The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 269 Lu Ping commits suicide

"Nothing...well, it's just a small attempt."

Originally, Bell had no intention of explaining to Lupine. However, seeing his girlfriend's curiosity that was about to overflow her eyes, Bell reluctantly said a few words.

"As we all know, under normal circumstances, creatures in nature will not do meaningless things. The lower the intelligence of creatures, the more they will act according to their instincts.

Therefore, I speculate that the reason why Boggarts transform into things that people fear is to absorb the emotion of fear. Like dementors sucking out happy emotions.

Therefore, I just tried to inject fear into this Boggart. This is the result.

Okay, Hermione, you go up and play too, no, just learn how to deal with Boggarts. "

Bell jumped over Lupin and said to Hermione.

He is now quite dissatisfied with the eccentric old wolf.

Yes, after Bell's observation, he has determined that Lupine is a werewolf.

In fact, Bell felt a sense of disharmony when they met for the first time on the train.

From Lu Ping's thin cheeks and shabby clothes, it can be seen that the other party's living conditions seem to be very bad?

But the problem is, Lupine is an adult wizard!

Bell had never seen an adult wizard in such a miserable state.

Based on the current number of wizards, the supply of resources far exceeds the demand.

Even in Knockturn Alley, a famous slum in the British wizarding world, the dark wizards there all seem to be dying. But in fact, among those people, not a single one was poor!

If you pick a dark wizard at random and search him on the ground, you are sure to find several valuable black magic props.

So the reason why they are disheveled is really just because they study black magic all day long and their brains are damaged by studying it.

So the question is, is Lupine the kind of dark wizard who has lost his brain in research?

Considering Dumbledore's record of recruiting people, it doesn't seem impossible?

However, by observing Lupine's words and deeds, Bell denied this possibility.

No matter how you look at it, Lupine couldn't be more normal. At least more normal than half of the wizards in the wizarding world.

Then, there are really not many reasons left for Lu Ping to be in such a miserable condition.

After spending a little time and observing Lupine several times, Bell came to the conclusion: 'Lupine is a werewolf'.

After knowing Lupin's identity as a werewolf hated by everyone in the magic world, Bell did not do anything, let alone tell anyone else about it.

Unlike most wizards, Bell is still very interested in the existence of werewolves.

If he had time, he would like to study the werewolf carefully and in depth.

As for Lupine's existence, will it pose a threat to Zannah and Hermione?

Bell is really not worried.

After the werewolf transforms, he will lose most of his spellcasting abilities and gain powerful physical abilities at the cost.

Therefore, Crazy Bear and Wan She will teach each other how to behave.

Hermione glanced at Professor Lupin hesitantly, and after seeing the other person nod, Hermione walked towards the 'troll' Boggart who was squatting on the spot and shivering.

After feeling someone approaching, the Boggart immediately sensed the most fearful thing in the other person's heart.

The giant monster shrank rapidly and finally turned into...'Bell'!

'Bell' looked at Hermione with a smile, opened his mouth and said slowly:

"I'm sorry, Hermione. I..."

The onlookers who were curious about what Bell would say were surprised to find that they suddenly couldn't hear Bell's voice.

You can clearly see 'Bell's' lips opening and closing, but you can't hear a single sound?

It was Lu Ping who was well-informed and was the first to react.

He turned to look at Bell. Sure enough, he didn't see any surprise on Bell's face.

Yes, that's what Bell did.

After hearing the fake 'Bell' speak, Bell immediately placed a soundproof barrier around Hermione to prevent everyone from snooping.

Although Bell was also curious, what would the fake 'Bell' say, and what was Hermione's greatest fear?

However, he didn't want these people to know about his private affairs with his girlfriend.

'If I had known better, I would have stood by Hermione's side! ’

For the first time, Bell felt a little bit regretful about his behavior of running into a corner to catch fish.

Under the gaze of everyone, Hermione's face quickly turned pale after hearing what 'Bell' said.

She took two trembling steps back and almost fell to the ground. Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes. She had forgotten all about the funny curses and the like.

'Hermione! ’

Bell mixed the sound with magic, penetrated the soundproof barrier, and passed directly into Hermione's ears.

Belle's yell woke Hermione up. She glanced back at True Bell behind her, and then realized that she was now in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and she was facing a Boggart.

"Slippery, funny!"

Hermione shouted the spell loudly, and the fake 'Bell' turned into a gray-furred mouse.

(Ron on the side felt inexplicably offended.)

After Hermione successfully cast the funny spell, Bell released the enchantment and walked to Hermione's side.

He reached out to wipe the tears from Hermione's eyes and gently held her in his arms.

"No matter what you just heard, it is all false and will never become reality, I promise!"

Bell's voice was soft but firm in soothing words.

"Really? What, it's nothing..."

Hermione didn't ask the question in the end.

Because she actually knew better than anyone else, even better than Bell. If something like that really happened, there would only be one possible outcome. So there was no need for her to ask.

Looking at the depressed Hermione with confusion, Bell was even more curious about what the previous fake 'Bell' had said.

However, Hermione's current state was obviously not suitable for discussing this issue.

"Mr. Menethil, won't you give it a try?"

Seeing Bell and Hermione hugging each other as if no one else was around, Lupine had no choice but to speak up. If this continues, he will not be able to continue this class.

The little wizard now is getting more and more outrageous!

He is a single dog...ahem! He, the professor, was still watching, but these two guys actually dared to spread "dog food" randomly! ?

Do you really think he won't bite?


Bell wouldn't tell others what his greatest fear was. Doesn't that force him to kill someone and silence him?

"Just give it a try. Everyone has their own fears and there's no shame in that. Only by facing our fears can we conquer them."

Lupine, who had no idea that he was committing suicide, worked hard to instill poisonous chicken soup into Bell.

Bell is the best little wizard Lupine has ever seen. Perhaps only the mysterious man from back then could be better than Bell?

Therefore, Lupine was really curious, what would be Bell's greatest fear?

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