The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 164 Don’t know what to choose as an elective?

After that quarrel (?), Bell and Hermione's relationship quickly heated up, to the point where they would stick together regardless of time.

If it weren't for the wrong color of their school uniforms, the Gryffindor little lions would almost think they had a new classmate in their house.

Time is quickly approaching the Easter holiday in a warm and sweet way. The long-lost vacation, and also the long-lost place, brought new conflicts to Bell and Hermione.

"Hermione, you really don't need to take all five courses. Let's not talk about Divination. Why do you have to take Muggle Studies?"

Bell couldn't understand it. Hermione was obviously a Muggle, but she still wanted to take Muggle Studies at Hogwarts?

What is the difference between this and a British person going to India to learn English?

Maybe after attending Muggle Studies for a year, Hermione wouldn't even be able to turn on a light when she got home. Muggle lights cannot be activated with a wand.

"Because it will be very interesting to see Muggle things from a wizard's perspective."

Hermione analyzed carefully.

"I'm not sure if you're going to find it funny, but I know that as long as your brain doesn't go crazy, you're going to feel stupid!

I can tell you very responsibly, who is the... professor of Muggle Studies?

Forget it, that doesn't matter.

In short, that professor must not know as much about Muggles as you do. So instead of taking Muggle Studies as an elective, you might as well buy a London Daily News to kill time. "

Bell worked hard to reverse his girlfriend's enigmatic trust in wizards as a group.


"Okay, let's stop being impatient and let's talk about divination."

Bell was tired and didn't want to listen to Hermione's countless mistakes anymore.

"You should choose divination, right? It can predict the future!"

Hermione was dissatisfied with her boyfriend for interrupting her. Muggle studies aside, she wanted to hear what reason Bell planned to use to prevent her from taking divination?

"Whether divination can really predict the future, let's put this aside for now. After all, the debate on this issue has been going on in the magic world for hundreds of thousands of years, and there is still no clear conclusion.

Hermione, have you ever unexpectedly predicted something that will happen in the future before? For example, the scene in the dream when dreaming actually happened in reality after a period of time. Just a similar degree. "

In line with the strict scientific...magic attitude, Bell will confirm with his girlfriend first.

Although he didn't think at all that Hermione, who was born in a Muggle family, could have the blood of a prophet.

And in all his contact with her over such a long period of time, he had never seen any similar signs in Hermione.

"No, and won't everything in the dream be basically forgotten after you wake up?"

Hermione suspected that Bell was deliberately trying to embarrass her.

"That means you don't have the talent for prophecy. And divination is a subject that relies 100% on talent. Without talent, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless."

"How is that possible! If that's the case, why does Hogwarts set up a Divination course for us to take?"

Hermione questioned.

'Who knows? Maybe Lao Deng really wanted to raise his daughter? ’

Of course, Bell was just thinking about these thoughts in his mind. If he dared to speak out, Hermione would not spare him.

You know, Hermione chose to enter Gryffindor House because she admired Dumbledore.

"Listen, Hermione. Even within the wizarding world, divination is one of the most mysterious subjects.

Wizards do not have a unified understanding of the origin of divination.

Some believe that wizards' ability to predict the future comes from the blood of ancient magical creatures.

As I told you before, Parseltongue comes from the bloodline of snake magical creatures. It is an attempt by wizards to merge bloodlines.

Others believe that precognitive abilities come from lost ancient magic texts.

Some wizards use magic to engrav the magic text into their own blood, thus passing it down from generation to generation. The basis for these people's ideas is the existence of natural Legilimency masters and disguised Animagus.

No matter which view you take, the only thing that remains unchanged is that the ability to predict comes from blood and cannot be mastered through acquired learning.

In fact, there are fewer and fewer wizards with prophet blood in the magic world. Currently, there is only one known and confirmed owner of the prophet's bloodline, and that is the previous generation of Dark Lord - Grindelwald. "

(Most people think that Professor Trelawney is a liar. Even Professor McGonagall, a staunch Dumbledore fan, does not believe that Trelawney has the ability to prophesy.)

"So, Bell. Which one do you think is correct?"

Hermione asked curiously. She is now used to her boyfriend often having his own unique views on things, and she also likes Bell sharing his views with her.

‘So aren’t we discussing course selection now? ’

Although he felt that Hermione was guilty of cheating, Bell still satisfied his girlfriend's curiosity.

"I am the third type of person. I don't believe in the so-called predicting the future at all."

"Okay, Hermione, let's continue discussing your course selection."

Stopping Hermione's intention to continue asking questions, Bell brought the topic back.

"So, Hermione, give up the idea of ​​taking Divination as an elective. It is really a waste of time. You should use your time on more meaningful things."

"This...ah! Look, Bell, the weather is nice today!"



He spent a long time co-writing it, but he was playing the piano to others?

Hermione lowered her head in embarrassment. In fact, it wasn't that she didn't believe what Bell said, but she just wanted to give it a try.

Bell also comes from a pure-blood wizarding family. Maybe he has misunderstandings about Muggle studies because he doesn't know much about Muggles?

Maybe she also has the blood of a prophet?

Maybe the ability of divination can actually be mastered through learning, but it's just that the previous wizards didn't work hard enough?

Many times, even though people know that some things cannot be done and it is a waste of time, they just can't get rid of the fluke mentality such as "Maybe I can do it." And now Hermione is being dominated by this kind of luck.


Bell sighed helplessly.

What can he do? He can only choose to forgive! Who said the person in front of him was his girlfriend!

"That's it. Don't rush to choose courses. Let's go to Professor McGonagall and tell her that because you don't know enough about the content of the elective courses, you want to try them out before making a decision. How about that?"

"Would Professor McGonagall allow that?"

Hermione hesitated.

She also thinks her boyfriend's method is good. However, she had never heard that Hogwarts had such an arrangement as an 'audition'.

"Of course, Professor McGonagall is such a gentle person, how could she have the heart to refuse her students' reasonable requests?"

Hearing Bell praise Professor McGonagall, Hermione nodded in agreement.

It is estimated that there is no second young wizard in the entire Hogwarts who would agree with Bell's above statement.

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