The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 360 The ‘Harmonious and Loving’ Weasley Brothers

Like Bell, after having the previous experience of apparating from Earth to Mars, Zannah's mastery of apparation has also made breakthrough progress.

After all, wizards can't experience that kind of super long-distance apparation normally once in their lifetime. So it is normal to have this level of improvement.

I believe that once Hermione masters Apparition, she will be able to surpass most wizards in a short period of time.

As a result, if it had been before, Penello might have been able to track the remaining magic power fluctuations after Zannah's disembodiment. But now, it is obviously impossible to do it.

But Bell did not give Penello an explanation. I believe that the two women are not in the mood to listen to his explanation now.

"Follow me."

After Bell warned Penello, he took Hermione's hand and disappeared into the wooden house.

It may be difficult to hide your own traces, but it is not easy to leave your own traces.

After a period of spatial distortion, Bell and Hermione appeared next to a big tree.

As soon as he appeared, Hermione leaned against Bell and took a few deep breaths.

Hermione no longer had much reaction to this short-distance shadow change. However, there is still some mild dizziness and nausea.

"Hey! What time has it been and you still have time to show your affection? Where is Shanna?"

As soon as the Apparition appeared, Penello saw Bell and Hermione, who had taken the first step, hugging each other and not knowing what they were doing.

"It's right there."

After letting go of Hermione, whose face was flushed due to Penello's teasing, Bell raised his chin forward.

Then, a faint shout was heard, vaguely coming from the direction indicated by Bell.

"Crazy bear, breathing fire!"

Under the horrified gazes of Hermione and Penello, a stuffed teddy bear quickly grew to a size of 10 meters, and then its mouth grew, and raging, hot flames spewed out of its mouth.


At this moment, Hermione and Penello's hearts collapsed.

Especially Penello, her intestines were almost green with regret. If she had known now, she would never have complained to Shanna about those words before her death!

But what Penello didn't know was that even if she didn't say it out loud, Shanna had a way to learn those things from her mind. It's just a question of whether Shanna is willing to do that.

But you must know that Shanna is not Bell. She is a little girl who is not mentally mature enough. Once she is forced into a hurry, she can really do anything.

This is also the reason why Bell always stays by Shanna's side.

It's definitely not that he can't live without his sister or anything! Those are all rumors! It's slander!

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

At this time, there were several other people who were just as broken as Hermione and the two girls, and even more heartbroken.

That's right, it's the Weasleys who are being pushed to the ground and being rubbed by Crazy Bear!

Oh, by the way, there are also the innocent people who were affected - Harry and Neville.

"Where did this little girl come from? And what the hell is that teddy bear? And Percy, where did you mess with this little girl? She couldn't be such a little girl, you all Are you able to do it!?"

The eldest son of the Weasley family, Bill Weasley, looked at his third brother with a scum expression on his face.

It was him, the older brother, who neglected his duty and failed to take good care of his younger brother, which caused Percy to grow into a polite scum. He is guilty and he repented.

But having said that, is it that the British wizarding world has changed too quickly? Or is he already old and unable to keep up with the trends of the times? He had only been in Egypt for a few years. How come there were so many new and previously unheard of things popping up in Britain?

Although it was a critical moment like this, where his life was hanging by a thread, Bill couldn't help but start thinking, how about quitting his job at Gringotts and returning to England? I heard that the Menethil family has been recruiting people.

"What's that look in your eyes! I didn't do anything to that hateful brat! I didn't offend her either!"

If Percy hadn't been under too much pressure now and couldn't take any action, he would have cast a curse on his eldest brother.

Still not my brother!

"Not always!"

At this time, the Weasley twins, who were watching the excitement and were happy as if they were celebrating the New Year, jumped out decisively to trouble their brother.

"That's right! If you stay at school and have nothing to do, just make trouble for my brother."

"Now my sister can't stand it anymore and is coming to trouble you."

“It’s so normal!”*2

The twins once again sang in harmony and cooperated tacitly to expose Percy's background.

Although the twins didn't guess correctly, they had to say that they were not far from the truth.

What happened to Penelo was indeed the trigger for Zannah to teach Percy a lesson, but how much of it was because of Penelo and how much of it was because of her brother? Then it was really just Zannah herself. Just found out.

Seeing his sons arguing with each other in a "harmony and love", Arthur almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Just as he was about to scold these brats and let them sort out their priorities, he felt the pressure disappear and the sudden flame in front of him dissipated.

"not good!"

Arthur, who had experienced many battles, immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Get out of the way!"

After yelling at his wife and sons, Arthur used a skillful tactical move of falling to the ground and rolling to avoid the sharp claws that passed over his head.

Seeing his tent being neatly divided into two parts, Arthur swallowed nervously. He couldn't even care about the fact that his only tent was destroyed.

If he was really caught by this big claw, Arthur doubted that his armor spell wouldn't even be able to block it. So let’s worry about whether we can survive today.

Just when Arthur was ready to deal with the opponent's next attack, the huge teddy bear didn't even look at him, then turned around and chased in the direction where Percy was avoiding.

‘Boom~! ’

Crazy Bear stepped on Percy.

Percy waved his wand and barely slowed down the Crazy Bear's attack. He found that he couldn't stop it, so he had no choice but to imitate his father and perform a not-so-skilled roll to the ground.

Unfortunately, unlike the previous sweeping attack, this time the ground shook violently, interrupting Percy's roll and sending him flying into the air.

"The Upside Down Golden Bell!"

Seeing that he was about to die under the claws of the Crazy Bear, Percy, in a hurry, cast the Upside Down Curse on himself, and then barely escaped another sweeping attack from the Crazy Bear.

"Split into pieces!"

Facing the threat to his life, even Percy, who had never experienced a real battle, was inspired to unleash all his potential. He fired a cutting spell accurately at the Crazy Bear's shoulder, trying to cut off the opponent's arm.

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