The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 242 A good boy must not stay up late

"Magic puppet?"

The Grangers were filled with questions.

However, after learning that there was no danger, the two of them felt relieved.

However, before the two of them could breathe a sigh of relief, the little snake that was motionless in Hermione's hand suddenly raised its head.

It glanced left and right, and after its eyes stayed on the Grangers and their wives for a while, it finally fixed its eyes on Hermione.

An afterimage flashed across, and the little snake bit Hermione's wrist.

"Oh! Damn it! Let go of my daughter, you damn guy!"

Mr. Granger no longer cared about the danger. He strode forward, trying to catch the damn snake and keep it away from his daughter.

‘I have decided, if I have the chance to see that guy named Bell in the future, I will definitely strangle him to death! ’

"No! Dad! Don't do this!"

Hermione quickly reached out to stop her father. She knew that this was Wan She's master recognition ceremony, so she wasn't nervous.

Mr. Granger, who was afraid of hurting his daughter, had no choice but to quickly retract his hand and stared nervously at his daughter and the damn snake in front of him.

He swore that if anything happened to his daughter, he would make Bell pay the price no matter what!

"Hermione, are you really okay?"

Mrs. Granger also asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, mom. This is Wan Snake trying to identify its master. Once it absorbs some of my blood, only I can control it."

After comforting her parents, Hermione looked excitedly at the snakes in her hands.

At this time, Wan She had completed the master recognition ceremony and lay motionless back in Hermione's hand.

This Ten Thousand Snake is different from the previous small green snake. Its whole body is red, like a beautiful ruby.

What puzzled Hermione was that, for some reason, only one eye of this snake was open, while the other eye remained closed.

Even Hermione, who didn't know much about snakes, knew that snakes would never close their eyes.

However, no matter what, it can't affect Hermione's love for this beautiful snake.

After playing with it admiringly for a while, Hermione controlled the snake to crawl onto her wrist, disguised as a bracelet, just like before.

"Mom, Dad, I have something to do, please don't disturb me!"

After saying that, Hermione ran towards the second floor.

"Baby, it's time for breakfast soon."

Mrs. Granger shouted at Hermione's back.

"We'll talk about it later."

Hermione's figure disappeared at the top of the stairs, leaving only the Granger couple standing there looking at each other.

After returning to her bedroom, Hermione closed the door firmly. Then, she took out her personal terminal and eagerly sent a video request to Bell.

The video was quickly connected, and Bell's figure appeared on the screen.

"Bell!? Are you okay?"

Seeing Bell's appearance at this time, Hermione, who had been so excited just now, immediately felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured on her, and she was chilled from head to toe.

At this time, Bell no longer looked as clean and tidy as before. His hair was messy and there were many stains on his clothes. His pale face highlighted the deep dark circles under his eyes. At this time, Bell even gave people a feeling of dying.

"It's okay, I can't die."

Bell said weakly.

However, Hermione couldn't tell that anything was wrong at all.

"Bell, what's wrong with you? How did you become like this?"

Hermione asked nervously.

"It's just that I haven't slept for a few days. It's a trivial matter. By the way, when was the last time I slept?"

Bell was in a daze, as if he would fall to the ground in the next second.

"How many days have you not slept?"

As a really good young man, Hermione went to bed on time every day. Therefore, Hermione was absolutely horrified that Bell hadn't slept for several days!

"Then why don't you go to bed quickly?"

"I'm waiting for news from you. Just now Lim came back and told me that the things have been handed over to you. I guess you should send a message by now. How about the new Wanwan? Snake, do you still like it?”

Bell tried his best to smile. However, he looked pale at this moment, and no matter how you looked at him, he felt like he was explaining the aftermath.

"I love it! Thank you, Bell! I didn't expect you to remember this. But you should go to bed now!"

Hermione said angrily.

Of course Hermione liked the snakes sent by Bell very much and was very moved. However, she felt very angry about Bell's behavior of not cherishing her body.

"Okay, I'll go to bed right away."

Bell nodded in agreement.

Even if Hermione hadn't said anything, he would have gone to bed immediately. He really couldn't hold it anymore.

Fortunately, Bell finally managed to complete the 'big plan' before the deadline. Next, he really needs to take a good breather.

"One last thing."

Bell said looking at Hermione on the screen.

"The ten thousand snakes on your hand are called 'red scales', and they are the same pair as the 'black scales' on my hand."

Bell raised his right hand, revealing a black snake on his wrist.

"I think you should have noticed that one of Wan She's eyes is closed.

That eye was made from the eye of the previous basilisk. Although it could not directly kill the person looking at it like the basilisk, it could still petrify the opponent. Just like those people who were petrified last semester.

Therefore, do not let Wan She open that eye unless necessary.

In fact, you can't command it to open that eye now.

I have set it in advance. Only after recognizing the master for 10 days will all snakes fully obey your orders. I think this period of time should be enough for you to become familiar with the operation of Wanshe.

So that's it, I'm going to bed.

...I love you, Hermione. "

After saying that, Bell hung up the video.


I don’t know how long after being silent...


Screaming, Hermione covered her head hard in the quilt.

This was the first time Bell said... said... said those three words to her!

This was so sudden, she wasn't even mentally prepared!

"Baby? What's wrong with you? Are you okay!?"

Mr. Granger's nervous voice came from outside the door.

After the little snake bit his daughter, Mr. Granger had been worried. Now he suddenly heard his daughter's scream, and he rushed forward immediately.

"It's okay! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!"

Hermione didn't dare to open the door at this time. If her parents saw her face flushed right now, she would be embarrassed to see anyone in the future!

"Baby, are you really okay? Come out and let daddy take a look, okay? Also, your mother has prepared breakfast, would you like to come out and eat?"

Mr. Granger was very worried. He wanted to confirm his daughter's condition with his own eyes.

"No! Also, I won't eat breakfast!"

Just kidding, how could Hermione be in the mood to have breakfast at this time? Everything she sees now looks like Bell, so is it possible that she should be allowed to eat Bell?

At this time, a similar sound came from a bedroom in Menethil Castle.

Bell didn't know where he had made the wrong move. In short, he really wants to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it!

It must be because I haven't slept for too long! I won’t stay up late next time!

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