The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 297 Please stop chatting!

"No! Peter is not dead! He lied to everyone!

Like me, he is an animagus. He had been disguised as a mouse and lurking next to the imp. Even if he turns to ashes, I can still recognize him! "

Blake cast a fierce look at Ron.

Ron was frightened by the madness in Blake's eyes and took a step back. But then, his heart was filled with endless anger.

"Put it down!"

While angrily complaining about Black, Ron couldn't help but sigh. He was indeed the most wanted criminal in the Ministry of Magic, and his viciousness far exceeded his imagination.

Banban is so pitiful!

When he was alive, he was chased by Hermione's stupid cat. When he died, not even a whole body was left behind.

And now, Banban has been dead for so long, and he is still being framed by a wanted criminal?

This is really unreasonable!

"What I said is true! Harry, listen, I know this is hard to believe, but Peter is the traitor, he is Voldemort's lackey, he deceived everyone and killed your parents!"

Blake said anxiously.

He is not afraid of death, and even death can be called a kind of relief for him.

He wasn't afraid that Harry would hate him, because Harry had the right to hate him. Back then, if he hadn't been clever enough to persuade James and finally change the Secret Keeper, Harry would not have lost his parents.

Therefore, even if he died in Harry's hands, Black had no complaints.


There was only one thing that Blake couldn't accept no matter what.

That is, the traitor, Peter Pettigrew, is still alive!

"Shut up, Black! Everyone knows that you are Voldemort's lackey! It was you who betrayed my parents, causing them to be killed by Voldemort! And Peter, he is a hero! He tried to avenge my parents , but you were brutally killed!"

Harry poked Black hard on the forehead with his wand.

His patience is running out! He couldn't wait to kill Blake and avenge his parents!

However, when he thought about this, Harry found out why his hands were trembling.

"He's not a hero!"

Blake roared.

His ferocious expression, coupled with his skull-like face, gave people the illusion of a demon from hell.

"Give me that rat! I have a way to undo his Animagus transformation! Then, Harry, you will know the truth!"

"Do not make jokes!"

Harry roared back in equal rage.

I don't know if he was angry because of the content of Blake's words, or because of his right hand that was shaking more and more violently.

"Banban is already dead!"

"That's right! Scabbers was killed by that damn Bell from Ravenclaw Academy a few months ago!"

Ron was also furious.

His extreme anger overcame his fear of Black. Ron stepped forward and kicked Black hard on the calf.

In fact, Ron wanted to give Black a hard kick in the stomach and vent his anger for the loss of Scabbers.

Unfortunately, it was blocked by Neville.

By the way, Blake has been talking about Animagus or something since just now. What on earth is that?

"Harry, stop listening to his nonsense! He must have been in Azkaban for so long that his mind went completely crazy. I heard my dad say that Azkaban is not human. A place to stay.”

Not to mention Harry, Ron now almost wanted to kill this abominable Black with his own hands.

And Blake, who had no idea that he was playing tricks on a cow, only then learned that Peter was dead? Or had he died many months ago?

This sudden good news made Blake feel devastated.

So, what is the purpose of his persistence and patience these past few months?

Now that Peter is dead, what should he do?

Looking at Blake who suddenly lost all energy and was lying on the ground like a dead body, Harry and Ron looked at each other in confusion.

The other party's lie should be something that an individual can see through, right? As for being so disappointed?

Could it be possible that the two of them are actually very smart?

The two people, who suddenly felt a little proud, quickly took a deep breath to calm down the excitement in their hearts.

Neville was still on the ground maintaining his overwhelming power. Now was not the time to be happy.

Speaking of which, why haven't you heard Neville say anything for a long time?

"Neville, are you okay?"

Harry asked worriedly.

It was too dark, and Neville's back was still turned to them, so Harry couldn't be sure of Neville's current state.

Could it be that Neville was just injured by Black?

"One, not good at all."

There was an unconcealable sense of weakness in Neville's voice.

'Oops, Neville is really hurt! ’

Harry blamed himself a little.

He had been so focused on seeking revenge from Black that he didn't even notice Neville's abnormality.

‘Neville, please don’t let anything happen to you! ’

"He smells so, so bad."

However, before Harry could step forward worriedly to check on Neville's injuries, Neville's next words slapped Harry back.

No matter how much you reduce your breathing rate, you still have to breathe.

Neville was made dizzy by the sour smell of Black's body.

"Please, you guys, hurry up."

There are limits to the patience of honest people! Please stop chatting!


Harry apologized profusely to Neville and decided to hurry up.

However, the next second, Harry was in trouble again.

He originally wanted to kill Blake himself. Of course, even now, he is extremely eager to kill Black with his own hands.

But why!

It's obvious that Blake's head is within easy reach, but why can't he make a move?

A hand suddenly rested on his trembling right hand. Harry turned around and saw that it was Ron.

"Harry, hand him over to the Ministry of Magic. This kind of guy is not worth dirtying your hands."

Ron saw his friend's hesitation.

Originally, he did not agree with Harry killing Black himself. After all, killing someone is not an easy and pleasant thing.

Seeing that Harry was hesitant to make a move, Ron stopped Harry.


Harry lowered his wand silently.

He didn't know what was wrong with him. But after Ron handed him a step, Harry had to admit that he was indeed relieved.


Taking Harry's place, Ron administered a Stunning Charm to Black.

"Okay, Neville, you can get up."

After hearing Ron's words, Neville quickly got up with his unprecedented agility. He trotted away and ran far away from Blake before taking a few deep breaths of fresh air.

In the forbidden forest at night, the air mixed with the fragrance of nature is so intoxicating.

For the first time in his life, Neville felt that the world was so beautiful.

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