The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 171 It’s so fun to chat with Voldemort!

In the next week, apart from spending some time with Hermione every day, Bell spent the rest of his time busy in his suitcase and didn't even go to class.

In this period of panic, not only Bell, but also some other little wizards, cats stay in the dormitory all day and are unwilling to come out.

Professors also expressed their understanding of this. After all, even they don't actually have much time to attend class.

Of course, this does not include Professor Binns, our professor of history of magic who moved the British magic world. The title of the old professor's "first model worker in history" is not in vain!

"Master, you let the target of our surveillance take action."

At 12 o'clock in the evening, Lim suddenly appeared in Bell's dormitory and woke up Bell who was already asleep.


Bell was confused and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"That's the little Gryffindor witch you asked us to monitor before. You told her during the day yesterday that if the other party makes any changes, you should be notified as soon as possible."

Lim said respectfully.

If her young master hadn't specifically ordered it, she wouldn't want to disturb his rest.

Bell remembered. After finishing the preparation work yesterday, he notified Lim immediately and asked her to report the target's whereabouts. Unexpectedly, the other party would take action the next day?

Speaking of this goal, we have to mention Bell’s arrangements after Halloween.

After accepting Professor McGonagall's punishment of confinement, Bell ordered Lim to find the so-called 'Heir of Slytherin'. Although he didn't plan to do anything at the time, it didn't prevent him from grasping the situation. After all, it was useful to be prepared.

In fact, after giving instructions to Lim, Bell had forgotten about this matter.

Although Lim seemed to be swearing, there were still hundreds of young wizards in Hogwarts, and the other party would definitely act with caution. So Bell actually didn't have too many expectations.

The result was unexpected. In less than a week, Lim reported to him that they had found the little wizard who behaved suspiciously.

Bell was very surprised when she learned that the other party was a little Gryffindor witch, or the youngest daughter of the Weasley family - Ginny Weasley.

He didn't know anything about Ginny Weasley, nor did he know why she did such a thing or how she did it. But for Bell, there is no need to know anything in depth, it is enough to know who the other party is.

"But then again, what's wrong with these little brats! Why do they all like to do things late at night? Aren't they sleepy? Don't they think the light at night is bad? Aren't they afraid of myopia!?"

Bell scratched his hair irritably. But obviously, his complaints could not change anything, so in the end, he had no choice but to get up and get dressed and wash up.

"Hey! Girl! Now is not the time for good kids to be hanging out."

Leaning against the door frame of the girls' bathroom, Bell said sleepily.

By the way, why is it the girls’ bathroom again? Bell wondered if he had some connection with the girls' bathroom.

impossible! He is obviously such a serious person!

Hearing the voice from behind, 'Ginny Weasley' slowly turned around and looked at Bell with her lifeless eyes.

Looking at 'Ginny's' dark eyes with no white at all, Bell further verified his guess.

"Is it really being manipulated? Let me ask you, how could a little girl from the Weasley family do such a thing? Then the culprit should be that diary."

Belle turned her attention to the diary in Ginny's hand.

"Who are you?"

A voice without any emotion came from Ginny's mouth.

"I should be the one to ask this question, right?"

"Me? Haha, hahaha~!"

Looking at 'Ginny' who started to get excited for no reason, Bell looked at her as if she was mentally retarded.

However, it is actually understandable that this kind of magic prop that can control the user is obviously a black magic prop. Most of the black magic props are made by dark wizards. As for the dark wizard, everyone knows it, but few are sane.

"Boy, I hate the look in your eyes!"

'Ginny' said viciously.

It's a pity that that cute little face is not intimidating at all.

"Listen, I am the great Dark Lord—Voldemort!

Boy, those house elves spying on me were arranged by you. I came out tonight just to lure you out. "

A black mist floated out from Ginny's head, forming the upper body of a young man above her.

"I have been paying attention to you for a long time, and you are qualified to join my command. So I am merciful and decide to give you a chance. Now, swear allegiance to me, and I can forgive your previous rude behavior."

As soon as he appeared, the young man pulled him like a millionaire and said arrogantly.

Bell let out a long breath. To be honest, Ginny's emotionless voice made him uncomfortable. Now that this young version of Voldemort floated out and spoke, Bell felt much better.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have heard similar words last year?"

Looking at the familiar black mist on Ginny, Bell recalled what happened in the underground room that night last year. What did Voldemort seem to have said to him at that time? It's been so long that I can't remember.

"But to be honest, you are much prettier now than you will be in the future. So what on earth were you thinking to make yourself look that stupid?"

"Have you seen me!? Where did you see me?"

the young version of Voldemort asked in surprise.

"Last year, at Hogwarts."

Bell answered Voldemort's questions seriously. He didn't feel nervous at all

It’s different from last year. On the one hand, the current Bell is far better than himself last year. It is not an exaggeration to say that the difference is huge. On the other hand, the fragment of Voldemort's soul in front of him now is much weaker than the one that possessed Quirrell before.

In fact, it is quite normal when you think about it. There is a 'mosquito spirit' lying on the body of an adult wizard all day long, sucking a few mouthfuls when nothing happens, and a 'mosquito spirit' lying on the body of a little witch who has just turned 11 years old. Obviously the latter absorbs Nothing magical.

Although Bell has not yet begun to deal with the soul aspect, this does not prevent him from being interested in the soul.

As the only known Horcrux maker, there are not many opportunities to observe Voldemort's soul fragments up close like now.

So Bell is not sleepy at all now. Even if he chats with Voldemort until dawn, there will be no problem.

"Then where is he now? What did he do then? Was he successful?"

The young version of Voldemort asked anxiously.

"Unfortunately, I don't know where he is now. Like you, he was possessed by a professor at Hogwarts and occasionally came out to do things at night. He seemed to want to get the money stored in The Philosopher's Stone in Hogwarts, but unfortunately, he failed in the end."

Bell spread his hands and answered Voldemort's question honestly.

After all, if you want the chat to continue, it is important to have questions and answers.

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