The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 353 Food Court

It took a while to smooth out Shanna's messy hair, but the little girl was finally willing to give up.

After completing his routine morning exercise, Bell took his sister and girlfriend out of the cabin and planned to walk around.

Although in the past month, while they were learning magic and watching games, they also wandered in the woods. But today is the day of the Quidditch World Cup Finals.

Not only has the number of wizards increased unprecedentedly, but the number of vendors selling various gadgets, souvenirs, etc. has also far exceeded before.

At only 8 o'clock in the morning, a lively market spontaneously formed appeared in the clearing in the forest.

Walking among the bustling crowd, three people and two pets looked at the surrounding products with curiosity.

It has to be said that although the practical value of these products is basically zero and the technical content is pitifully low, the imagination of the vendors inspired by the gold galleons is still very eye-opening for Bell.

Unfortunately, none of the three people had a favorite team, so among the crowd covered with all kinds of weird souvenirs, the three people wearing three neat long windbreakers seemed a little out of place.

By the way, Bell also made a spider silk trench coat with the same style for Hermione. Shanna was very dissatisfied with this. The little girl believes that this style should be unique to their siblings.

Even the two sets made for his parents were forced to modify their styles due to Shanna's tearful attack.

However, under Hermione's plaintive gaze, Bell couldn't bear to be cruel and changed Hermione's behavior.

So, after repeated orders not to allow Zannah to burn Hermione's trench coat, the matter was settled.

Suddenly, a tempting fragrance wafted over. At this time, the three people had left the souvenir selling area and entered the food area.

Quidditch is a popular sport in the world. Strictly speaking, it should be the only sport popular in the Western world. Now there are wizards from many countries gathered here.

Naturally, these wizards also brought delicacies from different countries.

The stall owners of some nearby stalls immediately lit up when they saw the three Bells, Bell and Shanna to be precise.

As two qualified foodies, it can be said that Bell and Shanna have eaten from beginning to end in the past month, and have eaten through this snack street.

Therefore, these stall owners now all know that there is a pair of British brothers and sisters who are generous and very good at eating. As long as you are lucky and attract the attention of this brother and sister, you will definitely make a lot of money.

"Sanna, what do you want to eat today?"

Watching the group of stall owners fanning themselves desperately at the three of them, some even took out their wands and cast wind spells, Bell was a little amused but also speechless.

So those uncles selling skewers over there, could you please stop fanning them? He was so smoked that he wanted to hit someone.


Shanna nodded her chin and looked around the stalls carefully.

"Let's eat Bulgarian food today. I heard that Banisa, the traditional Bulgarian food, is delicious."

Since the final is between the Scottish national team and the Bulgarian team, there are many wizards from Bulgaria today, second only to the British wizards who have home field advantage.

This has led to the fact that in today’s snack streets, there are many types of Bulgarian food, and most of them are very authentic.

What? You asked the three Bells, although they are obviously British, why don't they eat Scottish food?


What kind of food is there in Scotland? Haggis?

To this day, Bell still clearly remembers the tragic experience of being forced into a haggis by Penelo.

If a stall owner selling haggis appeared in front of Bell now, it would be difficult for him to guarantee that he would not throw an explosive spell at him.

Went to a banisa stall with the strongest aroma. Under the eager gaze of the stall owner, Bell waved his hand.

"One of each flavor."

The diameter of each banisa on the stall is the size of a washbasin. Normal adults can't even eat one piece of food at a meal.

Moreover, there are many types of banisa. What is sold at this stall alone includes meat dishes, sausages, mutton and other meat dishes, as well as vegetarian dishes of various vegetables and fruits. There are more than 20 kinds in total.

"Okay! Please wait a moment, you three!"

Hearing that Bell and his group wanted to buy the amount that would normally take most of a day to sell, the stall owner rubbed his hands together excitedly, waved his magic wand, and got busy.

He wants to show his highest level and make the most delicious banisa.

He learned about it from other people's mouths. This little amount is far from the limit for this pair of 'big brother and sister'.

If his Banisa can suit the appetite of the brother and sister, he might be able to close the stall and go back to shopping soon.

By the way, 'Rice Brother and Sister' is the title recognized by all the stall owners in the food court for the two brothers Bell and Shanna in the past month.

I have to say that this stall owner is really smart. After the opponent waved his magic wand and suspended multiple Banisas in mid-air, and burned them with magical flames for a while, a rich and alluring fragrance filled the surrounding space.

Bell took a deep breath of the sweet air and asked:

"So little sister, what can I do for you?"


( ̄﹃ ̄)

Well, there was no need for the other party to answer. From the transparent liquid dripping from the corner of the other party's mouth, Bell already knew what this little guy who suddenly appeared out of nowhere wanted.

"Why are you alone? Where are the adults in your family?"

Bell looked at the little girl in front of him curiously. The other person is probably about 8 or 9 years old.

You know, when Shanna was 8 or 9 years old, Bell didn't dare to let her stay outside alone. What if someone kidnapped me?


The little girl did not answer Bell's question. She tilted her head and looked at Bell for a while, then stretched out her hand and tugged on the hem of Bell's windbreaker, while her other little hand pointed at Banisa who was about to be baked in the air.

Then, the little girl rubbed her belly with her hands and looked at Bell with tears in her eyes.

( ̄﹃ ̄)

"Okay, okay, I get it."

Bell said in surrender.

As he spoke, he reached out his hand and wiped away the saliva from the corner of the little girl's mouth.

If it continues to flow, the skirt of my clothes will be soaked.

After waiting for a while, after the first banissa was ready, Bell cut off a small piece from it, used magic to lower the temperature to ensure that it would not burn the little girl, and then put it on the other person's hand. .

"Eat. If it's not enough, there will be more later."

As the saying goes, happiness lies in spreading, and food needs to be shared, so Bell did not generously share the food with her because she looked cute and reminded him of Shanna when he was a child.


The little girl opened her mouth, bit into the small piece of banisa, and ate happily.

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