The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 307 Only magic can fight against magic

Walking on the grass outside the castle, Bell felt very happy.

Last night, under his emotional and rational persuasion, Black finally agreed to Bell's deal.

Early this morning, Bell sent someone from his family to contact Blake and collect the 'protection fee' by the way.

Although last night he slept nearly an hour less than usual because of his negotiation with Blake. But Bell, who was successful in prostitution for free, said generously that he would not care about Black anymore.

What? What's going on with free prostitution, you ask?



Just kidding, how could something happen to Harry in Hogwarts?

Hogwarts is dangerous, yes, but that's for other little wizards.

For Harry, this place is just a novice copy.

And the most important thing is that he also has Dumbledore, a full-level giant, to train him, and Snape, a full-level licking dog, to escort him.

So, is there danger? nonexistent!

As the saying goes, the people who know you best are often your enemies.

Although Dumbledore did not regard Bell as an enemy, Bell always regarded Dumbledore as his number one imaginary enemy.

By the way, people like Voldemort are not even ranked among Bell.

Therefore, Bell has absolute confidence in Dumbledore. As long as Lao Deng doesn't die, nothing will happen to Harry.

But Blake didn't know that.

In his opinion, Dumbledore was untrustworthy, and Snape even dreamed of killing them. From this point of view, Harry is simply living in dire straits and may die suddenly at any time!

"Bell, did something good happen? Why do you look so good?"

Looking at her boyfriend who was smiling and almost singing, Hermione was very puzzled.

You know, since she learned yesterday that Lupine was actually with the wanted criminal Black, she couldn't even sleep well last night.

The most important thing was that Bell didn't let her report Lupin, which made her even more worried.

Based on Hermione's knowledge of her boyfriend, she would not be surprised at all if Bell had also embarked on a criminal path.


Bell, who didn't know that his image in the eyes of his girlfriend was about to hit rock bottom, said casually.

He had no intention of telling Hermione about his deal with Black. Bell felt that it was too early for Hermione to get in touch with this slightly dark transaction.

Looking at her boyfriend suspiciously, Hermione knew that Bell must be hiding something from her again. But since Bell didn't want to say it, she wouldn't force it.

Except for cheating of course!

"Bell, what do you think we will do in the Care of Magical Creatures lesson later?"

As a mature and considerate girlfriend, Hermione has now learned to actively change the subject.

"Ha! What else can we do? Keep observing the Flobber caterpillars. I don't understand. The Flobber caterpillars have already pupated. There are still several months before they emerge from their pupae in April. They have hairs. It’s beautiful!”

When talking about this Care of Magical Creatures lesson, Bell became extremely angry.

After the accident in the first class, Hagrid became cautious when he came to class again.

Not only did the lecture content change from the handsome Hippogriff, which dropped several levels in a row, to the disgusting Flobber caterpillar, but the most annoying thing was that the level was stuck there!

Last semester, they studied the Flobber caterpillar for a whole semester. It is estimated that the content will not change this semester.

The only thing that can be called good news is probably those Flobber caterpillars. Under the careful care of the little wizards, they all eat fat and white, and the mucus production increases sharply, which makes Snape very satisfied.

"Hermione, let's not go to this Care of Magical Creatures class, okay? When we have time to take care of those 'caterpillars', why don't we do something else?"

Bell couldn't remember how many times he had tried to persuade Hermione to give up Care of Magical Creatures.

Therefore, he also anticipated Hermione's answer.

"No! That will make Professor Hagrid sad!"

As expected, Hermione once again rejected Bell's proposal, even for the same reason.

Bell looked up at the sky speechlessly.

Bell wondered whether Hagrid would be upset if they abandoned Care of Magical Creatures.

But he knew that if he continued, he would be very sad!

As expected, my sister is still considerate. After class, I will go to Shanna to comfort myself.

"By the way, Bell. I heard from Harry and the others yesterday that Buckbeak's court date has been set, it's April 24th. Can you help him?"

What Hermione didn't say was that in the lounge last night, she not only heard about Buckbeak's court date, but also heard Ron's analysis that if the Malfoys used their influence, Buckbeak's defeat would It can be said to be inevitable.

So, will the Malfoys use their influence?

After recalling the impression of Draco Malfoy, the last trace of luck in Hermione's heart was gone.

Therefore, after much consideration, the kind-hearted Hermione finally gritted her teeth and decided to seek help from her boyfriend.

Although Hermione didn't know much about various things in the magical world. She was even less clear about who had more energy, the Menethil family or the Malfoy family. But this was the only way she could think of.

"Who is Buckbeak?"

After scratching his head, Bell felt that the name sounded familiar. Where did he hear it?

"Buckbeak is the hippogriff that attacked Malfoy in the first Care of Magical Creatures lesson."

Hermione was speechless.

Seeing her boyfriend's unreliable appearance, she couldn't help but worry about the future of the Menethil family.

By the way, should she persuade Bell that it would be better to give up the position of heir to the family head to Zannah?

Hermione suddenly had this dangerous thought in her mind. Once Zanna found out about it, she might be beaten to death by the little girl who was 'protecting the baby'.

"Oh~! Just say it!"

After recalling it, Bell remembered the domineering hippogriff that had pressed Malfoy to the ground and rubbed him.

He was actually quite impressed by this incident. Mainly because he almost made Malfoy laugh.

"What happened to it? Was it sued by Malfoy?"

Thinking of Malfoy's usual peeing, Bell thought, this seems quite normal?


Hermione said worriedly.

"But the problem is, it was Malfoy's fault in the first place. Moreover, Malfoy's injury was caused by himself, but he ended up inflicting it on him. It's really abominable!"

At this point, Hermione felt a little indignant again.

What happened to the purebloods?

Can pure blood distort the truth and do whatever they want?

"Bell, please help Buckbeak, otherwise he will be killed."

As the saying goes, only magic can fight against magic!

Smart Hermione decided to use pure blood to fight against pure blood!

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