The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 30 Come and try the steamed stuffed buns stuffed with dragon meat

However, maybe Cang Tian went out shopping today, or maybe it had really been killed by Huang Tian. In short, Bell still failed to enjoy a moment of peace.

A witch pushing a trolley suddenly stopped outside the carriage. She opened the carriage door and looked at the three quiet little wizards in the carriage strangely. You must know that every year she sells some snacks on the Hogwarts Express, and the exuberant little wizards always make a lot of noise. , it was the first time she saw a carriage so quiet. When she passed by outside just now, she almost thought that there was no one in the carriage.

After gathering her thoughts, the witch smiled and asked, "My dear, do you need something to eat?"

Hermione and Neville both turned to look at Bell without saying anything. The witch also looked at Bell.

"Why are you looking at me?" Bell asked in surprise.

Then he realized that his words were a bit rude, and Bell smiled at the witch and said, "No, ma'am, I have brought my own food."

After Hermione and Neville also said that they had brought food and did not need to buy it, the witch closed the door of the carriage and pushed the trolley to the next carriage.

Bell took out his 'personal terminal' and looked at it.

"It's already past 12 o'clock, and it's time to have lunch. Let's eat something together. When we came out, the house elf at home prepared a lot of food for me. I can't finish it by myself."

"What is a house elf?" Hermione asked curiously.

"A humanoid magical creature that usually serves as a servant in a wizarding family. Just think of them as Muggle maids."

Bell, who was too lazy to explain, casually made a metaphor that may not be accurate.


Watching Bell take out his suitcase, Hermione asked curiously: "Bell, I've wanted to ask from the beginning, did you only bring such a small suitcase? Do you have such little luggage?"

Children's emotions come and go quickly. For a while, Hermione had forgotten the stomach-ache masterpiece she had created in her mind just now, "The Miserable Life of Miss Granger".

""Hey hey hey~"

Bell perked up after saying this, and he introduced his ambitions to Hermione with a sly smile.

"The 'Invisible Stretching Charm' has been cast on the inside of this box, making it much larger on the inside than it looks on the outside. I named it 'Scamander's Suitcase'."

This suitcase embodies Bell's good expectations for the future. He hopes that one day he can become a man as popular as 'Newt Scamander'.

When he showed up with his suitcase, people would scream in horror, 'Here he comes! The man is back with his suitcase! ’, and then in less than 5 minutes, everyone disappeared as if they had escaped underground. He's so handsome that he has no friends, okay?

Compared with Scamander, Voldemort is so weak!

Unfortunately, little Hermione, who only had a preliminary understanding of the magical world, was not able to understand Bell's plot, so she just looked at Bell in confusion, wondering why he suddenly smiled so meanly?

Bell opened Scamander's suitcase and snapped his fingers. First, a long table flew out and landed in the middle of the carriage. Then many food boxes flew out of the box one after another.

"Come on, come on, come and have some, you're welcome."

Bell entertained Hermione and Neville warmly and put the food into Hermione's hand.

"What is this? Bread?" Hermione asked, looking at the white, round dough in her hand.

"These are steamed buns. I specially asked my house elves to learn them. They are a type of Chinese cuisine. Try them now. They are delicious."

Bell said, taking a big bite of the bun.

Hermione followed Belle's lead and took a bite.

"Huh!? Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh..."


"Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry, there is still a lot, swallow it first before talking."

Bell almost laughed when he looked at Hermione. This is the charm of delicious food!

Hermione's little face turned red again, she chewed a few more times, and finally swallowed the bun in her mouth.

"What kind of meat is this? Why is it so delicious? It's the first time I've eaten such delicious meat!"

"Oh, that's dragon meat."



"What meat!?"

"Dragon meat."

Hermione once again felt the gap between herself and the little wizards who came from a wizarding family. It was so big that it made people despair! She has never seen a real fire dragon in her entire life. People have already brought fire dragons to the dinner table.

"Do wizards usually eat dragon meat!?" Hermione asked.

Neville on the side wiped his saliva blankly.

"I-I have never eaten dragon meat. So is dragon meat edible?"

‘Obviously everyone is a young wizard from the wizarding world, why can you show off like this? ’

Neville couldn't help but wonder if he hadn't woken up. In fact, he was still lying on his bed at home? Everything I have experienced since I woke up in the morning is actually my dream? Neville was a little skeptical about life.

( ̄﹃ ̄)

Looking at the two dumbfounded little wizards, Bell smiled slightly.

"There is very little dragon meat, and I can only eat it occasionally. Okay, let's eat some other dishes, too. These are also delicious."

Bell opened the food boxes one after another.

"These are braised pork, sweet and sour pork loin, roast chicken, fish-flavored shredded pork, twice-cooked pork, mapo tofu... try them all, they are delicious."

For a while, the three of them were immersed in the enjoyment of the food and had no time to talk at all. Neville no longer shivered, and he quickly ate the food in front of him with a fierce attitude. It seems that good food can cure everything.

Or maybe he regarded this as a deprivation meal? Have a good last meal?

After about half an hour, the three of them finally couldn't eat any more, and the long table was in a mess. After Bell cleared the table and tableware with a wave of his wand, he controlled them to fly back into the suitcase.

"Ah~ so full."

Hermione leaned back in her seat with a satisfied look on her face.

"I've never been so full, my stomach feels like it's going to burst."

Hermione had never thought that food could be so delicious. She suddenly felt a little envious of Bell and felt that her 11 years of life had been in vain.

Neville, like Hermione, was slumped in his seat and didn't want to move. He looked at the sandwich he had prepared for her that had been put aside, and silently stuffed it back into the suitcase.

"Speaking of which, do you know how to sort them?" Hermione asked.

She urgently needs to find a topic to divert her attention, otherwise she will still want to eat. But she really couldn't eat anymore. If she continued to eat, she would probably be on the front page of the Daily Prophet tomorrow.

'The little witch suffered from long-term hunger due to abuse by her family. She accepted food from her classmates on the Hogwarts Express, but eventually died of overeating! ’

She couldn't imagine what her parents would look like when they saw this report.

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