The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 137 But the girlfriend is Hermione

Bell, who had a girlfriend for the first time, really didn't know what to do next except that he was very excited.

Hermione, who also had a boyfriend for the first time, was not as good as Bell.

After a period of silence, Bell felt that he could not let such a monumental day pass like this in the Gryffindor common room.

After thinking for a while, Bell thought of a good place.

"Hermione, follow me."

Bell suddenly stood up and pulled Hermione out of the lounge.

Hermione, who was immersed in the warmth, was caught off guard by Bell's behavior.

While she was passively being pulled away by Bell, she asked doubtfully: "Where are we going?"

"You'll know when the time comes."

The two of them walked out of the Gryffindor common room hand in hand, leaving behind them a lot of noise and chaos.

("Look! We must find that hateful (cute) Ravenclaw (kitten)!")

Walking in the castle, it was obvious that she had seen the scenery for more than a year, but in Hermione's eyes now, everything seemed so fresh and beautiful, as if she was seeing it for the first time today.

"Bell, are we going to the Ravenclaw common room?"

After entering the tower on the west side of the castle, looking at the stairs in front of her, Hermione felt that she already knew where her destination was.

"You can say yes and no."

‘So is it yes or no? ’

Hermione felt her teeth itch.

She found that Bell was still the same Bell, no matter what he said or did, he was still so irritating.

Did she think that before, she thought Bell was super handsome?

That must be because she hasn't slept well in the past few days, causing her to be in a trance!

Soon, Bell led Hermione into the Ravenclaw common room, and then walked straight to his dormitory.

"Bell? That's the boys' dormitory over there!"

Hermione exclaimed and tried to stop.

Although Hermione had heard that they had entered the boys' dormitory area when she was listening to the chats of her roommates, and at that time she didn't think it was a big deal to enter the boys' dormitory area.

But, isn't this with Bell now?

Hermione felt like she needed to be more reserved?

"Of course I know that the boys' dormitory is over there. Don't worry, girls will not be hindered in any way when entering the boys' dormitory."

Bell said casually, pulling Hermione forward without stopping.


"Don't worry, don't worry, our destination is not the boys' dormitory."

Hermione, who was full of doubts, finally followed Bell into his dormitory. Everyone along the way seemed like they couldn't see the two of them, and even took the initiative to avoid them and make way for them.

Hermione knew that this must be another effect of the spell cast by Bell.

I wonder when she can catch up with Bell a little bit?

As Hermione watched, Bell took out a suitcase from the wardrobe.

Bell placed the suitcase on the bed, activated the protective charm on the suitcase, and jumped into the open suitcase.

Hermione watched in surprise as Bell disappeared into the box.

Although she had long known that Bell's suitcase had been enchanted, the space inside was far greater than what it appeared on the outside.

But she had never thought that a living person could be allowed in?

Just when Hermione was in a daze, a hand suddenly stretched out from the box and waved towards her.

"Come on down, Hermione. I'll show you something good."

Bell's voice interrupted Hermione's daze. Before she walked towards it, she first looked into the suitcase. What appeared in front of her was a ladder, and there seemed to be a room below?

Going down the ladder, Bell was standing below waiting for her.

The place where the two of them are now is a small closed room with many beautiful patterns on the walls around the room.

"Be careful not to touch the wall at will. The patterns on it are hidden magic words. If you touch it at will, the magic trap on it will be triggered."

Bell said dangerous things casually.

Hermione, who was about to take a closer look at the beautiful patterns on the wall, was frightened and took two steps back.

She almost touched it with her hands just now.

"Wait a mininute."

After saying that, Bell stood in the center of the room. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at the magic text on the wall, chanting spells in his mouth.

As Bell's wand moves slowly, the magic text in the direction pointed by the tip of his wand will light up and separate from the wall.

When Bell's wand rotated in a circle, all the magic writing on the wall fell off and gathered on top of Bell's head, forming a round ball.

"Hermione, come here. Inject your magic here. It doesn't need to be too much, just a little."

Bell controlled the ball composed of magic words to float in the palm of his hand, pointed at the top of the ball and said to Hermione.

Hermione saw a circle symbol on the top of the ball. Looking into the circle, you can see that the inside of the ball is filled with blue light.

She followed her instructions and pointed her wand at the top of the ball, injecting her magic power into it.

After a burst of light, the ball returned to calm.

Then, Bell raised the ball over his head again. The tiny magic words were peeled off the ball one by one, flying around Bell and back to the wall.

In the end, everything returned to how it was when the two first entered, as if nothing had happened.

"Okay, then you can open the door here in the future."

Bell pointed to a door not far away and said.

"Bell, what was the spell you just recited? Why can't I understand it at all?"

Hermione asked confused.

"Those are ancient runes, which are the runes engraved on the walls. Students at Hogwarts will not be exposed to ancient runes in elective courses until their third year, and you will understand them by then. "

"Can you teach me? Bell."

The impatient Hermione obviously didn't want to wait until a year later to start learning the knowledge of ancient runes. She thought she had to hurry up. Otherwise, God knows when will she see Bell's back?

"Of course. But Hermione, you are not suitable for studying now. You still need more time to solidify your foundation."

Although Hermione is very diligent and studious, even Bell is ashamed of herself. But her exposure to magic was still too short after all.

It was only after Bell had studied for nearly three years that he came into contact with the basic knowledge of ancient magic texts.

"All right……"

Hermione was a little disappointed. But she believed in Bell. Since Bell thought her foundation was not strong enough, he must have a reason.

"Okay, this is not a good place to chat. Come in, and I will introduce you to my 'Scamander's Suitcase'. There is a lot of space inside, so don't be scared."

With that said, Bell opened the door and walked out first.

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