The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 135 It’s almost time to know who the heroine is, right?

Hermione would never allow herself to go out and meet Belle the way she was now. Not to mention that Fina bit her, even if Bell rushed in and bit her, she would never compromise.

"Okay, just one hour. I'll wait for you outside. Bye."

After saying that, Bell cut off the supply of magic power and lifted the curse.

After a while, Fina ran out.

The little guy first looked around in confusion, and then he sensed the magic wave specially emitted by his master.


Fina jumped into her master's arms, acting coquettishly and begging for comfort and reward.

"Okay, okay, I know, thank you for your hard work."

While comforting Fina, Bell took out some spider leg meat and fed it to Fina.

The previous curse actually placed a greater burden on Fina.

After all, the little guy's vocal organ is different from that of humans. Even with the help of magic, Fina's throat will feel uncomfortable if she talks for a long time.

This is one of the reasons why Bell never uses this spell.

Sitting on the sofa in the corner of the lounge, Bell set up a few barriers and then watched the busy scene in front of him leisurely.

If you didn't know this, you would have thought that Gryffindor House was undergoing general cleaning.

Hopefully they won't put too much of a burden on the house elves.

One hour is not a short time, but it is not that long. At least Bell didn't think it took long before he saw Hermione coming out.

Today, the little witch was unusually not wearing a school uniform, but was wearing a long black skirt.

The hem and placket of the long skirt are dotted with some lace, making the overall look simple and elegant.

Coupled with Hermione's neatly combed brown-red hair and the accessories Bell had given her before, Bell actually felt like her eyes were shining brightly.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Bell saw Hermione wearing private clothes.

Usually in Hogwarts, even on weekends, the little witch always wears school uniform.

And he seems to have never seen Hermione outside of Hogwarts?

Hermione used all her strength to force herself into the lounge.

In fact, she also knew that she could not avoid Bell forever. And she had absolutely no reason to avoid Bell.

Therefore, after knowing that Bell came to see her, Hermione agreed to come out to see him.

As for whether Fina would bite her or something, it sounded like Bell was trying to scare her. Can't you take it seriously...?

In short, Hermione mustered up the courage and decided to bring things to an end today!

As for what happened?

How could she know!

With an uneasy feeling, Hermione looked around the lounge.


'Why! ? Why isn't Belle here? ? Did he cheat on me? ? ’

Hermione couldn't describe how she felt at this moment. Her mind went blank, and she felt like everything no longer mattered.

Is this what people often say about a dead heart?

Hermione didn't know, she didn't know anything. The only thing she wants to do now is to leave here, leave...

A sudden pull pulled Hermione flying towards a corner of the lounge.

Hermione felt as if she had passed through a membrane. In the originally empty corner, Bell was sitting on the sofa holding Fina and looking at her.

"What are you thinking about?"

Bell looked at the little witch with blank eyes strangely. Sure enough, is Hermione under some kind of curse?


"Belle~! Go to hell!"

Hermione bared her teeth and lunged at Bell. She didn't know how to describe her current mood.

Happy, excited, sad, angry, all kinds of emotions were mixed together, making Hermione's little head confused.

So, she simply put everything aside and didn't want to think about anything.

"Come and die together!"

"Huh~? I don't want it."

Bell waved his wand with a look of disgust, used a full body binding spell, restrained Hermione, and controlled her to sit next to him.

"My sister is waiting for me to video chat with her at night, so how can I fall here!"

Saying handsome words that were not handsome at all, Bell threw Fina on the table, indicating that the little one could go play by himself.

Standing up, Bell looked down at Hermione.

He held the wand in his right hand and stood ready, while his left hand gently placed it on Hermione's head to check Hermione's condition.

Hermione looked at Bell nervously, wondering what he wanted to do?

The little witch couldn't even remember the last time she saw Bell showing such a serious expression.

So he is really angry!

In fact, if you think about it seriously, she, who thinks Bell won't be angry, is the one who is the most outrageous?

Closing her eyes tightly, Hermione mentally prepared herself for the punishment. The little witch only hoped that Belle could forgive her after punishing her.

Looking down at Hermione with her eyes closed, Bell's expression gradually changed from serious to more and more strange.

In his perception, there was no trace of a curse being placed on Hermione's body. Even the only trace of magic was the full-body binding spell he cast on the other party. This meant that Hermione hadn't used the magic in her body for at least 2 or 3 days.

At Hogwarts, even the laziest little wizard needs to mobilize his magic during the weekly Transfiguration and Charms classes.

As a diligent little witch, Hermione used to mobilize her magic power frequently every day.

So, what happened to the other party?

And since Hermione was not controlled, why did she want to die with him as soon as they met?

Knowing that Hermione was fine, at least he couldn't find anything wrong with her, Bell released the full-body binding spell on Hermione.

He decided to ask Hermione directly, what happened these days? Why does she keep hiding from herself?


By the way, he should have released the whole-body binding spell, right? Why was Hermione still so tense and motionless?

"Ah? Is it over already?"

Hermione asked confused.

She felt no pain at all! How come the punishment is over?

"Well, it's over. There are no signs of a curse being placed on your body."

Bell replied nonchalantly.

"But, Hermione, if you are not under the curse, why have you been avoiding me? I sent you a message and there was no reply. So what happened?"


Hermione looked away silently.

It wasn't that she didn't want to answer Bell's question. Seeing Bell worrying about her so much, the little witch couldn't be happier.

But the problem is, she really doesn't know what's wrong with her! So she didn't know how to answer Bell's question.

"Hermione? Are you uncomfortable in any way? You are talking!"

Bell asked anxiously.

If Hermione didn't say anything, he might have to use Legilimency.

If possible, Bell wouldn't want to do that to his friends.

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