The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 256 Penelo is desperate

Snape's expression instantly brightened, and he gave Bell an 'I understand' look in return.

"I want eyes and teeth!"

Snape the lion opened his mouth and said.

Snape had been coveting the eyes and fangs of the thousand-year-old basilisk for a long time. Now that he had the opportunity to blackmail him, he would not be polite to Bell.

All friendships are fake. He is such a Snape who has no feelings.

"This really doesn't exist. Why don't you think of something else?"

If he could be transferred to Slytherin House at the cost of the basilisk's eyes and fangs, then Bell would never hesitate.

As long as it can make my sister happy, a few magic materials are nothing. No matter how precious the magic material is, it can't compare to the smile of my sister.

However, the problem is that Bell has already used the eyes and fangs of the basilisk on the two snakes.

As the saying goes, a single move can move the whole body. As the most top-level magic puppet produced by Bell so far, the structure of Wan Shen is very precise. If the eyes and fangs are removed, the overall balance of the snakes will be lost.

At that time, it will not be a question of whether the magic puppet's strength will decline, but a question of whether it can still move.

Moreover, Bell was 100% sure that if he dared to remove his girlfriend's red scales, Hermione would definitely have no contact with him until death.

"What's the use of anything else! Also, where did you do your eyes and fangs?"

As a top potion master, Snape said that he looked down upon those 'snake bastards'.

"Perhaps you can take some snake meat and make it into wine? According to my father, the effect seems to be very good. In addition, the eyes and fangs have been used by me to make magic props."

Bell enthusiastically recommended. Although he didn't think that Snape, a master of potions, would need to drink snake wine.

"How can you use such precious magic materials to make magic props!? Such precious materials should of course be used to make potions! You prodigal son! Without eyes and fangs, there is no need to talk about anything!"

Snape felt his heart burst. He simply couldn't believe how someone in this world could be so wasteful! ?

Although even if Bell gave him the eyes and fangs of the basilisk, Snape could not guarantee that Bell could successfully transfer to Slytherin House...

There is no way, he is just a dean. There is also a principal and a vice principal above him.

Not to mention, the principal and deputy principal still wear the same pair of pants.

What? You asked him why he dared to ask for a bribe so confidently since he was not sure?

Ah! Innocent! Get the things first, and no one cares about what happens next!

Besides, he had already agreed to Bell's request to transfer to another school, and he had done everything he could. If Dumbledore and McGonagall disagree, they can't blame him, right?

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for the 'duck' that enters his mouth to be spit out again!


Bell was speechless. But he had no interest in starting a debate with Snape about the merits of Potions and Alchemy.

I guess he will never have that kind of interest in his life.

After thinking for a while, Bell gritted his teeth and decided to use his trump card.

"Professor Snape, actually I accidentally discovered the silk of the Acromantula before..."

"Mr. Menethil!!!"

Professor McGonagall interrupted Bell and Snape's PY transaction with an extremely suppressed roar.

The old professor has tolerated Bell for a long time! As soon as she entered the Great Hall, she discovered that Bell ran to the Slytherin table for some reason.

Now, Bell actually dared to openly disrupt the order of the auditorium, singing and discussing topics as greasy as his hair with Snape who didn't wash his hair.

Coupled with the dissatisfaction accumulated in the office before, Professor McGonagall, who had reached the limit of his patience, finally broke out.

"Hogwarts does not allow house transfers! Now, return to the Ravenclaw table immediately!"

At this moment, Professor McGonagall fully demonstrated her demeanor as the dean of the Lion Academy. The roar of the Hedong Lion made all the little wizards tremble.

Except for brother and sister Bell and Shanna...

Little Shanna was very dissatisfied with this professor whom she met for the first time!

It was okay for the other party to call his brother away before, but now his brother is about to successfully transfer to the academy (Sanna's perspective), but the other party suddenly came out to cause havoc? How can someone be so annoying! ?

Compared to his sister, Bell, as the older brother, is of course much more mature.

I saw him first calmly rubbing his ears that were a little uncomfortable due to the shock, then he looked at Professor McGonagall and said slowly:

"The terms are negotiable."

"Not negotiable!!!"

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall still remembered that she was a professor at Hogwarts. In addition, now that I am older, my temper has become much gentler.

If it had been her when she was young, she would have taken out her magic wand to teach Bell how to behave!

"Miss Crevat! Fulfill your duties as student council president and bring back Mr. Menethil from your college! Otherwise, I will deduct points from Ravenclaw!"

Professor McGonagall, who had nothing to do with Bell, had no choice but to shift his target to the new female student president of Ravenclaw, Penelope Crevat.

Upon hearing Professor McGonagall's name, Penello hurried over. She had a bad feeling when she saw Bell running to Slytherin before. And now, this premonition has come true.

"Bell, stop making trouble and go back to the Ravenclaw table to eat."

Penello persuaded him earnestly.

At this moment, Penello's heart collapsed.

The person in front of her is her boss, who controls her salary. The one behind her is her professor, who controls her grades.

She couldn't afford to offend either of these two people. So what can she do? She was almost crying in despair!

"No! I want to transfer houses! I want to go to Slytherin! I want to be with Zannah!"

At this moment, Bell was possessed by the halo of reduced intelligence, and he almost lay on the ground and rolled around.

"Oh, by the way! Senior sister, congratulations on becoming the student council president. Although I don't know what to congratulate.

Also, this is my sister Shanna. How about it, is my sister the most adorable~ in the world?

Shanna, this is senior Penello, a friend of her brother. "

Bell introduced the two of them.

"Hello sister Penello!"

Zannah said hello obediently while looking at Penello carefully.

The little girl was very curious.

First of all, she learned that her brother actually had a friend in Hogwarts.

Secondly, no matter how she looked at it, Zannah felt that Penelo was better than Hermione in terms of figure and appearance.

Although they are far from her...

So, why did my brother choose Hermione as his girlfriend instead of Penelo?

"Hello Shanna, I often hear Bell talking about you. I finally met you today...

wrong! Now is not the time for small talk. Bell, come back with me quickly, otherwise Professor McGonagall will explode. "

Penello discovered that Bell's skills were really improving day by day, and he was able to deflect the topic anytime, anywhere without any sense of peacekeeping.

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