The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 185 Arrival in China

Looking at the Chinese people with yellow skin, dark eyes and black hair walking around, Bell felt very friendly.

But for the person in front of him, who should be a staff member of the Chinese Monk Alliance who came to pick up his family, Bell was a little confused as to what the other person was doing.

After speaking a sentence of fluent Chinglish, the staff member, who seemed to be named Zhao Youde, first wiped the sweat from his forehead that was caused by heat or nervousness. Then, the eldest brother performed Yan Yi in front of the Bell family and in public.

First he was nervous, then he looked like he had stepped on shit, then he started to gnash his teeth, and finally he exuded a sense of sadness that he could not look back on the past. All in all, it’s very confusing!

"Bell, are all Chinese welcome ceremonies so unique?"

William asked strangely. He always felt that something was not quite right.

Before coming here, he had deliberately learned some information about the Chinese country. Although because the Chinese monk community was relatively exclusive, he could not learn much, but he had never heard of such a unique thing. The welcome ceremony.

"Well, I didn't know."

Bell seriously doubted that the guy in front of him had practiced face-changing. Otherwise...he is just a joke.

"Don't you strongly urge to travel to China and Japan? Don't you even know the customs here?"

Bell felt wronged. Although it was indeed him who made the request at the beginning, but... he really understands the customs of China! Is it possible that the customs of China in this world are so different from those in previous lives?

Bell, who felt a little guilty after being asked by his father, decided to be simple and direct.

"Hello, sir, are you okay?"

That's right! Bell can speak Chinese! So if you have any questions, just ask!

As for why you didn’t do this just now? Will he tell others that he was attracted to Zhao Youfu because his appearance was so wonderful?


"You can speak Mandarin!?"

Zhao Youde looked like he had seen a ghost.

How pitiful, he never thought that he could transform from a foreign devil to a brat...cough cough cough!

A little British boy could actually speak Chinese, which was beyond Zhao Youde's imagination.

Is it possible that the quality of education in foreign countries is already so high now? Or is it that before he even knew it, China's influence had become so great that all countries were scrambling to learn Chinese?

"...Yes, do you have any questions?"

Seeing the expression on Zhao Youde's face, Bell was a little unhappy.

If he wasn't in China now and he had something very important to do this time, he would have wanted to take out his wand now.

There should be a limit to being disrespectful, okay?

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I mean, there's no problem. Not only is there no problem, it's great!"

Seeing Bell's expression darken and realizing that his previous performance was very problematic, Zhao Youde apologized sheepishly.

Then, with a somewhat slow response, he realized that this little British boy could speak Chinese? That's great! This way, even if he doesn't speak English, he can still communicate with the family!

"Bell, do you speak Chinese?"

Elena also looked at her son in surprise. Why do you feel like Bale knows everything?

"I've learned some before."

After saying that, Bell felt ashamed. He actually lied to his mother!

You know, he is the one known as the "honest and reliable young gentleman" who never lies!

But it was impossible for him to tell his mother that he actually traveled through time and was a Chinese in his previous life. So no matter how ashamed he is, he can only bear the weight silently...

Just listen to it seriously.

"This...Mr. Zhao Youde?"

Bell turned his attention back to Zhao Youde.

"Yes, yes, I am Zhao Youde, from the International Exchange and Cooperation Department of the Chinese Monk Alliance. If you are not a gentleman, just call me Zhao Youde. That one of yours makes me feel irritated."

Zhao Youde said carelessly.

"Then I'll call you Brother Youde."

"That's good, you little guy, you're quite likable when you talk."

Zhao Youde laughed naively.

"Brother Youde, let me introduce you. My name is Bell Menethil. You can just call me Bell. These three are my sister Shanna, father William and mother Elena."



"What, what that?"

Zhao Youde began to sweat again.

Why do all these names have such strange names? He didn't remember any of them!

Bell discovered that the virtuous elder brother in front of him turned out to be not rude, but really had a bad mind. Probably Neville's type.

In fact, he quite likes this naive type of person. Because it's easy to fool.

"Just remember that my name is Bell. Anyway, you can't speak English, and you can't communicate with my family."

"Okay! Don't worry, I will remember it firmly."

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Zhao Youde found that he liked this little foreigner named Bell more and more.

"Brother Youde, you see it's getting late. Can you take us to the hotel to rest first?"

After looking at the dark sky, Bell suggested.

The family took a flight at around 8 a.m. and flew for 11 hours. Coupled with the time difference between China and the UK, it was already late at night.

"Okay, no problem. Let's go this way."

Under the guidance of Zhao Youde, the Bell family boarded a flying car.

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to your family that I can drive this flying car."

Sitting in the driver's seat, Zhao Youde chatted with Bell happily.

"You don't know, our department only has this flying car. Every day, a group of people apply to use the car, and the schedule has been queued up for several months! This time, in order to receive foreign guests, the department specially approved the flying car to me. .

This speeding car is so comfortable to drive! Stable and fast. Ever since I experienced the feeling of riding a flying car, I never wanted to use my broken flying sword again. Not to mention that it falls easily, and every time it flies, its mouth will be full of sand. "

As he spoke, Zhao Youde twisted his buttocks twice to feel the comfort of the leather seats.

"How are you? Are you comfortable?"

Zhao Youde showed off to Bell with a proud look on his face.

Only then did Bell discover that Zhao Youde was not only a funny guy, but also a talkative funny guy.

But he likes it!

Talkative is great! If he meets someone who doesn't like to talk, how can he get words out of the other person's mouth?

"There are quite a lot of express trains in the UK, so I still take them occasionally."


Zhao Youde's face turned red. He has been showing off here for a long time, and he dares to say that his lover's family is already so developed abroad! ?

"Um...have all the people there already started driving?"

"That's not true. The price of flying cars is still relatively high, so only a small number of rich people can afford to drive them. Most other people still use flying broomsticks.

By the way, do all people in China use flying swords to fly? No flying broomsticks or flying carpets? "

Bell asked.

The purpose of his conversation with Zhao Youde was to trick the other party, not to be tricked by the other party, so it would not work to keep asking the other party questions.

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