Until that moment, Warner was very confident in himself.

Although he has never eaten dragon meat, he has seen dragon flying!

Even though it’s in the book…

However, this does not affect his 'full' understanding of fire dragons.

According to what he learned in the book, even a Muggle could slay a dragon with an iron-breaking sword after undergoing arduous training.

So as a noble wizard, he is able to cast powerful spells, and he has undergone 7 years of 'arduous' study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He can catch fire dragons and other things at his fingertips, isn't he?

If Bell knew what Warner was thinking at this time, he would definitely introduce him to the previous Mr. Acewide. He believed that the two of them would have something in common.

In short, while the cruel reality shattered Warner's fantasy, it also shattered his courage.

"Yeah, I'm sorry——!"

Hearing Warner yell, he turned around and ran outside.



Rubbing his temples, Bell looked at Warner who rubbed back aggrievedly with a headache. He discovered that no matter what era we are in, there are always many "interesting" souls.

"Why are you running? We won't eat you."

Warner refused to believe what Bell said.

He saw the cute kitten on the table drooling right at him.

He could no longer believe in cute things. Doesn’t that little girl look cute and cute? The result turned out to be ferocious, but like a devil.

Who knows if that seemingly harmless kitten would suddenly pounce on him and swallow him whole?

Noticing Warner's gaze, Bell reached out and patted Fina's little head.

After all, he is still a deputy interviewer, so what if he falls asleep?

And I don’t know what happened. After Fina lived with Shanna for a few days, the little guy mastered the ‘special skill’ of sleeping with his eyes open.

"Ahem, what about that, Mr. Warner, although you won't be able to raise a fire dragon in a short period of time. But I wonder if you are willing to raise some relatively harmless magical animals?"

A harmless smile appeared on Bell's face, which made Warner almost urinate.

"Yes! I do!"

Warner nodded hastily.

As long as you don't eat him, he will do anything you want him to do.

"Very good, then may I ask, how should you subdue a mad Fire Fang Dog? What should you pay special attention to?"

"The reason why Fire Tooth Dogs go crazy is mostly due to the excessive fire stored in their bodies. Therefore, if you want to subdue the opponent, you need to guide the flames out of their bodies.

In addition, the Fire Fang Dog can swallow fire and store the fire in its teeth, so it cannot attack with fire spells. "

"Very good, next question, what should you pay attention to when delivering a civet cat?"

“Civets during childbirth are very sensitive and will split immediately if frightened.

If the civet divides during pregnancy, it will lead to miscarriage. Therefore, when delivering a civet, it must be done by someone who has a very close relationship with the civet. "

"Exactly. Congratulations, Mr. Warner, you are hired. Go back and wait for contact."


Looking at Warner's back, Bell showed a satisfied smile. He just likes this kind of straightforward person.

Penello glanced at his boss speechlessly. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but why did she feel that Bell was letting himself go more and more?

Is it really okay to be such a child's play?

Is there a problem?

Of course it's no problem.

Do you need to graduate from college to recruit a pig farmer?

It's enough to know how to feed and shovel poop.

"Next, Mr. Lasse Brewer of Ravenclaw House."

"Hello, Mr. Brewer, you said on your resume that you wanted to..."

Bell was suddenly stunned.

It was said that he had only roughly scanned everyone's resume before, so he didn't actually look at some places carefully.

Staring at the resume in his hand, Bell looked up and down, then raised his head and stared at Brewer in front of him carefully.

"You want to raise unicorns!?"

Bell was really shocked.

He had just confirmed again and again that the other person had filled in the gender column as 'male'. And after his observation, the other party probably did not fill in the wrong form due to shaking hands.


‘What the hell is this! ? ’

But having said that, considering my current location, it seems that this situation is quite normal?

"That's right."

Brewer showed an 'elegant' smile.

At this moment, Bell felt the same mood as the previous Mr. Warner. He was also overcome by the other person's smile.

"However, as we all know, unicorns are all perverts and they refuse to be approached by men."

As for whether he would refuse the approach of a shemale... I really don't know about this Bell.

After all, these days, Thailand’s traditional performing arts have not yet become popular around the world.

Brewer gave Belle a 'charming' look.

How could this man slander those pure unicorns like this?

(‘You can’t beat him to death, it’s not good for Shanna’s education; you can’t beat him to death, it’s bad for...’

Silently reciting the N-word mantra in his heart, Bell finally restrained his desire to kill. )

"Of course I know, and I can understand what those unicorns do. In fact, I don't like playing with those rude and brutal boys."


 ̄△ ̄

Bell turned to look at Penello.

There were only a few people in each grade, not to mention that the other party was from Ravenclaw Academy. He didn't believe it. Penelo didn't know about the other party's situation before.

So why not tell him in advance!

Penello also turned her head, and she turned her head in the same direction as Bell. Her body was trembling slightly, and she was trying not to laugh out loud.

Yes, she did it on purpose!

There is no one in the entire seventh grade who doesn't know about Brewer's situation.

But as the daughter of a lawyer, Penello always keeps the sanctity of the law in mind.

Everyone is equal before the law; the law prohibits discrimination against people with different hobbies and orientations; the law also protects the interests of minority groups; the law...

Ahem, okay, she can't make it up anymore.

She confessed that she deliberately hid it just to see Bell's interesting expression at the moment.

Looking at Penello's 'painful' look, if he didn't know that the other party was intentional, then Bell wouldn't have to mess around in the future.

After gritting his teeth and deciding to give Penello a good look later, Bell turned to Brewer again.

"Well, Mr. Brewer... Is it okay if I call you sir?"

As a polite person, Bell felt that it was necessary to confirm with the other party regarding the issue of this title.

"Of course, he is a boy."

Brewer once again gave Belle a 'charming' look. Do you need to ask such an obvious question?

'No! You are so unlovable, how can you be a boy! ’

Bell vomited crazily in his heart.

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