The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 357 Fighting Landlords

Due to the language barrier, Furong did not stay any longer. After briefly signaling to the three Bells, they pulled the reluctant Gabrielle away.

Seeing the little girl reluctantly leaving, Bell also felt very reluctant to leave her. He quite liked this ghostly little girl.

And the most important thing is that he hasn't figured out what excuse to make to draw some blood from the other party for study.

Even Bell couldn't do the act of taking a big syringe and forcibly drawing blood from a little girl. What if it leaves a psychological shadow on the little girl?

"You still watch!"

Hermione kicked her boyfriend hard.

The two sisters could hardly be seen from behind, and he couldn't bear to take his eyes back.

"Tell me! Do you regret not agreeing to Gabrielle's invitation because of how beautiful Fleur is!?"

"...No, with her covering up so tightly, you can still tell whether she is pretty or not?"

Bell was shocked.

Why didn't he know when his girlfriend had developed such a special skill as clairvoyance?

"Then what are you looking at?"



How should I say this? You can't say that he was just thinking about how to draw blood from this little girl, right?

In short, Bell tried his best to comfort Hermione. Next, the three of them happily enjoyed the delicacies from various countries in the snack street.

After eating from morning to noon, Bell took a look at the time and felt that it was almost time, so he took the two girls back to the cabin.

Sure enough, not long after they returned to the cabin, a knock on the door interrupted the three people playing Landlord.

By the way, Bell taught Zannah and Hermione how to fight Landlords.

"Please come in."

Bell shouted in the direction of the door while throwing out the double king and blowing up Hermione's 4 K's.

The person outside has access rights to the wooden house barrier, so there is no need for him to specifically open the barrier.

"Bell! Can't you just let me go!"

Hermione was furious.

She has been playing this card game called Landlords with Bell for almost a month, but she has only won the game a handful of times.

When she was a 'landlord' and faced the two 'poor people', the Bell brothers and sisters, she never won even once!

So what a broken game this is! Isn’t it fair? ?

"How can that be done? Hermione, games are interesting only when you are involved. Victory that relies on your opponent's defeat is soulless!"

Bell righteously condemned his girlfriend's attempt to use the back door.

"Then why do you give in to Shanna every time!"

Speaking of this, Hermione wanted to strangle Bell, this stubborn girl.

You know, unlike her who never won when she was a 'landlord', Shanna never lost when she was a 'landlord'!

You want to ask why?

Of course it's because there's a traitor among the "poor people"!

Do you believe it? Bell, this bastard, actually did such a thing as blowing up himself, a fellow 'poor', and then letting Shanna, a 'landlord', go!

If she hadn't been defeated, Hermione would have spread Bell's ashes for him!



Bell found that recently, today to be precise, he was speechless a lot?

It seems like it’s not a good time to go out today, or don’t you want to go to the game tonight?

The door opened and Penello walked in.

"The relationship between you two is still as good as ever. It's really enviable."

Penello covered her mouth and looked at Hermione, whose face was flushed, in amusement.

"Senior sister, you judge for me, Bell always bullies me!"

Seeing Penello, Hermione felt like seeing a relative.

There is no way, Shanna is firmly on Bell's side, no matter how good the hoe is, she can't dig out Shanna's corner.

Therefore, the only person left who can be relied on is Senior Penello, who occasionally comes to report to Bell.

Penelo walked up behind Bell and kicked him lightly.

"go away."

Bell turned back and glared at Penello dissatisfied.

How dare you kick your own boss, just to see if he doesn't give the other party any shoes to wear in the future!

But even though he was thinking this, Bell still honestly gave up his position and watched the three girls get together and chatter and play.

"Senior sister, how is the analysis of Ojin going?"

Bell sat back on the sofa, lazily took a bite of watermelon, and asked.

After Penelo graduated, he officially joined the Menethil family's company. She now serves as Bell's secretary, responsible for following up on specific research progress in the laboratory and reporting to Bell once or twice a week.

When Bell was in school, Penello usually reported using a personal terminal. But during holidays, Penello will report to Bell in person.

After all, being separated by a screen is still very inconvenient in many cases.

"It went very smoothly. At present, the power of magic props made using Arcane has increased by nearly 50% compared to before.

However, those researchers were not satisfied. They said that the power should be increased to 70% at most. "

Bell nodded.

The 70% improvement can be regarded as a qualitative change for a magic item. It seemed that Ojin's role was greater than he expected.

Next, Bell asked about some projects that interested him.

Although Penelo had sent the relevant information to his personal terminal last night, he was busy eating, drinking and having fun with his sister and girlfriend, so he didn't have time to read those things yet.

The question and answer lasted for about half an hour, and Hermione was dizzy while listening.

After nearly 2 years of work and study, Penelo is now a different person. Her knowledge storage already far exceeds that of wizards of the same age, not to mention Hermione, who is about to enter her fourth year.

She turned around and glanced at Shanna beside her. Not only could Shanna keep up with Bell and Penelo's thoughts, she would even ask some questions and ideas from time to time. In this regard, Hermione felt unwilling again.

But she was almost used to this feeling, so she didn't think it was a big deal.

Finally, the serious working time was over, and Bell made a gesture to his sister, indicating that she could ask whatever she wanted.

Shanna gave her brother a 'received' look in return, and then turned her gaze to Penello.

"Sister Penello, why are you in such a bad mood? Who provoked you? Tell me and I will help you teach him a lesson!"

Shanna patted the Crazy Bear on her waist and said, "Even if I can't handle it, I can still let the bear bite people, so there's no need to worry."

You know, whether it was due to Bell's bad influence, Shanna didn't have many friends. Apart from Phyllis and Reina, there was only Penelo.

(Hermione doesn't count.)

A little girl who protects her shortcomings hates seeing her friends being bullied the most!

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