Glancing at Crookshanks lying next to her, Shanna's little head held up even higher.

The little girl vigorously stroked Fina in her arms twice, and decided to give it a few more spiritual pet pills later.

At this moment, Hermione, the real owner of Crookshanks, was gnashing her teeth in anger.

Crookshanks the traitor! Thanks to her, she has been taking good care of it during this time. As a result, it rebelled! ?

If I had known better, I wouldn't have bought it!

Feeling that the atmosphere became relaxed and harmonious (?) due to the appearance of Crookshanks, Bell was very happy. He reached out and picked up Crookshanks, the little hero, and truly petted the cat for the first time.

Crookshanks, who originally didn't want this strange, smelly man to touch him, immediately calmed down after being glanced at by Fina, and reluctantly enjoyed Bell's massage.

"What a good cat."

After scratching Crookshanks' chin and feeling the soft and silky touch in his hand, Bell couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah! Crookshanks is cute!"

Hearing Belle's praise of Crookshanks, Hermione immediately became excited.

Before, no one liked Crookshanks either in the pet store or back home. This made Hermione very unhappy.

Now, her boyfriend also praises Crookshanks for being cute. Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with her vision! The problem is...

"Brother! I'm hungry!"

Seeing that the situation was not very good, Zannah immediately interrupted the conversation between her brother and Hermione.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot, it's time for lunch."

The tense atmosphere before made Bell not even feel hungry.

Picking up the suitcase, Bell pulled out a table as usual, and then plates filled with food flew out of the suitcase one after another.

"The weather is not very good today, it's a bit cold, so let's have hot pot."

Taking out a copper stove and placing it in the center of the table, Bell said happily.

"hot pot?"

Hermione was confused, she had never heard the word before.

"That's right, authentic Chinese Chongqing hot pot. This is what Lim learned at the risk of his life!"


Although she didn't know why she had to risk her life to learn how to cook, Hermione still looked at the dishes on the table expectantly.

Then Hermione was confused again.

"Bell, these are still raw. How do you eat them?"

Looking at the green vegetable leaves and bloody meat slices on the table, Hermione wondered if Bell had picked it up by mistake.

The former is quite acceptable, as Hermione often eats salads and the like.

But if it was the latter, she wouldn't be able to look straight at it.

Moreover, Hermione seemed to have read in a book that it was easy to get parasitic diseases from eating raw meat?

"Hmph! That's what hot pot is like. You have to cook the meat and vegetables yourself in the copper stove and eat it!"

Little Zannah felt superior again. The little girl raised her little head higher again.

Bell looked at his sister amusedly. This was the first time the little girl had compared herself with others.

He stretched out his hand to hold Shanna's little head and rubbed it hard a few times.

If the little girl holds her head high like this, her neck might be stretched out.

In fact, Bell had already anticipated his sister's reaction. Even the current situation is much better than he expected.

It should be said that she is indeed her own sister? He is so well-behaved and sensible that it makes you feel heartbroken!

Bell shed tears of relief in his heart.

After teaching Hermione step by step how to prepare hot pot, Bell was busy comforting his jealous sister.

After comforting his sister, Bell was busy comforting his jealous girlfriend.

Going back and forth, busy like a spinning top, Bell was finally able to taste the delicious hot pot carefully prepared by Lim after the two of them had eaten.


While joking and joking, the time soon came to around 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

The sky has been gray since morning, and raindrops are falling.

The raindrops are getting bigger and bigger, and the rain is getting harder and harder.

Although he doesn't like rainy weather, Bell likes to hide in the house and listen to the sound of rain quietly when it rains heavily outside.

However, before Bell could carefully savor the tranquility of this moment, the train slowly stopped amid a blast of whistles.

"What's going on? We shouldn't have arrived at Hogwarts yet?"

Hermione looked at the time and said doubtfully.

Bell did not answer his girlfriend's question, because in his perception, a cold, dead breath was approaching quickly.

It's a dementor.

Bell, who expanded his perception field, saw the dementors for the first time. And the other party was indeed as recorded in the book, exuding an unpleasant aura all over his body.

"Why are dementors here?"

Speaking of which, Bell didn't pay attention to what was happening in the British wizarding world during this entire summer vacation.

There was no way, he really didn't have the energy before.

"Because of Black, brother."

Shanna explained to her brother.

"The newspapers said that Sirius Black somehow escaped from Azkaban. Now all the Aurors are searching for him."

"But, even if Black escapes from prison, why are these dementors coming to intercept the Hogwarts train? Are you tired of living?"

Just kidding, this is the Hogwarts Express! Didn’t you see Dumbledore’s name engraved on the car?

(Actually not, but everyone knows that this car is covered by Dumbledore.)

Not to mention, this car is full of little wizards. This is the future of the British wizarding world!

Even if Bell borrowed ten more courages, he wouldn't dare to intercept this car now.

So, who gave the dementors courage? Liang Jing...ahem, Fudge?

"I heard from my parents that Black escaped from prison to kill Harry Potter. Black is Voldemort's most loyal subordinate. Harry Potter's parents were killed by him."

Obviously, Shanna didn't know the details very well.

Mainly because the little girl was thinking about when her brother would finish his work so that he could play with her. So at that time, she just listened casually and didn't take it seriously at all.

After all, in Shanna's heart, she has her brother protecting her, so she won't be afraid of Sirius or Tengu.

Bell nodded thoughtfully.

By the way, Bell has no relevant memory of what is happening now. The memory of his previous life had been completely ended as early as last year's Halloween dinner.

Before Bell could figure out the reason, in his perception, a dementor entered each carriage.

The dementors checked the carriages one by one and did not harm the little wizard inside. The driver of the train had no intention of stopping the dementors.

So, was it really that idiot Fudge who gave these dementors courage?

It didn't matter that Fudge was stupid. What really surprised Bell was that Dumbledore actually agreed! ?

So Lao Deng worked too hard to train Harry!

It should be said that he is the most powerful wizard in modern times. Not everyone can have this kind of courage.

Although he was fighting for the safety of other students...

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