The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 295 Forbidden Forest Tracking

"Ron, Neville, you..."

Harry looked at his two good brothers with emotion, and was choked up for a moment.

As for the content of Ron's words, it seems to be somewhat inconsistent with reality?

Don't worry about details like that.

Three people wore invisibility cloaks and walked on the dark and deserted grass.

"Ha, Harry, tell me, what conspiracy is Black planning?"

Ron's voice sounded shaky.

Despite the impassioned words he said before, he looked like he would risk his life to accompany a gentleman. But in fact, he was so panicked inside that even his calves were trembling.

Neville, who had always remained silent, although he looked like a calm general, was actually not as good as Ron.

He was so nervous that he couldn't even speak.

"I don't know. But no matter what his intentions were, he couldn't have imagined that we would have such a powerful magic item as the Marauder's Map!"

Unlike his two friends, Harry looked confident.

He believed that the three of him would be able to defeat Black.

No! It must be defeated!

"Oops, Blake is gone! Could he have found us?"

Ron, who was responsible for tracking the Marauder's Map, suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Impossible! We are still far away from the Forbidden Forest, not to mention we are still wearing an invisibility cloak. There is no way Black can detect us!"

Harry dismissed Ron's suspicion.

Harry has blind confidence in the invisibility cloak his father left him.

As long as he was wearing this invisibility cloak, no one could ever spot him.

"How did Blake disappear?"

Harry asked.

"Blake just suddenly moved towards the inside of the Forbidden Forest, and then disappeared!"

Ron explained.

"Blake must have run out of the Marauder's Map display range."

Harry gave his own judgment.

Actually it's not that hard to guess.

"Don't panic, Blake can't find us. We have to speed up, and maybe we can find the traces left by Blake."

Regardless of the risk of exposure, the three people accelerated towards the forbidden forest.

Standing panting outside the Forbidden Forest, the three of them, including Harry, felt a little weak looking at the gloomy and dark Forbidden Forest in front of them.

They entered the Forbidden Forest twice in total. And both times, they didn't leave any good memories for them.

"We can't hesitate any longer! If this continues, Blake will run away!"

In the end, it was the anger and murderous intent in Harry's heart that defeated his fear of the Forbidden Forest.

Stepping forward firmly, Harry took the lead into the Forbidden Forest.

"Hey! Look there!"

Walking to the spot where Black had stayed before, Neville soon made a discovery.

"Keep your voice down, Neville! Black might be nearby!"

Ron gave Neville an angry look.

Neville's voice just now frightened him so much that he almost kicked him away.

Neville quickly covered his mouth hard.

He looked around nervously, fearing that the next moment, Blake would burst out of the shadows of the woods.

The three of them walked to the traces found by Neville.

"Is this the trace you found? Come on, Blake is human, he doesn't have sharp claws."

Looking at the claw marks at the root of the tree, Ron couldn't help but complain.

He suspected that Neville was frightened and looked like Black.

"No, Ron, this is probably the mark left by Black!"

Surprisingly, Harry agreed with Neville's point of view.

"Huh? Harry, I know you really want to find Black, but..."

"I'm awake, Ron. Do you remember? Hagrid once said that there are no dangerous animals outside the Forbidden Forest."

Harry touched the edge of the claw mark with his hand and continued his analysis.

“An animal with such sharp claws is by no means safe.

Black had tried to sneak into the Gryffindor common room on Halloween before, but he failed.

And that failure also made the professors more vigilant.

So, he found dangerous magical animals and wanted them to attract the attention of the professors so that he could take the opportunity to kill me! "

Harry's analysis can be said to be well-founded.

However, Ron had a different opinion.

"Please, Harry. You should know that Hagrid's standard of harmlessness is completely different from that of ordinary people."

As he said that, Ron waved his right hand.

When he was in first grade, his hand was bitten so hard by Hagrid's so-called cute and well-behaved baby that it swelled to the size of his head.

Even thinking about it now, Ron still feels uncomfortable all over.

After having such a painful realization, Ron now listened to everything Hagrid said in reverse.

"But there are no signs of a fight here, which means this animal did not attack Blake. Isn't it strange? And the most important thing is that we have no choice now!"

After saying that, Harry lowered his head and started looking for it.

Soon, he found another shallow claw mark on the ground not far away.

"Harry, even if your inference is correct. But doesn't that mean that Black has another dangerous magical animal as a helper?

It's difficult for us to deal with a Black, but if we add a magical animal, can we handle it? "

Ron started to back off.

Maybe if they return to Hogwarts now and report to the professor, it's still too late?

"I'm not going back, Ron!

And if you think about it on the bright side, magical animals are not that easy to tame. Maybe after we sneak attack Blake, we will have an extra helper in turn? "

A big black dog staggered through the forbidden forest.

Suddenly, a tree root tripped it.

The big dog fell to the ground and couldn't get up after a long time of effort.

After lying on the ground and panting for a while, the big dog's body suddenly began to lengthen.

The hair fell off, the fangs shrank, and the big black dog soon turned into a tall and thin wizard.

The long, messy hair hangs down to her elbows, and she hasn't had it cut in an unknown amount of time. The shabby robes were stained and smelled foul.

With sunken eye sockets and waxy white skin, the whole person looks like a skeleton wrapped in human skin.

This wizard is suddenly the most wanted criminal in the Ministry of Magic - Sirius Black.

With trembling hands, Blake took out several suspicious black objects from the pocket of his robe.

Chewing hard on the food he dug out of the trash, Blake tried not to spit it out. This was his last bit of food.

Tonight, the reason why he ran to the Forbidden Forest was partly because he hoped to take a look at Harry from a distance. On the other hand, I hope to catch a few small animals to replenish my physical strength.

Just relying on some scraps from well-wishers and rotten food dug out of the garbage dump is really not enough to support his survival.

Not to mention, he needs to conserve more energy to achieve his goal.

As long as he can kill that person, as long as he can complete his revenge, he can bear any suffering!

Suddenly, Blake's ears moved and he heard the sound of brushing against the bushes.

He sniffed hard with his nose.

Because he has maintained Animagus transformation all year round, his sense of smell is still very sensitive even in human form.

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