The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 282 Shikigami·Qiongqi

Just when Bell started to consider whether to take a nap, a familiar cold and dead breath came over.

Bell will never forget this kind of breath in his life, this kind of breath that once hurt his sister!

However, unlike the last time he was furious, this time, the corners of Bell's mouth were rising uncontrollably.

It’s true that you can’t find anything even if you try hard to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!

After this period of time, Bell has basically verified his previous conjectures through research and attempts on the mutated patron saint spell.

However, at the final level, Bell discovered a fatal flaw.

Every move of his patron saint Qiongqi must be controlled by Bell himself!

If it were an ordinary Onmyoji, this might not matter. But for Bell, who is a wizard, he does not rely solely on shikigami for his livelihood.

Controlling Qiongqi will take up a lot of Bell's energy, which greatly limits his own performance.

This also means that summoning Qiongqi may weaken Bell's combat effectiveness.

Moreover, since he needs to control it 100%, instead of controlling Qiongqi, Bell might as well 'drive the Gundam'.

At least 'Gundam' is forged from metal, not only in terms of attack and defense, it is superior to Qiongqi which is purely embodied by magic power. The most important thing is that Bell does not need to spend magic power to maintain its existence.

Just when Bell was thinking hard about a solution, he suddenly remembered that when Qiongqi appeared for the first time on the Hogwarts Express, it had swallowed the Dementor on its own initiative.

Yes, Bell did want to kill the dementor at that time, but the method he planned to use was not to let his patron saint devour the other person. After all, at that time, he was not even sure whether he could summon the patron saint.

Bell's plan at that time was to expel the dementor from the train first, and then slowly study how to kill it.

As a result, without any effort from Berlao, the patron saint he accidentally summoned did the work for him.

Recalling that after Qiongqi swallowed the dementor, his body had become slightly firmer. Bell guessed that maybe if enough dementors were swallowed, Qiongqi would be able to develop a certain sense of autonomy?

Of course, this is still just Bell's speculation and has no basis.

But Bell didn't care. It's just a dementor. If you swallow it, you'll swallow it. Do you want him to talk about human rights with a group of dementors?

However, as we all know, as a very dangerous dark magic creature, every Dementor is under the close surveillance of the Ministry of Magic.

Last time Bell accidentally killed one, Fudge sent a team of Aurors to investigate the situation.

So the question is, where is Bell going to get some dementors to eat?

You know, even if Qiongqi can really awaken his self-awareness by swallowing dementors, one or two will never be enough.

He needs a lot of Dementors!

As a result, now, this is really a pillow for drowsiness. Bell discovered that he might have misunderstood Dementors before.

"Zanna, protect me!"

Standing up excitedly and looking at the hordes of dementors in the sky, Bell's eyes almost glowed green.

He had to hold on tighter.

There was no way Dumbledore would let these dementors do whatever they wanted. Bell must devour enough dementors before Dumbledore takes action.

Powerful magic waves surged from Bell's body, making his robes rustle.

Even the barrier that Shanna had set up before was burst from the inside because it could not withstand the magic power emanating from Bell.

A sudden heavy rain hit Hermione and the three girls by surprise. The three women, who were frightened by the appearance of a large group of dementors, looked at Bell with a confused look on his face, who was exuding a huge sense of oppression, and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Shanna also didn't understand, what happened to her brother? But those little things are not important. What is important is that her brother needs her now!

"Okay, brother!"

After hearing her brother's instructions, Zannah took out her wand in an instant.

‘Call the gods to protect you! ’

A tiger-shaped Patronus was summoned by Zannah. The little girl controlled her patronus to grow a little larger, and it was now hovering above her brother's head.

Bell glanced at his sister in surprise.

If he remembered correctly, Zannah's patron saint should be an albatross, right? Why has it become like this now? It looks a bit enlarged version of Fina?

He temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, but there was no time for him to ask these things now.

‘Shikigami Qiongqi! ’

With the injection of a large amount of magic power, Qiongqi, who had signed a shikigami contract with Bell, materialized.


With a soul-stirring roar, Qiongqi turned into a white light and instantly appeared in the center of the dementors.

Bell controlled Qiongqi to perform magical transformation. The huge Qiongqi instantly shrank into a small ball the size of a human head.

After a slight accumulation of energy, the magic ball exploded, and countless tentacles filled the sky. At the top of each tentacle, there was a big mouth.

The dementors who originally wanted to compete with Qiongqi due to their overwhelming numbers were like mosquitoes being preyed upon by frogs. They were bitten in an instant and could not break free.

A series of whines came from under the Dementor's cloak, but this did not make Bell feel the slightest pity.

Like a rubber band stretched to its limit, the tentacle suddenly retracted and turned into a magic ball again.

However, this time the magic ball is much larger than before. If you look closely, you can still see irregular bulges constantly appearing on the surface of the magic ball.

Since there were too many dementors swallowed at once, Qiongqi could not digest them immediately. As a result, some dementors still have the ability to struggle.

Seeing this, Bell had to once again increase the output of magic power. While ensuring that the dementors in Qiongqi's body would not burst out, it also provided Qiongqi with the power to continue to prey on other dementors. .

There is no way, the opportunity is rare. If you don't seize the opportunity and become fat in one sitting, God knows when you can enjoy this kind of 'big meal' next time.

As for whether the Ministry of Magic will come to trouble him?

Bell wasn't worried at all.

If you have any questions, please talk to his agent... ahem, please talk to the great Principal Dumbledore.

Bell controlled Qiongqi to return to his original appearance.

Every time he flapped his wings, Qiongqi turned into a white light and flashed through the air. Then, there will be one less Dementor in the sky.

After realizing that there was really nothing they could do about this white monster, most of the dementors screamed and fled outside of Hogwarts. They swore never to enter this horrible place called Hogwarts again.

The remaining few dementors with a bad temper roared and pounced on Bell. Through the connection of magic, they have discovered that Bell summoned the monster.

As long as the summoner is killed, the summoned beast will naturally disappear. These are the rules of the game that even Dementors understand.

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