The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 319 Even if there is no chance, what about the chance?

After squinting his eyes and watching Luna's back disappear, Bell finally had time to talk to his girlfriend.

He turned his head and looked at Hermione sitting on his right.

"Hermione, it's almost the same. Can you loosen the handle? If you tighten it any longer, you'll really lose some meat."

From the moment Bell showed interest in Luna, Hermione, who was jealous, pinched the soft flesh around his waist.


She snorted angrily, but Hermione still let go of her hand obediently.

In fact, she has never been willing to use force.

"Speak quickly! Do you have any bad thoughts about the school girl just now?"

Although she said this, Hermione herself didn't believe it.

However, it is unreasonable for a woman to be jealous!

When necessary, a girl can become a woman in an instant!

Of course, it will change back immediately afterwards. It’s a matter of age, but there’s no room for carelessness!

"How could it be? I'm not that kind of person. And it was obviously her who brought it to the door..."


"No, I mean, it was Luna who took the initiative to apply for the job.

And I, as an interviewer, must of course uphold the concept of meritocracy, right? Once I find an outstanding talent, of course I have to find ways to retain them.

So, it’s all forced by life! "

Bell's voice was full of sorrow and ran the train.

And if she hadn't already fully understood her boyfriend, Hermione would have almost been deceived by Bell.

However, with such a step down, it was enough for Hermione. She was even more curious now about another question.

"Bell, is that junior fellow student Luna just now really that powerful? I see that both you and Shanna look very shocked."

Hermione had been meaning to ask this question for a long time. You know, this was the first time she saw Bell showing that expression.

"Very powerful! At least in terms of the spell Legilimency alone, I am far inferior to Luna now."

So, some things really don’t make sense.

Many wizards, even those who have practiced Legilimency for a lifetime, may not be able to reach the height that Luna was when she was first born.

Bell even suspected that as long as Luna could realize her talent and use it properly, she might now be able to achieve what Bell had only imagined... photographic memory.

With Luna as the jewel in front of her, and all the useless stuff after that, Bell was completely uninterested.

It can only be said that even with the living example of Penello, for now, graduates with excellent academic performance are still more inclined to work in the Ministry of Magic.

For example, Penelope's boyfriend Percy has persuaded Penelope to quit her current job more than once and concentrate on preparing for an interview with the Ministry of Magic.

For this reason, Penello was so annoyed that he even wanted to give Percy a sleeping spell to shut him up.

It is worth mentioning that among the graduates who came to apply, there was actually one who applied for a job as a magic props researcher.

Moreover, after a brief exchange, Bell was surprised to find that this guy's skills were actually quite good.

You know, there is no alchemy in the Hogwarts curriculum.

If someone is interested in alchemy, they can only take the ancient magic text as an elective and then go to the library to look up relevant information for self-study.

Therefore, at the beginning, Bell did not even arrange recruitment for relevant positions.

It was the senior student of Ravenclaw Academy, Asamos Abad, who took the initiative to find Penello and asked if he could apply for a job related to the production of magic props.

After finishing the interview with Senior Abad, it was finally time for Shanna's long-awaited interview with the security officer!

The reason why the little girl was vying to be the interviewer was that she even put her two good friends aside and ignored them for a long time, just so that she could have a real-person PK with the applicants.

It’s boring to play computer games all the time (Magic Stone Statue)!

Although before, a person who had trouble with her brain unexpectedly popped up, allowing Shanna to move her hands and feet.

But at that level, it's not even a warm-up, and the little girl won't be satisfied like that.

Seeing her sister's eagerness to try, Bell smiled slightly. He knew that Shanna's little wish was probably going to come to nothing.

"Next, Mr. Rufus George of Gryffindor."

This time, Bell did not invite the other party to take a seat.

After all, you can't sit down and fight.

"Mr. George, in view of the security officer position you are applying for, we need to evaluate your combat ability to a certain extent. I hope you can understand."


George nodded.

He had expected this. For this reason, he has been practicing the magic spell since many days ago.

Not only that, in order to be able to deal with the ever-changing battle situation, he also simulated various battle situations in his mind and came up with perfect countermeasures.

‘I am invincible in front of me! ’

George glanced at Shanna who could hardly sit still.

'Except for that little devil. ’

"Very good. We have prepared 3 packages for you here... No, there are 3 opponents to choose from.

First place, contestant Hermione Granger! "

Bell patted Hermione on the shoulder and said with a wicked smile.


Hermione almost jumped in surprise.

She had never heard of such an arrangement before. Besides, if she is asked to fight against a seventh-grade graduate, isn't that just asking her to send him off?

Bell ignored his girlfriend's surprise and continued to introduce the second contestant, who was...

"Contestant Fina!"


It was finally her turn to appear, and Xiao Fina jumped up and down on the table with high spirits.

There's no other way, I can't help it. The incident of it stealing the Spiritual Pet Pill came to light, and now it is all counting on it to perform better in the battle to extend its life.

"Brother! Brother!"

Shanna grabbed her brother's arm and shook him desperately.

"Don't worry, you'll be next."

Bell comforted his sister. The little girl's hands are getting stronger and stronger.

"The third and last place is contestant Shanna!"

In fact, in the original plan, Bell did not want to arrange for his sister to play. The third spot should have belonged to Penelo.

But because he really couldn't stand the little look in his sister Qi Yi's eyes, in the end, Bell had no choice but to compromise shamefully.

"Boy, if you dare to hurt my sister, today next year will be your death anniversary!"

Bell threatened viciously.

Although he knew that the guy opposite could theoretically hurt Shanna.

but! What if?

What if the guy opposite has mastered an undefensible spell such as the Death Curse?

What if my sister happened to be stunned for a moment when the guy opposite cast the death curse?

What if he happened to be in a daze when his sister was dazed?

just in case……

In short, Bell's girl control attribute has exploded intermittently again, and he doesn't think anyone is a good bird now.

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