The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 286 Percy’s Hostility

The next day, when Bell saw Hermione again, Hermione was back to her normal self as if nothing had happened yesterday.

After discovering that his girlfriend was no longer holding on to the 'preparation', Bell finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What kind of troubles a little girl has, for him, the level is too high, he really can't understand it!

On the last Sunday before the Christmas break, Hogwarts students once again had the opportunity to travel to Hogsmeade.

This is really not good news for Bell.

Compared to going to Hogsmeade Village again not long ago, Bell still wanted to stay in a warm and comfortable lounge and study magic books with his sister.

He had only read a small part of the magic books he had brought back from China and Japan.

But of course, it was impossible for Hermione to agree to Bell's proposal to stay in the school. She also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to buy all the items she needed for Christmas.

Because it's Christmas soon, Hogsmeade is more beautifully decorated than ever.

Various stores also cater to the festive atmosphere and launch a variety of useful and unique Christmas limited products. Gearing up to cut the last wave of leeks.

As the leek might be the longest one, Bell glanced at Hermione who was in high spirits next to him. What else could he do besides being cut off?

┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

"Bell, look, this is a limited edition candy for Christmas! There is also a Christmas cake over there, it looks delicious!"

Hermione's neck seemed to be equipped with a small motor, spinning around rapidly without stopping for a moment.

At this time, the two of them were in the Honeydukes candy store. As a candy store well-known throughout the British wizarding world, it can be said that whenever you come to Hogsmeade Village, you will definitely come here to buy some sweet candies.

This means that the candy shop at this time is crowded with little wizards from Hogwarts.

Of course, as the newly recognized 'big devil' of Hogwarts, Bell does not need to worry about crowding.

Even though many people were so crowded that it was difficult to breathe, no one dared to come within 1 meter of Bell.

Regarding people's different treatment, Hermione was very dissatisfied at first and wanted to go up and argue.

Fortunately, Bell stopped his girlfriend's crazy behavior in time.

Just kidding, this kind of high-level treatment is something most people can’t ask for, okay?

After buying candies, the two went to Fengya Wizard Clothing Store.

Under the warm gaze of the landlady, Bell bought Hermione a simple and elegant lavender dress, as well as matching shoes, gloves, etc.

"Bell, this dress is too expensive!"

Holding the dress that Bell bought her tightly with both hands, Hermione's eyes revealed both love and distress.

Although she didn't want Bell to spend too much money on her, wasn't this a special situation?

She couldn't really wear the Hogwarts uniform and go to the Bell family's dinner like Bell said, right?

In that case, it will definitely leave a very bad impression on Bell's parents!

After braving the raging snowstorm and Hermione's nagging, Bell took Hermione into the Three Broomsticks pub after finishing shopping.

The weather today is really not good. Rather than hanging out outside, it would be more comfortable to sit in a warm bar and have a few delicious drinks.

There are not a few people who have the same idea as Bell.

When Bell and Hermione walked into the Three Broomsticks bar, it was almost full of people.

Just when Bell was considering whether to use his recently acquired 'Title Skill' to create an empty table, a familiar shout saved the little wizards at a certain table.

"Bell, this way!"

Penello waved hello.

Hearing this, Bell walked over with Hermione, smiled and greeted:

"What a coincidence, Penello-senpai, and Percy-senpai."

"What a coincidence. Hogsmeade is only such a big village, so it's normal for us to meet each other. Okay, stop talking nonsense and sit down quickly. There are no other empty seats now."

"Is this okay? Won't it disturb your date?"

Bell looked at Percy. The other party was staring at him with dissatisfaction.

Percy disliked this kid named Bell very much. At first, it was because of a man's intuition that there was something wrong with the way Penello looked at Bell, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Later, he was knocked unconscious by Bell twice. This made Percy hate Belle even more.

That's right, it's a sneak attack!

Percy didn't believe that Bell, a mere third-year brat, would be able to confront him, a prospective graduate of seventh grade.

He wouldn't believe the rumors that were getting more and more outrageous in Hogwarts. That must have been deliberately spread by the other party to sensationalize.

Penello kicked Percy hard, causing Percy to look away in displeasure.

Just kidding, this is her boss.

After enrolling in September, Penello officially started working for Bell.

Although the messy information made Penelo's head swell three times, the income of 50 gold galleons a month not only allowed Penelo to buy better clothes and cosmetics, but also improved her family's life. Living condition.

Thanks to this income, her father no longer has to go against his conscience and defend those criminals in order to make more money!

Noticing Penello's little movement, Bell smiled and said nothing. He asked Hermione to sit down first while he went to the bar to buy two glasses of butterbeer.

As for whether Percy would be dissatisfied?

Bell never cared from the beginning.

He was not familiar with the other party.

"Forget it, Percy insisted on going in in the first place. It's so expensive and the tea doesn't even taste good!"

When Bell came back with the drink, he saw Penelo complaining to Hermione with an unhappy look on his face. In the middle of speaking, he turned to glare at Percy.

"What are you talking about?"

Placing a glass of butterbeer in front of Hermione, Bell asked curiously after sitting down.

"We were just talking about Mrs. Puddifu's teahouse. Senior sister said that she and Senior Percy went in once last time."

Hermione explained to her boyfriend with a smile.

Hermione and Penelo's relationship had grown by leaps and bounds since Penelo and Belle's relationship had resumed during the previous school year.

As little witches who also come from Muggle families, Penelope and Hermione have many common topics.

Regardless of their worries or hobbies, the two of them are highly similar. So, now the two have become good best friends who talk about everything.

"That's not to blame, Senior Percy. Wizards are indeed lagging behind compared to Muggles in these aspects. After all, the wizard population is too small."

Bell spoke objectively for Percy.

However, Bell's kindness failed to win Percy's favor. He snorted in displeasure and received a harsher kick from Penelo.

Seeing Percy like this, Bell completely ignored him and started chatting with Hermione and Penello.

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