The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 261 Bell: Why are you looking at me when he burns books? ’

Fortunately, the distance between the castle and the edge of the Forbidden Forest was not too far, so a group of poor little wizards were able to reach the class site alive before being starved to death by 'dog food'.

As this was the first class in his teaching career, Hagrid was extremely excited.

For this class, he not only started planning an interesting and exciting start during the summer vacation, so that all students would fall in love with his class and those cute magical animals.

Even today, he arrived at the class location early, making sure over and over again that his preparations were all right.

Finally, class time came. Seeing all the students standing in front of him, Hagrid's face turned red with excitement.

"Everyone, come here. Come with me. I have something good to show you today!"

Inviting the students to follow him, Hagrid strode along the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

After about 5 minutes, the group came to the outside of a small paddock. The paddock was empty.

"Stand around the fence! Yes! Good. Next, we need to open the textbook..."

"How to open it?"

Malfoy's iconic voice sounded, making Hagrid pause.

Hagrid looked at Malfoy blankly. He didn't know what he was talking about.

Just when Malfoy was about to laugh at Hagrid, there was a sudden exclamation from the side.

"Bell! Your book! How about your book..."

Everyone looked in the direction where the exclamation came from.

In that direction, Hermione was covering her mouth and looking at Bell beside her with wide eyes.

Bell slowly took out the Care of Magical Creatures textbook for this school year - "The Monster Book of Monsters" from his pocket.

The little wizards looked at the textbook lying quietly in Bell's hand, and then looked down at the broken book in their own hands, which was still struggling even though it was tied up.

'Ha ha! That kid bought the wrong book! ’

The little wizards, especially the little Slytherin wizards who were scared to death by Bell last night, all looked at Bell with gloating. Let’s see what he does now!

On the contrary, Hagrid looked at Bell happily after glancing at the tightly bundled textbooks in everyone's hands, especially focusing on the textbook in Harry's hand for a while.

"That classmate, please come to the front! Yes! It's you!"

At least one person has mastered the correct method of opening textbooks. Although Hagrid felt a little sorry that this person was not little Harry. But something is better than nothing.

Through the crowd, Bell walked to Hagrid's side. Hermione followed suit.

"This classmate..."

"Bel Menethil, Professor. Just call me Bael."

Bell introduced himself.

Hagrid was very pleased with Bell calling him 'Professor'. He scratched his cheek sheepishly, and then said to Bell:

"Bell, can you share your tips for opening textbooks with everyone?"

"Of course, Professor."

Bell took the textbook in Hermione's hand and tore off the magic tape tied to it.

As soon as the tape was torn off, the freed textbook opened its mouth, jumped up and bit Bell.

Malfoy was staring at Bell nervously.

Don't get me wrong, he is not worried about Bell's safety. On the contrary, he was praying, hoping that Bell would be bitten by that hateful torn book. It's best to bite off the face!

Malfoy, however, was destined to be disappointed.

With a 'boom', blazing flames ignited from Bell's hand, wrapping the "Monster Book of Monsters" in it.

After a brief struggle, Hermione's textbook soon stopped being 'alive' in the face of the approaching flames.

It curled up tightly, trying hard to delay its fate of being burned to ashes.

Under Bell's precise magic control, the flames finally only scorched some of the covers and turned the edges of the pages slightly yellow, then stopped shrinking inward.

He waved his hand to disperse the flames, and the textbook fell into Bell's hands from mid-air.

I saw that the textbook that was arrogant just now was like a well-behaved and obedient kitten, and even gently rubbed Bell's palm.

Under everyone's stunned gaze, Bell returned the textbook to Hermione.

"Whenever I'm around from now on, this book will be honest. If you want it to listen to you, just burn it with a flame when you get back."

Hermione took her textbook blankly. Bell's operation was really slippery, and she couldn't come back to her senses for a while.

"Um... Bell, you, why did you think of using this method?"

Hagrid asked with difficulty. He was also aroused by Bell's operation.


Looking at Hagrid strangely, Bell didn't know why the other party would ask such an obvious question.

"Of course that's because the law of the jungle is the fundamental law of nature. If it doesn't obey, then just beat it until it obeys, isn't it?"

Bell said matter-of-factly.


"Oh no!"

Before Hagrid could think of what to say to resolve the embarrassment, there was another exclamation from the crowd.

Everyone turned to look over again curiously. I wonder what kind of ‘great god’ has emerged this time?

This time the exclamation was made by Ron. At this time, he, Harry, and Neville were dancing around a bonfire. It looked like they wanted to put out the bonfire.

Um? etc! bonfire?

A group of people stared at the bonfire carefully, then turned back and stared at Bell closely.

‘Why are you looking at me? If he burns books, what does it have to do with me? ’

Bell cursed.

Yes, the original body of the bonfire was the Care of Magical Creatures textbook.

I have to say that compared to others, at least Ron's execution ability is still very strong. And his new wand looks great?

There was no doubt that Ron's new wand worked really well. He successfully cast the fire spell in one go.

However, Ron at this time would rather this wand not be so easy to use!

For the first time, Ron missed the old wand that was left over from his brother. If he had still used that broken wand, maybe his textbooks would have been saved?

Ron doubted... No! There is no need to doubt it anymore! Ron was pretty sure that guy Bell was targeting him!

This ‘fire taming method’ is just nonsense! The other party must be using a deception method!

First, he tamed the textbook through other methods, and then created some phantoms of flames to trick him into being fooled!

Ron had disliked Bell since a long time ago. He is obviously a Ravenclaw, but he still runs to their Gryffindor lounge all day long.

Even though there is no evidence, Ron still firmly believes that Harry's diary was definitely stolen by Bell last semester.

Later, Bell actually fell in love with Hermione from their college! ?

snort! Two annoying people get together and they become even more annoying!

Ron really wanted to imitate Harry and stick his wand into Belle's nostril!

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