The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 169 The petrified little wizards

Because the Quidditch match was about to start, most of the little wizards were concentrated on the journey from the auditorium to the Quidditch field. In other parts of the castle, there are only a few little wizards scattered here and there.

Although Bell couldn't sense the location of the basilisk just now, he sensed that there were several little wizards in a strange state in the direction of the library.

After the second detection, Bell found that those people were still standing in the same place and did not move.

This is very strange. Bell didn't think there would be just a few people standing in the corridor in a daze at the same time. Not to mention, two of them still kept raising their hands and legs.

Considering the places where Penello might go, the answer is self-evident as to where she encountered the danger.

"Senior, did you meet anyone else on the way here?"

Bell asked.

"...Okay, it seems there are? I was too panicked at the time and couldn't observe the surrounding situation very well. But when you tell me, it seems that I did vaguely see a few figures?"

Penello said with some uncertainty. At the same time, she became a little panicked again.

During the second half of the way to the auditorium, due to panic and exhaustion, she actually didn't know whether the earrings gave her a warning at that time.

But she was certain that during the first half of the journey, the earrings had been sending her dangerous signals.

This also meant that, at least for the first half of the journey, the monster had been chasing her. So if there were other people on the way, wouldn't those people be harmed by her? ?

Bell patted Penello's trembling shoulder and comforted: "Don't think too much, senior sister. In any case, it's not your fault. Come with me, at least move them to the campus hospital."


"Don't worry, the basilisk is gone."

After saying that, Bell walked out of the auditorium without looking back.

In desperation, Hermione had no choice but to support Penello and follow him. He ran too fast just now, and now Penello's legs are still weak.

As for Percy, who was lying on the ground and being painted on by his twin brother, he, like his other brother Ron, was completely forgotten by the three of them.

This is really a sad story.

Walking in the corridor of the castle, Bell was thinking about a very serious question as he walked, that is: 'The afternoon outing he planned will not go to waste! ? ’.

By the way, Harry is indeed Harry, his skills are getting more and more unfathomable. The first two times, the problem occurred during the game. This time, the game was skipped. This kid is so terrifying!

Seeing Bell walking in front without saying a word, with a serious expression and heavy steps, Hermione and Penelope, who were already uneasy, became even more nervous.

The two of them didn't even dare to take a breath. Their bodies were tense and they looked around. The slightest sound would make their hair stand on end.

After a while, cold sweat soaked their clothes, and Penello, who was already a little weak, found it difficult to even stand.

If the two of them knew that what Bell was thinking about at this time was actually something that had nothing to do with the current basilisk incident and was off-line, they would probably have a female-female doubles match with tacit understanding?

"Um, what's wrong with you two?"

Bell, who finally noticed something unusual about the two people behind him, turned around and asked in surprise.

"Bell, is it safe now?"

Hermione asked in a low voice. She was afraid that making too much noise would disturb the basilisk hiding in the dark.

Penello also looked at Bell expectantly.

"What? Safe? It's always been safe."

Bell looked at the two women looking left and right in surprise.

"Didn't I tell you before that the basilisk is no longer there? And you two are wearing crisis-sensing earrings. Can't you feel if there is any danger?"

"Then why were you looking so serious just now?"

Hermione asked confused.


Bell's expression became serious again.

The two women swallowed nervously. They had never seen Bell so serious before.

"The weather is so good today. I originally planned to go for an outing to the Black Lake in the afternoon. I wonder if the appearance of the basilisk will affect my outing plan?"


The two women looked at each other, and the atmosphere froze for a moment.

"Go to hell!!!"*2

(╬ ̄ dishes ̄)=○#(#)0(#)#○=( ̄ dishes ̄╬)

Bell suddenly...

"Ahem, it's just a joke (fake). I don't think you two are too nervous. I want to help you relieve your tense nerves. Okay, stop making trouble, it's time to get down to business."

Seeing that the two women wanted to beat him again, Bell hurriedly continued walking towards the crime scene.

After walking for about 10 minutes, the figure of the first victim finally appeared in the eyes of the three people.

Bell looked intently... didn't recognize...

Bell, who suddenly lost his energy, wanted to go back.

there's no way! The basilisk no longer knew where it had gone, and there was nothing Bell could do about these petrified little wizards.

The most important thing is that he only has two acquaintances in Hogwarts, and these two people are still following him.

"What's happening here!?"

Professor McGonagall ran over in a hurry, followed by several little wizards.

It turned out that after the Bells and the three left the auditorium, the little wizard who heard what happened immediately ran to find Professor McGonagall.

(Because the incident happened at the Gryffindor table, the people who heard the conversation at close range were all Gryffindor students.)

Hearing that the basilisk had come out to attack students again, Professor McGonagall rushed over in a hurry without even bothering to understand the specific situation.

"Oh, Professor, you came just in time. I was planning to go back... ahem, I was planning to go back to find you. As you can see, the monster from before came out and attacked people again."

Bell happily greeted Professor McGonagall. This is really like having someone give him a pillow when he feels sleepy. He is worried about who to blame.

Professor McGonagall glanced at the three Bells, then walked forward and examined the petrified little wizard.

Bell curled his lips and planned to take Hermione and Penello away.

Compared to Professor McGonagall, Bell was not worried about the little wizard at all. It wasn't that Bell had a cold nature and didn't care about the life or death of his classmates, but he knew that the little wizard's life was not in danger.

As I said before, Dumbledore's bottom line was not to kill anyone in Hogwarts. Under the premise that he already knew that the basilisk had escaped, Bell didn't believe that Lao Deng really didn't do anything, he just sat back and watched someone do whatever he wanted.

"You three, follow me."

After finally checking the condition of the victims and confirming that there were no accidents, Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief and said to the three Bells.

Bell was extremely reluctant when he heard Professor McGonagall's greeting. However, before he could say anything, Hermione supported Penelo and followed Professor McGonagall without looking back.

‘…You two traitors! ’

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