The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 273 Beida cheated

“It is impossible to bring the dead back to life.”

Just kidding, if Bell had that ability, he would have taken his sister and girlfriend around the world. Where are you wasting your time here?

"But I can pay."

Bell reached into his pocket, trying to get some money out.

"I don't care about your dirty money! Don't think that you can do whatever you want with just a little money!"

Ron felt seriously insulted.

Is he short of money?

That’s right! he is!


Even if he is short of money, he will not exchange Banban's life for money! Banban is priceless!

Bell's hand suddenly froze.

Of course, it wasn't because he suddenly woke up and realized his mistake after being reprimanded by Ron. But Bell discovered that he had no money at all! Not a single copper nut!

Although his mother would give him a large amount of gold galleons every month.

But since Bell had no need for money at Hogwarts, he gave all those galleons to Lim.

Faced with this unexpected dilemma, Bell quickly thought of a solution.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Harry and Neville standing aside, and a clever idea came to Bell's mind.

"Ahem, what about that? Let me ask you a question. Harry, do you have a personal terminal?"

Bell looked at Harry with a smile.

Although he didn't know what Bell meant, the honest little Harry nodded subconsciously.

"Great! What about you, Neville?"

Bell turned to look at Neville again.

"Yes, yes, my grandma gave me one."

Neville replied shakily.

"very good!"

Finally, Bell shifted his gaze back to Ron. The smile on his face looked so mean.

"So Ron, what about you?"

"...What do you mean!? Just say what you mean!?"

Ron has a hammer!

Even the wand in his hand was because the last one was really useless, and because of his luck, his family won a big prize, so he was able to get a brand new wand.

As for personal terminals?

He doesn't want that kind of useless thing!

Not at all!


"Ahem, I actually don't mean anything in particular. It's just a question, I'll just ask."

Bell's smile became even meaner.

"But look, it's almost Christmas, isn't it?

I heard that I don’t know since when it became popular to send messages to each other to wish each other a happy holiday on Christmas morning.

You see, your two good friends have personal terminals, but you don't.

Doesn't that mean that you are the only one who does not receive congratulations on Christmas morning? Are you still lying at the window, waiting for the owl that you don’t know if it will come?

I don't understand very well, I just want to ask out of curiosity, if things continue like this, will someone be excluded?

And, let me state in advance that I am not touting personal terminals. I mean, look, most of the students in Hogwarts now have a personal terminal, right?

If, I mean if, you also have one, then can't you think of a way to add those beautiful and cute little witches and friends? This is a magical tool for getting out of singles!

As a Gryffindor, you wouldn't tell me that you don't even have the courage to ask for someone's contact information, right? In that case, Professor McGonagall would be furious.

Finally, I don’t know if it’s true or not. I heard that the famous twin brothers in Gryffindor, your two good brothers, George and Fred, seem to sell some interesting gadgets. , you made money to buy a personal terminal? "

At this point, Bell also had to express his admiration for the two brothers George and Fred.

Bell didn't know the magic level of these two brothers. But the level of doing business is really impressive!

This is only 1993! Personal terminals have only been launched for a few years.

As a result, the two brothers started e-commerce without any knowledge. It is said that they are doing a decent job and the business is booming?

This is simply leading the trend of the times, right?

Ron was silent.

He has no fear of being ostracized. He believed in his two good brothers.

Ron glanced left and right at the two good friends standing on both sides of him, who had been blocking him since just now. Not only were they helping him avenge Scabbers, they were about to push him to the ground.

Yes! He is not afraid at all!

Of course he wouldn't want any little witch's contact information.

Women and other things will only affect the speed of pulling out the wand, and he doesn't care about it! It's enough that he has brothers!

Ron secretly glanced at Hermione, who had been looking at her worriedly.

Yes! He doesn't want it at all!

It is even less likely that he would envy or even be jealous of his two brothers.

What's there to envy? It's not like George and Fred were the only ones with personal terminals.

After Percy became the student council president, didn't his parents also buy him a personal terminal in order to reward him and also to make it easier for him to perform official duties?

(Actually, Percy strongly requested to purchase the personal terminal in order to contact his girlfriend, Penelo.)

And my sister Ginny, as the most favored and only little princess in the family, didn't her parents also buy a personal terminal for Ginny in order to celebrate Ginny's enrollment? This way Ginny can contact her family and friends at any time. congratulations.

So it's not unusual for George and Fred to have personal terminals, right?

I remembered that when George and Fred first bought a personal terminal, they kept running to him every day for a week to show off.

he! Ron! Not at all! Not envious!

"I want 10 gold galleons!"

Ron gritted his teeth and glared at Bell. The market price of a personal terminal is 10 gold galleons.

He didn't care about Bell's compensation. However, as the saying goes, people cannot be resurrected after death, and rats cannot be resurrected after death.

Therefore, he just wanted to buy a personal terminal as a souvenir of Banban.

In this way, every time he picked up that personal terminal, he couldn't help but think of Banban, as if Banban was still by his side.

Decided! His personal terminal is called ‘Banban Machine’!

A satisfied smile appeared on Bell's face. He walked up to Ron and patted him on the shoulder happily.

"Wise choice."

With that said, Bell took out a brand new personal terminal from his pocket and stuffed it into Ron's hand.

"This is the latest personal terminal, which is not expected to be released until around Christmas. The price is 12 gold galleons."

Although he had no money, Bell gave away several personal terminals when he traveled to China and Japan. As a result, he has now developed the habit of carrying a few personal terminals on his body whenever he has nothing to do.

After perfectly solving Ron's problem, Bell walked towards his girlfriend refreshed.

He was fascinated by his own wit again. How is he so smart?

Bell, who was in a good mood, felt that he could probably eat half as much of today's dinner as usual.

With a bright smile on her face, Hermione watched her boyfriend slowly walk towards her.

"So, which beautiful and cute little witches have you added as friends?"


Withdrawal of the preface, it seems that it is not certain whether we will be able to eat tonight.

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