The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 162 The dedicated Acromantulas

"La, la, la la~ la~"

Humming a tune she heard somewhere, Shanna jumped up and down and walked towards her brother's bedroom.

The little girl was wearing a windbreaker given by her brother, and she couldn't suppress the happy smile on her face.


Shanna yanked open the door to her brother's bedroom.

‘I wonder if my brother likes the gift I gave him? ’

However, the little girl who opened the door was not able to see her brother at a glance as usual.

Apparently, Shanna underestimated the magnitude of her gift. Losing the restraints of the door, the gift boxes that filled the room immediately fell towards the door, and one box after another hit Shanna.


‘The hurricane roars! ’

Reflexively pulling out her wand, Zannah threw the hurricane spell.

As soon as the spell was cast, Zannah knew it was broken!

She and her mother Elena learned the hurricane spell. In the previous period, which cannot be described to my brother, my mother used the hurricane spell many times, which blew away her group attacks and caused her to suffer a lot.

Therefore, she secretly learned this spell in private, and when she was 'attacked' just now, she subconsciously fought back.

Holding a piece of strange-shaped dough, Bell was observing it carefully.

He was very hesitant. Even though he knew that if his thoughts were known to his sister, the little girl would be very sad and sad, he was still very hesitant. He was hesitating whether to put the piece of dough in his mouth and taste it.

Finally, Bell gritted his teeth and made up his mind. He wants to... secretly use the disappearing spell to destroy the corpse and eliminate traces of it.

However, before Bell could shed tears and cast a spell, a violent hurricane blew towards him from the direction of the door.


‘Protect everything! ’

A translucent shield with a slight golden light stood beside Bell like a city wall.

When the roaring hurricane hits the shield, this seemingly indestructible golden shield is like soft silk. It quickly bends inward with the hurricane's contact point as the center, wrapping all the hurricane generated by magic. inside, and quickly shrunk, finally completely disappearing in mid-air.



Following the passage opened by the hurricane just now, Shanna and Bell looked at each other. For a moment, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

"I'm sorry!"*2

"Hey!? Brother, why do you have to apologize!?"

Little Shanna looked at her brother who lowered his head to apologize in confusion. She was already mentally prepared to be punished by her brother just now.

As a result, not only was her brother not angry because of her missed attack, but he actually apologized to her in return?

Smart little Shanna realized there was something fishy here.

", you're not because of me..."

She originally thought her 'crime' of destroying corpses was discovered by Shanna, so the little girl was so angry that she shot a hurricane curse.

After all, it was a Christmas gift carefully prepared by Shanna for him. Even he himself can't stand his behavior.

But now, Bell discovered that it seemed that was not the case? Then his apology just now was not self-inflicted?

"...Sanna, do you like the gift your brother gave you?"

Bell, who was thinking urgently about how to get through, accidentally caught a glimpse of the small windbreaker that Shanna was wearing.

Not wanting to make his sister sad, he stiffly tried to change the subject.


After carefully observing her brother and finding nothing wrong, the little girl decisively turned the page.

Although Shanna didn't know why her brother apologized to her, she knew exactly what she had just done! So she wished she could treat the scene just now as if it never happened.

And the most important thing is that her brother has already apologized. No matter what the reason is, does she have any other option besides forgiving her brother?

"I have a surprise for Shanna."

Bell said with a smile after catching his sister who rushed towards her.

He suddenly realized that although he didn't know why Shanna suddenly cast a hurricane spell on him just now, judging from the fact that the little girl was able to rush towards him unimpeded, it seemed that the spell was not there. Reasonable?

What poor Bell didn't know at this time was that the Christmas gift his girlfriend Hermione had carefully prepared for him had just been unfortunately torn to pieces by the violent hurricane. He didn't know how much effort he had to put into trying to appease the angry Hermione.

By the way...does this foreshadow something?

"What is it?"

Shanna looked at her brother expectantly.

"Yes...well, just wait."

Looking at the room full of gift boxes, Bell pressed the pause button in embarrassment. He pulled his wand from under his pillow, raised it above his head and turned it around.

‘Shrink quickly! ’

Each 30cm square gift box quickly shrank to the size of a matchbox. They float in mid-air, slowly rotating around the center of the room.

Bell then pointed the wand at the closet, and a black shadow flashed and appeared in his hand.

It was a long hooded windbreaker that was also dark gray. It was almost identical to the one worn by Shanna, except that the style was more men's.

Putting on the windbreaker, Bell and Shanna stood side by side. He waved his hand, causing a full-length mirror to stand in front of the two of them.

"How about it?"

Looking at herself and her brother dressed similarly in the mirror, Shanna was very happy!

“This battle suit was finally made by me using the silk of the Acromantula as the main material, combined with auxiliary materials such as dragon skin, the skeleton of the deep sea monster, and the back shell of the King Crab.

When I was collecting ingredients, I unexpectedly discovered that when the Acromantula's web forms a closed state, it can completely seal off the space. Unless a powerful spell is used that can forcibly break the space, no one, or any creature, can travel through this space.

Therefore, I specially made this battle suit. In addition to its defensive power far exceeding that of ordinary wizard robes, its most important function is to block space. "

(When disapparating, clothes are also the target of spells, so this battle suit will not prevent the wearer from casting such spells.)

Bell spread his left hand, palm upward, and used magic power to form a small ball.

"Now I'm going to use apparation on the air in the magic ball. You watch."

After speaking, the space above Bell's palm was distorted, and the magic ball disappeared. He then pointed at their feet, and the magic ball apparated into the floor.

As Bell dissipated the magic power, a smooth semicircular hollow appeared at the feet of the two of them.

"Brother is so awesome!"

Zannah watched with emotion the devastation caused by her brother's spell. Obviously, ordinary defensive spells cannot block the attack just now.

"It's still far from enough. There are still many problems that have not been solved, such as spell casting speed, attack accuracy and distance, and practicality, etc., and it cannot be used in actual combat at all.

But what I want to say is that because this combat suit can block space, any such space attack cannot directly attack our bodies.

At most, the enemy can only transfer the attack to our body surface through space magic. And in that case, we can resist it through defensive spells. "

Although Bell has never heard of anyone who can use space magic to that extent. But be prepared for everything.

And even in terms of defensive power alone, the new battle suit he made is enough to defend against the spells of elite Aurors or the attacks of Muggles' large-caliber sniper rifles.

As long as it's for Zannah's safety, Bell can do anything!

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