The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 224 Call it a day

Looking down at the 'little guy' in his hand, Bell was very unhappy that the other party didn't follow the script and wanted to escape.

He attacked his own sister and still wanted to escape alive? Does he really think that Bell is a dead person? ?

As for capturing this sickle weasel for experimental research?

Just kidding, if he hadn't kept it to give his sister more experience, Bell wouldn't have let it live for a second!

Looking at the 'little guy' floating diagonally above him, Kamitachi was a little confused.

So it can obviously embrace darkness and freedom right away. Where did this human being suddenly appear from? He caught it right away!

Is this really a human being?

After a brief moment of daze, Kamitachi came to his senses.

No matter where this human-looking guy comes from, it will not affect what it does next.

‘Pay the price for your arrogance! ’

Kamaitatsu used all his strength, swung his sickle-shaped forelimbs, and slashed at the opponent's neck.

Regarding the opponent's stupid behavior of not solving it immediately, but still waiting for its answer, Kamitachi said that it would be really great if the enemies were all so stupid.

‘Shattered to pieces! ’

Just when Kamitachi's forelimb was about to cut into the target's neck, just when Kamitatsu was trembling slightly with excitement, just when Kamitatsu couldn't wait to enjoy the fresh flesh and blood, Bell grabbed Kamitatsu's left palm and flashed A blue light.

Then, Kamitachi's thoughts were fixed on this moment.

Maybe it is quite lucky to be able to dissipate with a beautiful vision for the future?

Seeing Kamaitachi turning into dust before his eyes and dispersing into the air, Bell withdrew his left hand expressionlessly.

Since his sister's crushing spell failed to hit the Kamamaita, it would be up to his brother to do it for him.

After controlling the flying shoes to fall back to the ground, Bell stretched.

Although Bell calls Kamitachi a 'little guy', Kamitachi is actually over 2 meters tall, far taller than Bell.

Therefore, in order to look down at the opponent and make himself appear more powerful, Bell had always been floating in mid-air.

"Zanna~! The battle is over~! It's time to call it a day and go home~!"

Bell shouted into the thick fog.


After hearing her brother's call, Shanna quickly flew into the air.

Looking at her brother standing on the ground not far away, Shanna asked doubtfully: "Where is that bad guy? I'm still a little bit close to finishing him."

Shanna knew that she had already caused serious injuries to the bad guy. Although a lot of her magic power has been consumed, if the stalemate continues, the little girl believes that she will win in the end.

"You're talking about Kamaitachi. Just now it tried to run away, but I crushed it to death."


Zannah waved her wand downwards, and a strong wind was generated, quickly blowing away the fog under her feet.

After scanning it carefully, sure enough, there was no sign of Kamitachi anymore.

Shanna was disappointed. She originally thought that she would get rid of these miscellaneous fishes neatly, and then defeat the 'train' handsomely, so that her brother would be impressed by her.

"Brother is so sad. Sure enough, when Shanna grows up, will she no longer trust her brother like she used to?"

Seeing his sister's disappointment, Bell joked decisively.

However, only Bell himself knows how much of this is ridicule and how much is sincere.

Only then did Shanna realize that the subconscious action she had just taken out of frustration was very inappropriate. Doesn't this mean that she doesn't believe what her brother says, so she has to check it carefully herself?

"Brother, I'm sorry. Shanna didn't disbelieve you, Shanna is... I'm sorry!"

Little Shanna was busy trying to make up for her previous mistakes, but in the end she still didn't know what to say.

"Well, it's good to have the courage to admit your mistakes!"

Bell nodded happily. My sister is indeed a good and responsible girl.

"However, if you make a mistake, you will be punished. Comrade Shanna, are you mentally prepared?"

Trying to keep a straight face, Bell tried to look more serious.

"Yes, I am willing to accept organizational punishment!"

Shanna stood up straight, her face really serious.

"Okay, then the organization has decided to give Comrade Shanna... um..."

Bell is in trouble. He didn't think too much just now and said those words half-jokingly and half-seriously. But now if he was really asked to punish Shanna, he didn't know what to do.

It must have been heavy, Bell felt heartbroken and couldn't bear to part with it.

If it's too light, the meaning of punishment will be lost.

“We haven’t thought about it yet in terms of team and organization, so we’re putting it on hold for now and will notify you later.”

Although there is a 99.9% probability that if it is suppressed, it will be completely suppressed.


Shanna still had a sullen face and looked extremely cute. Jean Bell couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his sister's little head again.

Feeling the warmth in her brother's palm, Shanna finally relaxed and returned to her normal self.

"Brother, that bad guy called Kamaitachi, he is so annoying! How can he be so fast!"

Pouting her little lips, Shanna complained to her brother about her grievances.

"I have used area magic and large-scale transformation, but I still can't catch it. What should I do?"

Shanna still remembers that her brother once told her that when facing a speedy opponent and the single-target magic spell cannot hit the opponent, she should use group attacks to leave the opponent with nowhere to hide, or use a wide range of transformations The technique restricts the opponent's movement.

"There's really no way around this."

Bell spread his hands.

"The methods I taught you before can only be applied to situations where the difference in strength is not big. But when the absolute difference in strength reaches a certain level, then all methods are useless."

In fact, Bell couldn't be more satisfied with Shanna's performance tonight.

Although for Bell, killing a B-level evil spirit is not much more difficult than crushing an ant. But for Shanna, who is just 11 years old, strictly speaking, her strength is weaker than the B-level evil spirit.

Of course, the strength mentioned here does not include external objects. Moreover, Shanna was reluctant to use the gifts her brother gave her in the small satchel until she had no choice but to use them.

Starting from the age of 11, little wizards will enter a period of rapid growth of magic power. In other words, Shanna has just begun to 'grow'.

If Shanna is given another year to grow up, maybe Shanna can easily deal with the sickle.

Therefore, Zannah was able to use her strength to be weaker than Kamaitachi, and ultimately injure the opponent and force the opponent to flee. Not only its performance is 100 points, but it can also be 90 points.

This can be clearly understood by looking at Huang Quan's mouth that has not been completely closed yet.

"But it doesn't matter. You are still young now. As long as you continue to work hard, my brother guarantees that in less than a year, you will be able to completely crush that Kamaitachi."

Seeing that his sister was falling into despair again, Bell hurriedly ruffled Shanna's hair and comforted her with a smile.

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