The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 258 The unusual little witch

Penelo, who had been standing next to Bell, almost sat down on the ground when faced with this sudden majesty. This was because Bell took special care of her.

Even Professor McGonagall, who was affected by the aftermath not far away, felt a sense of suffocation and subconsciously took a step back.

This was the first time in Bell's life that he had unreservedly exuded his coercion.

I saw a group of small snakes with pale faces, and their eyes were full of fantasies. I felt as if I would be swallowed by a giant beast in the next moment.


Little Shanna coquettishly tugged on her brother's arm. Her two good friends, Liz and Leilei, are also within the scope of her brother's pressure. The two little girls were so frightened that they almost cried.

Seeing the reproachful look in her sister's eyes, Bell quickly withdrew her pressure.

He suddenly remembered. For children, it seems that they will be looked down upon if they sue their teachers or their parents?

"Ahem, Shanna, if you don't want to tell your brother, that's okay."

Bell said cheerfully...

"You can also release the Crazy Bear to bite them. No need to be merciful, just let the Crazy Bear bite off the heads of those bad guys. No matter what happens, your brother will take care of you."

...the content is not harmonious at all.

This left everyone around who heard Bell's words speechless. Where did this Killer Star reincarnate?

"Okay, brother!"

Shanna nodded obediently, not questioning her brother's thoughts at all.


Shocked! A group of people were shocked!

Therefore, family education is really important!

have a look! What a good little girl, so abruptly led astray!

The satisfied Bell was dragged away by Penello, leaving only a group of fearful little snakes looking at each other.

Returning to the Ravenclaw table, Bell thought for a while and then came to a seat facing Zannah.

"Hey! Bro! Change places with me."

Bell patted the shoulder of the little wizard sitting here and said with a smile.


The little wizard asked firmly.

"...Actually, I have a disease that will kill me if I don't sit here."

"Huh? How can there be..."

"This classmate!"

Penello suddenly interrupted the iron-headed little wizard.

"If you change places to eat now, then as a thank you, I may be able to provide you with some conveniences. For example, a library card for the restricted area?"

Penello tapped the student council president badge on her chest with her fingers.

When he heard that there was such a good thing, the lucky little wizard stood up without saying a word and ran to another empty seat to eat.

"Senior sister. If you become an official in the future, you will definitely become a dog officer."

Bell looked with disdain at Penelo, who had just completed a 'power and wealth' deal.

"Who do you think I am doing this for?"

( ̄ε( #  ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄俣///)

Penello almost lost his temper in anger.

In order to help Bell, she even didn't hesitate to abuse her newly acquired privileges as student council president. As a result, Bell, this guy, dared to bury her without even saying 'thank you'! ?

This is really unreasonable!

"Ahem, it's just a joke, don't take it so seriously. I heard that anger will speed up aging."

Bell rubbed his cheeks and sat on the chair.

After all, it was her first day of school for her younger sister. After thinking about it, Bell still felt a little worried! That's why he chose such a position. He decided to keep an eye on his sister while eating.

After all, Zannah just got the Crazy Bear, so she might not be able to control it well. What if you are bullied at this time?

However, Bell had just sat down, and before he had time to get something to eat, there was a "squeaking" sound next to him.

Bell turned around and saw that it was the little witch who was sitting there before, dragging the chair and quickly moving away from him.


Bell lowered his head and sniffed himself.

It doesn’t stink!


"Luna Lovegood."

"Miss Lovegood..."

"Just call me Luna."

"Okay, Luna, I'm Bel Menethil, you can just call me Bel. I'd like to ask, do I smell?"

Bell asked doubtfully.


Luna shook her head.

"Are you androphobic?"

Bell asked again doubtfully.


Luna shook her head again.

"Could it be that it's because I'm too ugly?"

Bell felt that although he couldn't be said to be handsome, he shouldn't be said to be ugly, right?

To be honest, Bell is quite satisfied with his appearance.

Luna did not answer Bell's question immediately this time. The little witch first stared at Bell's face for a while, and then looked at the nearby little wizards one by one.

"Fortunately, compared with them, you are not ugly."

Bell breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay!

Although Bell wanted to complain about Luna's way of answering. However, Bell was very relieved to know that he was not so ugly that the little girl couldn't help but want to avoid him.

Just say it! My sister is so cute. Even if he, as a brother, is not as good as my sister, it shouldn't be so bad that she is miserable.

"Then why did you run away as soon as you saw me?"

Bell was really curious. He didn't exude coercion just now, and the previous coercion should not have affected Ravenclaw, so why was this Luna running?

After hearing Bell's question, Luna looked from top to bottom, from left to right, and even bent down to take a look under the dining table. Finally, the little witch asked Bell:

"Isn't the cat here?"

"Cat? Oh! You mean Fina? Fina is at Zannah's. Zannah is my sister, the one over there, the one sitting at the Slytherin table, the blond one, the cutest one."

After being stunned for a moment, Bell realized that Luna should be referring to his pet Fina. Immediately afterwards, he put Fina's matter behind him and started preaching without any sense of disobedience.

Looking in the direction of Bell's finger, Luna saw the 'scary' kitten next to a new student in Slytherin.

With a sigh of relief, Luna moved her chair back.

"Do you hate cats? Or are you allergic to them?"

Bell didn't expect that the reason turned out to be his own Fina.

Shaking her head, Luna continued to speak in her unique tone without any ups and downs:

"I don't hate cats, nor am I allergic to cats. I've just never seen such a scary cat. What kind of cat is it? Where did you find it?"

Upon hearing Luna's question, Bell's eyes widened instantly and he looked at Luna in disbelief. This time he was really interested in this little witch.

So far, this is the first time that someone can so clearly recognize that Fina is unusual.

You know, in normal times, although Fina does occasionally exude a dangerous atmosphere unintentionally. But this breath is very weak. And as Fina grows, it gradually becomes able to control its own aura.

After all, as the top predator, Bi'an's control of his own breath is instinctive. With a little training, he can quickly send and receive it freely.

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