The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 139 Inside the box (Part 2)

After Keersha left, the two continued walking forward.

After seeing many more magical creatures, the two finally walked to the door of the training room.

Opening the door, Hermione saw the empty training room.

Contrary to imagination, in Hermione's perception, shouldn't the training room be like a Muggle gym, filled with all kinds of training equipment? Why is there nothing in Bell's training room?

After following Bell into the training room, Hermione looked around curiously, waiting for Bell to explain to her.

"This training room is for basic training, including Bludger training and Golden Snitch training."

As he spoke, Bell pointed at several boxes in the corner with his wand.

The box opened, and countless Bludgers and Golden Snitches flew out.

After the rapid growth last year, Bell is completely different from what it used to be. From 50 coins before enrollment, the number has quickly increased to 200 coins now.

Not only that, while training on the Bludger, he was also training on the Golden Snitch at the same time.

50 golden snitches were wandering in the sky, and Bell would always use the obstacle spell cast without a wand to shoot them down while blocking and dodging.

Looking at the Bludgers and the Golden Snitch flying all over the sky, Hermione couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise.

She just learned for the first time today that Quidditch can still be played like this! ?

Listening to the constant 'bang bang' sounds coming from where Bell was standing, and looking at the two kinds of balls that left a trail of afterimages, Hermione felt a tremor just standing in the rest area.

She really couldn't imagine what kind of pressure Bell, standing at the center of this storm, was feeling. How could he resist all this?

After a brief demonstration for Hermione, Bell put all the balls away. After all, he was not here for training, just to give Hermione a more intuitive understanding of the training content.

"Bell, you said you do this kind of training every morning!?"

Hermione looked at Bell in disbelief. Even though the facts were right in front of her, she still felt unbelievable.

"This is only half, the other half is in that training room over there. Come with me."

The two came to the outside of another training room.

As the door opened, Hermione discovered that this training room was completely different from the previous one.

The area of ​​this training room is very huge. Hermione almost thought she had arrived at some famous tourist attraction.

Not only are there lakes, mountains, woods, Gobi, deserts, snowfields and other natural scenery here, Hermione even saw a huge city in the distance! It was really hard for her to connect this place with the so-called training room.

"Bell, are you sure this is not for tourism?"

Hermione looked at Belle suspiciously.

"Of course. And don't go in."

Bell held Hermione back as she wanted to move forward.

"Once you cross the boundary of the lounge, you will be randomly teleported to any place inside. In that case, I can't guarantee that I will be able to bring you out safely."

"A variety of environments are simulated here, allowing me to adapt to fighting in various situations. It is also full of magic stone statues and magic traps. And these are all arranged by house elves, even I I don’t know how many stone statues and traps there are inside.”

Today's actual combat training is no longer the same kind of ring combat as before.

In order to make the so-called "actual combat" worthy of its name, Bell spent a lot of energy and gold galleons to finally create this place.

Just the aftermath that needs to be done after each day's training requires three house elves including Kelsha to be busy for half a day. Not to mention the layout of traps and the upgrade of stone statues. The Bell family even has a dedicated team of house elves who are responsible for these things every day.

"Because it's too troublesome, I won't show it to you today. I'll talk about it later when I have the chance."

After leaving the training room, Hermione still felt a little dazed. But she soon regained her composure.

Bell told her many times that she was an outstanding little witch. In fact, she was number one in her grade.

So Hermione believed that even if she couldn't become as powerful as Bell, she could at least shorten the gap between the two.

Hermione had always been eager to catch up with Bell. And now that the relationship between the two has changed, this desire is becoming stronger and stronger.

She didn't want to be abandoned by Bell because she was too weak in the future.

"Bell, can I do these drills too?"

Fighting spirit burned in Hermione's eyes.



The fighting spirit quickly extinguished in Hermione's eyes.

"Uh, no, that's not what I meant."

Looking at Hermione who turned gray, Bell quickly explained.

"I mean, these training programs are not suitable for you now. You need to conduct a certain degree of basic training first."

"But didn't you say that these are basic training?"

There was a resurgence of fighting spirit in Hermione's eyes.

"These are the basics for me, not you."

Just kidding, even my own Shanna, who started practicing magic control at the age of 3 and gradually started training at the age of 6, is still undergoing basic training in version 1.0.

And Hermione, who had no foundation, actually planned to conduct version 2.0 training as soon as she started?

Even if Hermione was older than Zannah, Bell could guarantee that she wouldn't be able to hold on for even 10 seconds.

"So what do I need to do?"

Hermione asked eagerly.



After taking the box that Bell handed to her, Hermione opened it and found that there was a rag doll inside? Fortunately, she thought it would be some super powerful magic item or something.

Although this doll was very delicate and cute, Hermione felt like she couldn't put it down after seeing it for the first time. But what does this have to do with training?

"That's right, it's a rag doll. By the way, this is really just an ordinary rag doll, without any additional mechanisms or magic."

Watching Hermione play with the doll over and over, even taking off its clothes to study. In order to prevent his girlfriend from dismantling the doll at the next moment, Bell quickly dispelled Hermione's unreliable suspicions.

As for why Bell carries a rag doll with him?

Of course it couldn't have been given to him by Shanna.

If it was a gift from Shanna, how could Bell be willing to give it away? Even if that person is his girlfriend, there is no need to talk about it.

So, this was actually a birthday gift that Bell had bought for Shanna. But then he thought of another better gift, so he kept the doll.

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