The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 193 The Originator of ‘Krypton Money Flow’

In addition to high-level talismans, mid- and low-level talismans do not have no value.

The total amount of spiritual power a person can output instantly is limited. And if the same spiritual power is used to activate middle and low-level talismans, the damage that can be caused is not inferior to that of high-level spells, and may even exceed it.

And this is the fundamental concept of the ‘Krypton Money Flow’ that was briefly popular in the past few years.

‘Since I can’t beat you, then I’ll make money! ’

That period was the happiest time in Shopkeeper Wang's life. Even when he thinks about it now, he can't help but raise the corners of his mouth, showing a sly smile.

However, as if it is an eternal truth in the world, happy days are always short-lived.

Within a few months, the prodigal son of the ‘Krypton Money Flow’ who once appeared like a comet... ahem, the financial owners also left him as quickly as a comet.

As for why the existence time is so short?

That is of course because those prodigal sons were all taken home by their elders, beaten severely and then locked up in a small dark room!

Do you really think mid-level and low-level talismans are free of charge?

‘After so many years, I don’t know if the original group of brothers have been released? I miss them so much. ’

Shopkeeper Wang wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and broke away from the memories of the past. He looked at Bell, fearing that the other party would lose interest in buying the talisman because of Zhao Quede's speech.

Fortunately, Bell did not show similar meaning.

For Bell, although he does not understand the specific situation of the Chinese monk world, he does understand the British magic world.

Although not as popular as Chinese talismans, in history, items such as magic scrolls briefly appeared in the British magic world. However, with the popularity of magic wands, magic scrolls quickly disappeared.

If we extrapolate from this, it is not difficult to imagine the situation Fu Lu is facing now.

However, Bell wanted to buy the talisman not for use, but for research. He wanted to try to see if he could draw parallels and make breakthroughs in other areas.

Following Shopkeeper Wang, several people came to the corner of the store.

The counter here is covered with dust and there is no clerk standing around. On the counter, there are talismans of unknown materials arranged one after another.

These talismans are about the size of a palm, with complex patterns painted on the front. If you look closer, you will find that these patterns are composed of smaller symbols that resemble Chinese characters.

"You idiot! You lazy idiot is slacking off again when I'm not paying attention! Didn't I tell you to clean every counter to be spotless? Why is there so much dust here?"

Shopkeeper Wang tried to resolve the embarrassment by shirking responsibility.

"But, you clearly said..."

"Shut up! If you dare to quibble again, tonight's dinner will be halved!"

Shopkeeper Wang is really becoming more and more dissatisfied with the earth demon race. This damn fool has been eating and living from him, but now he is just letting him take the blame, and he dares to push back and forth! ?

"Ahem. Brother, don't look at these talismans as they are a bit old, but the quality is absolutely guaranteed and they will definitely make a loud noise when thrown out! Just tell me whichever one you like, and I can make the decision and give you a discount."

It was rare to meet a careless foreigner who was willing to buy talismans. Shopkeeper Wang decided that as long as he didn't lose money, he must let the other party buy more, even if it was cheaper.

You know, these talismans are not simple. Each one has witnessed a long period of time. Even if you don’t use it when you buy it back, you won’t lose money if you keep it as an antique!

Bell didn't know where to start. Do these talismans have the same function as firecrackers? Throw it out just to make a noise?

After carefully reading the introductions of various talismans, Bell turned to look at Shopkeeper Wang.

"Brother, to be honest, I am very interested in these talismans. But you also know that this is my first time in China, and I don't understand the power of these talismans.

So look, can you let me try it out? Of course, when the final settlement is made, I will pay together.

Also, are there any related books on making talismans for sale? "

Bell asked.

"If you want to buy books, you can go to Sihai Bookstore. They have all kinds of books there."

Zhao Youde intervened first.

Being overtaken by Zhao Quede, shopkeeper Wang was forced to swallow back the words he was about to blurt out. Originally he was going to say 'yes'.

Just kidding, as long as the money is in place, not to mention a few books, even if his Zhenbao Pavilion is turned into a bookstore starting from today, Wang Defu will not frown.

Although the sale of books is no longer possible, shopkeeper Wang cannot let the sale of talismans in front of him pass.

"Brother, as an elder brother, I have to talk about you. What's the relationship between us? If you want to test the power of the talisman, then go ahead! If you ask me for money again, I will be anxious to you, do you understand?"

Shopkeeper Wang said impassionedly.

‘What’s the relationship between us? It doesn't matter between us! ’

Bell couldn't help but vomited in his heart.

He didn't want to talk to Shopkeeper Wang anymore. He was afraid that if he kept talking, what if Shanna was influenced by the other party and became thick-skinned?

You know, my sister is now at the age when she is most vulnerable to outside influence.

Under the leadership of Shopkeeper Wang, Bell called his parents and followed them to the testing ground in the backyard of Zhenbao Pavilion.

Because some customers often ask to actually test the power of the magic weapon when purchasing it. Therefore, Zhenbao Pavilion specially prepared several training grounds in the backyard to test the power of magic weapons.

"Brother, this is a low-level training ground. You can use the targets in the distance to test the power of low-level talismans. Depending on the color, from light to dark, the maximum damage those targets can withstand is also different."

After exiting the front store hall, shopkeeper Wang led the Bell family into the nearest practice room.

"You idiot, why don't you take out all the talismans in your belly and let Brother Bell test them!"

Shopkeeper Wang kicked Handan in the leg and scolded him.

"Brother, you know, I have never used this kind of target, so I don't know the damage-bearing capacity of these targets. Can I test it by attacking it myself first, so that I can have an idea?"

Bell asked again.


‘Boom~! ’

Before Shopkeeper Wang could finish his words, Bell snapped his fingers, and various types of targets exploded in the distance.

Bell used his own 'ignition spell', which was a by-product of his original research on the immortal flame.

Whether it is the 'Fire Curse' or the 'Explosion Curse', they are both group attack spells. Therefore, they also have the disadvantage of group attack spells, that is, the single attack power is relatively low.

In order to make up for the lack of single-target attack of fire spells, Bell invented the ignition spell.

Based on his experience in developing the Eternal Flame, he changed the nature of the magic power to 'release a large amount of heat to burn the target after contacting it'.

Because it only takes effect after it comes into contact with the target, the ignition spell also has the advantage of being concealed.

Invented at the same time as the ignition spell, there was also the 'freezing spell' that absorbed a large amount of heat after contacting the target.

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