The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 382 The more you watch, the happier you become

In addition, today, the other party came out to pick up the family just because of her daughter's casual words. Mrs. Granger now looked at Bell as if she was looking at her own son.

Now if Hermione wants to get rid of Bell, I'm afraid Mrs. Granger will be the first to express her objection.


Just when the Grangers were happily preparing to follow their soon-to-be son-in-law to see the wizard station they had longed for, unexpectedly, their daughter Hermione stopped in front of them.

"That is against the rules and will be discovered by the Ministry of Magic staff patrolling around!"

As she spoke, Hermione looked around furtively. She was afraid that the conversation just now would be overheard by the patrol officers of the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, Hermione also wanted to take her parents to visit Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, but in comparison, she still didn't want to violate the rules.

What if he is caught and has a bad impact on Bell?

Otherwise, girls are always said to be outward-looking. At this time, Hermione had completely forgotten that for the things Bell had done, adding this little more was really nothing.

"Don't worry, Hermione, I've already said hello to the Ministry of Magic staff here (with magic), so they will turn a blind eye. After all, it's not a big deal, right?"

Facing the nervous eyes of Mr. and Mrs. Granger, Bell quickly comforted them.

After experiencing the turmoil on the night of the Quidditch World Cup final, the Grangers and their wife became curious and yearning for wizards and the magical world, but also had some fear.

If it weren't for Hermione's persuasive words, and Bell's repeated assurances that he would protect Hermione's safety to the death, the Grangers wouldn't even want Hermione to continue going to Hogwarts.

"Is it really okay?"

Hermione confirmed again.

"Really, don't you feel at ease when I do things?"

‘It’s because of your work that I’m worried! ’

Although she was thinking this, Hermione still followed Bell honestly.

"Well, uncle and aunt, you don't need to be so nervous, just relax. And Hermione, put your wand away, you won't need it."

Bell helplessly comforted the Granger family behind him.

With the nervous looks on their faces right now, it looked like they didn't intend to do anything good.

Even if the patrol officers of the Ministry of Magic were interfered with their cognition by his spell, other people might also report it to the police after seeing it.

Hearing this, Hermione and her family took a few deep breaths before finally acting normal.

Soon, the four people came to the wall at the entrance to platform nine and three-quarters.

In Hermione's perception, a wave of magic power that was so weak that it was almost imperceptible radiated from Bell's body, wrapping her family in it.

"Be careful not to stop and walk behind me in one breath."

After a final reminder, Bell disappeared into the wall.

Gritting their teeth, the Grangers tried to control their instincts and kept walking.

Their vision went dark, and then became bright again immediately. The Grangers curiously looked at the bustling platform in front of them, with excited smiles on their faces.

Although this platform is not much different from the ones they usually use, the wizards on the platform are exactly the same as those they have seen before in Diagon Alley and the Quidditch World Cup.

But, they just feel novel and excited.

"Uncle and aunt, please go this way and don't stay in the passage."

After greeting the Grangers who were standing there, curiously looking at everything in front of them, Bell took the lead and walked towards the place where his family was.

"Brother, you are so slow! Liz and Lei Lei are here and waiting for you!"

From afar, Shanna waved her little hand and greeted.

Bell glanced behind Shanna, and sure enough he saw several more people.

In addition to Phyllis and Lena, there are four other adult wizards, 2 boys and 2 girls, who must be the parents of Phyllis and Lena.

After greeting each other and chatting for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, Bell and others said goodbye to their parents and boarded the Hogwarts Express.

By the way, if you want to leave platform nine and three-quarters, you just need to keep walking along that passage. The hidden mechanism is external but not internal.

Like last year, the weather was very gloomy on the first day of school at Hogwarts this year.

Not long after the train set off, light rain began to fall in the sky.

Judging from the thickness of the dark clouds in the sky, today's precipitation should be indispensable.

After a sumptuous and delicious lunch, Bell leaned lazily against the wall of the carriage and watched the four girls chatting and playing around.

When it's cloudy and rainy, Bell will feel weak and unable to cheer up. It made him want to disperse the rain clouds in the sky.

"By the way, Brother Bell, are you planning to participate in the competition?"

Suddenly, Phyllis brought the topic to Bell. The little girl stared at Bell expectantly.

"Contest? What competition?"

Before Bell could speak, Hermione asked curiously.

She glanced at the people in the carriage, and then realized with some unhappiness that she seemed to be the only one who was confused?

"Hey!? Sister Hermione, don't you know? Hogwarts will hold the Triwizard Tournament again this year for the first time in hundreds of years. Do you know about the Triwizard Tournament?"

Hermione nodded, stopping Phyllis's intention to explain kindly.

She had seen relevant introductions to the Triwizard Tournament in the book.

“But didn’t the book say that the Triwizard Tournament was suspended because it was too dangerous and had too many casualties?

Why is such a dangerous competition being held again?

Bell, you must not attend! "

Hermione looked at her boyfriend worriedly, fearing that Bell would get hot-headed and run away to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

"Whether the game is dangerous or not is not decided by the wizards. As long as the difficulty is lowered and some security measures are enhanced, it will be safe."

Bell said lazily.

To be honest, he really admired the brain circuits of those wizards in the past.

If the records he had read were correct, in the last Triwizard Tournament before it was shut down, the magical animals that were part of the competition even injured the principals of the three magic schools?

So even the three principals couldn't defeat magical animals, so they dared to arrange trials for students?

Has your brain been caught in the door?

Are the students in that class too strong, or are the three principals too weak?

"In addition, for safety reasons, this year's Triwizard Tournament stipulates that only students over 17 years old can participate. My age does not meet the requirements."

Although even if he is of the right age, Bell will not participate.

It's not that I'm afraid of danger or anything. Just kidding, no matter how dangerous magical animals are, is it possible that wizards are still in danger?

Mainly, he doesn't like to be watched.

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