The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 195 However, Bell’s life is tough

As for Handan's continued refusal to take the blame honestly, Shopkeeper Wang said...he has no time to deal with it now.

"Run quickly!"

Shopkeeper Wang yelled, holding his head and trying to run away.

Then he was grabbed by Bell.

"That's too late."

The wand slipped from his cuff. Bell raised his wand above his head and waved it to the right, and he directed a thunderbolt to the side.

‘Boom~! ’

Looking at the big hole in the ground, shopkeeper Wang didn't dare to move.

A businessman values ​​​​being friendly and making money. He has not interacted with anyone for decades. Without Bell's protection, he didn't even have the confidence to block a thunderbolt.

"Tell me about 'Thunderball.'"

Bell asked Shopkeeper Wang while guiding the attacking Thunder.

Most of the attacks that affected several people were blocked by Bell's parents and Zhao Youde. And little Shanna, who knew she was in trouble, was also actively helping.

(Sanna: "Dad, Mom, don't block the thunder and lightning! Let me play too!")

Ahem, Bell actually understood that it was because his sister felt that the atmosphere was a little too tense, so she deliberately asked everyone to relax.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Bell believes it anyway!

"Thunder is the top thunder spell, and is as famous as the 'Heaven's Punishment Curse'. Among them, Thunder is a group attack, and Heaven's Punishment is a single attack."

Shopkeeper Wang said anxiously.

"The most advanced thunder spell?"

Bell muttered to himself.

Although there is nothing substantial in Shopkeeper Wang's introduction, it is not helpful to the current situation. But the three words 'top' are enough to explain a lot of problems.

Feeling the blocked space around him, Bell gave up his plan to take his family to escape the scope of the curse.

"Do you have any good suggestions for the current situation?"

When faced with something he doesn't understand, Bell generally doesn't make judgments on his own. So he asked Shopkeeper Wang, the most knowledgeable person here.

If the other party has some easy way to solve the current problem, then it will save him the trouble.

Although judging from Shopkeeper Wang's previous performance, Bell felt that the possibility was very slim. But it doesn’t cost money to ask, so why not?

"No! We are dead!"

Shopkeeper Wang decisively dismissed Bell's unrealistic thoughts.

"Damn it, if you let me know who put the thundering talisman into the box of the primary talisman, I won't let him go even if I'm a ghost!"

Shopkeeper Wang wailed.

"Shopkeeper, you have sorted the boxes for storing the goods yourself. You said before that you were worried about the wage earners, and you also said that not only are they messy, but some of them often have unclean hands and feet."

Handan calmly set things off.

This is where he is the calmest.

"Shut up! Otherwise there will be no food to eat tonight!"

Shopkeeper Wang is so angry! He really wanted to kick this idiot to death.

However, shopkeeper Wang couldn't help but feel sad when he thought that he himself might not be able to eat tonight, and that he might not need to think about eating in the future. If he hadn't cared about the last bit of face, he would have wanted to sit on the ground and cry.

"Sanna, can you control the thunderclouds in the sky?"

Bell looked at his sister.

"No, brother!"

The little girl tried her best to resist the thunder that kept coming, and barely took a few moments to answer her brother's questions.

(Sanna: "Haha~! It's so fun~!")


"it's useless."

Shopkeeper Wang continued to badmouth.

"One of the biggest flaws of the talisman is that if the talisman is not made by oneself, then the user cannot control the spells in the talisman. Because the spiritual power in the talisman belongs to others, not oneself."

"Don't be so pessimistic, brother. Think on the bright side. At least because no one is controlling it, many of the thunders hit uninhabited places. The pressure we face is therefore much less, isn't it?"

Bell comforted.

"Bell! Stop talking nonsense there! Come and help!"

Elena couldn't help but roared angrily.

Now that the front line is in danger, what's there to talk about that brat Bell and that weakling? If you don't come to help quickly, you'll be making sarcastic remarks!

He was still under little pressure. Didn't you see that his father's eyes were almost glowing red? Bell quickly comes and takes his sister back, and the pressure on them will be much less.

While facing the intensive thunder and lightning, while also worrying about whether her little daughter would be injured, Elena felt exhausted both physically and mentally, and she even had two more wrinkles.

"Zanna! Come back here! Go to the back!"

Seeing that Shanna once again ran outside the defensive circle they built in order to catch more thunder and lightning, Elena really wanted to grab her little daughter and spank her hard.

"Uh... Shanna, come here quickly."

Hearing his mother's voice sounding a little angry, Bell quickly called his sister back.

In fact, Bell wasn't worried about Shanna's safety at all. Although Thunderbolt is extremely powerful, as mentioned before, most of the power is wasted when no one is controlling it, so the threat is not as great as imagined.

Although it was impossible for my sister to block all of Thunderbolt's attacks head-on, she still had the ability to resist him for a short while and escape to his side.

Not to mention, Shanna also wears a set of magic props that are even more luxurious than Bell's. Even if the little girl doesn't do anything and just stands there and is struck by lightning, she can last for a long time.

Do you really think that the magic props Bell has worked hard to create over the years are all made of paper?

After hearing her brother's call, although Shanna had not had enough fun, as a good sister who listened to her brother, she immediately returned to her brother's side.

"Zanna, use transformation to assist me later."

Bell touched Shanna's head and warned her.

He could tell that his sister hadn't had enough fun, so as a good brother who doted on her, of course Bell had to find something interesting for his sister to do.

After Shanna nodded happily and agreed, Bell first cast all protections.

He connected his own shield with his parents' shield, sharing some of the pressure between them.

As for Brother Youde who was almost exhausted, Bell didn't pay much attention.

Not to mention that he was not familiar with the opponent's magic power fluctuations, and he had no tacit understanding with the opponent. If you connect your own magic spell with the other party without permission, you might hurt the other party.

Let's just say that the defense system he will build next will also wrap up everyone, so it will be okay if there is no such defense... maybe?

Then, Bell took out the bottle containing 'Thousand Changes'.

After opening the bottle, the thousand changes that surged out formed a huge silver-white sphere under Bell's control, wrapping several people in it.

Finally, Bell stamped his feet on the ground.

Amidst the roar of the earth, tons of soil rolled up and covered the surface of the sphere deformed by the 'Thousand Changes'.

The soil hardened rapidly, resisting the waves of thunder and lightning. Whenever soil peels off somewhere, new soil immediately fills the gap again.

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