supposed to be very laborious in the first place?"

Hermione said breathlessly while sitting on the ground.

She had been casting spells all morning, and she occasionally drank a few sips of water and took a break, but she was exhausted.


Well, strictly speaking, this is the wrong place to choose.

In other words, is it Bell's fault?

In short, now that Hermione has successfully taken the first step and returned to Apparition, then all she needs to do next is to continue to be proficient and control the Apparition location.

After Bell's persuasion, Hermione reluctantly put away her wand and decided to take a break and have lunch before continuing in the afternoon.

Originally, she wanted to master the disembodiment in one go.

This is not because Hermione is arrogant. It's what Bell said. She has experienced space movement many times and can easily master the magic of disembodiment.

Unexpectedly, she was tricked by Bell again!

Although she was brave in her words, Hermione was still very honest in her body.

After enjoying a hearty lunch, she fell asleep immediately as soon as she lay down on the bed.

After studying all morning, she was now exhausted both physically and mentally.

Opening her eyes drowsily, Hermione glanced around blankly. After a while, she remembered that she had fallen asleep before.

Smelling the light sandalwood on the tip of her nose, she knew that this was the calming incense that Bell had specially lit to help her rest better.

"Really, I told you not to waste it like this."

Hermione scolded quietly.

But she couldn't suppress the smile on her lips.

Once before, after she studied selflessly, she woke up with pain in her head that felt like it was going to explode.

From then on, every time a similar situation happened again, Bell would light a piece of tranquilizing incense in the bedroom after she fell asleep.

This way, she won't have a headache when she wakes up, and may even feel refreshed.

Sound great?

But Hermione didn't feel happy at all...well, she was still very happy, so happy that she wanted to jump.

However, she knew that this magical thing called Ning Shen Xiang was said to be shipped from the distant country of China and was very precious.

When she was in class with the little Slytherin wizards, she heard them say more than once that even the pure-blood wizards were reluctant to use Ningshenxiang at will.

It's not like they can't afford anything. The main reason is that the quantity is limited and you can’t buy it even if you have money.

Therefore, using such a precious thing just to make herself sleep more comfortable or something like that, Hermione always felt like a waste of money.

Unfortunately, even though Bell told her many times, she would still fall into selflessness involuntarily when learning the spell.

And even though she had told Bell many times, Bell would still light a piece of Ningshen incense in her room every time.

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